
Interesting facts about bees

Interesting facts about bees and honey for children: short + video.

Бджоли – вічні трудівники, insect with amazing vnutrishnokolektyvnoyu organization.

for 50 thousand years no insect has not learned to play action bees: Harvesting honey, construction of hives, interaction with man.

Let us now learn some interesting facts about bees and honey on.

  1. Who are the bees, and as is well-known honey?
  2. Стільники – ідеальна геометрична фігура
  3. Some interesting facts about bees
  4. Honey-counterfeiting, or interesting facts about fake
  5. Poison honey
  6. Myths and interesting facts about honey

Who are the bees, and as is well-known honey?

Did you know, that bees exist on this planet longer than humans? They are ahead of the current civilization fifty thousand years!

Perhaps, primitive people were already familiar with honey and liked it as much, as the current generation.

Ancient doctors used to treat seriously ill treat and included it into the cosmetics for young Pharaohs.

Proof of this is the book, been written about 3,5 th. years ago.

It describes methods for treating lung diseases honey, Eye and skin.

Described the study of the effect of honey not only on the child's body, but also for adults.

In eastern Spain on cave walls painted bee, which collects honey. There is nothing surprising in this, but the images are 15 th. years.

Awesomeness honey is not only in its structure, but in the way of its collection and storage of natural.

Worker bees know exactly its purpose and are so medosbor, like hundreds of years ago: build nests, filled cells, sealed cell and try to keep the product.

Бджоли – комахи, belonging to the order Hymenoptera. Scientists count over 20 species of bees, and half of them swarming, who live quietly in apiaries.

Industrious insects can be found on all continents, except Antarctica Cold. They feed on insects nectar, which derive their energy, and pollen for protein.

Стільники – ідеальна геометрична фігура

Найдивовижніша можливість бджіл – the construction of cells. They have the shape of a hexagon, and each cell is additionally equipped with triangular head, and 1 quarter. m. hundred such centers account for more than 8 th. pcs.

In such ideal level cell industrious insects up Pergamum,, pollen and honey, use them for breeding offspring.

Comb, depending on their color and contains from collecting region 40 to 100% wax no chemical additives.

Drawing attention to the issue honeycomb, scientist Charles Darwin was convinced, only limited people can examine hundreds amazing shape as a simple phenomenon.

Some mathematicians say, bees rishyly challenge: with a minimum amount of effort and consumables capacious design created to store the maximum amount of honey and other substances.

Some interesting facts about bees

Industrious insects instinct controls, which at first fragrance bloom pushes them to exhausting medosbor.

Pledged centuries in genetic memory device insect hive hundred and even in nature does not change ever. З першою зеленню – в поле, forest, flower!

  1. apiarist, napuskayuchy smoke into the hive, not soothes insect, and simulating fire. The point is, what, feeling the odor of burning, honey bees tend to, them to stock up on a long journey. After all, if a fire, you need to quickly fly! The abdomen is filled with delicacies, no longer bend, and the insect is unable to resort to sharp sting. Then quietly beekeeper extracts honey from the hive frames.
  2. Over 150 small insect collection 30 grams of honey (and this is 2 Article. spoons) forced to fly over 1 day, while the sun shines. Note, that the same number of bees needed for receiving and processing the nectar to the hive, and the third group ventilates the room, the moisture evaporated from the nectar faster.
  3. extraction 1 kg of honey bee makes about group 4,5 th. missions and collects nectar 10 million colors (1 кг нектару – це 0,5 kg of honey). So, a better family day can collect to 5-10 kg of honey, скільки потрібно вильотів – легко підрахувати.
  4. Flying a distance of 8 km from the hive, insect unerringly finds the way back. Long flights are not going to benefit any insect, тому максимальний радіус польоту – 2-3 km, a useful range flight to collect honey. The aroma of flowering plants buds bees catch on 1 km.
  5. Study bees bumblebee close relative proved, that with such weight and body structure, he just can not fly. But flies!
  6. Bees are able to communicate with each other, but it does not use the language and not sound, and body movements and pheromones, because insects are extremely developed sense of smell.
  7. 1 industrious insect during 1 departure brings 50 g sweet nectar. During the flight powered by a bee, bearing, and if the hive is far, then the cells fall 30-40% cargo.

Noteworthy, that bees are very strong. Their little body shorstkuvate, allowing you to hold and carry loads vazhezni, three hundred times the mass of bees cells. For example, Horse pulling luggage, equal to its weight.

In winter, the old bee, which has outlived its age, Just die in houses.

But in summer, feeling weak, they fly away from the swarm, to die in the wild.

Honey-counterfeiting, or interesting facts about fake

In the world there are no analogues of honey. So, Food production can produce a weak semblance of honey dyes, fructose and sucrose, sometimes add juice of watermelon or cantaloupe.

Inexperienced people can not guess, before him fake.

Useful properties counterfeit zero, they can be compared usefully sugar or condensed milk.

In China, mainly because of the huge population and poor medical environment and love can create analogs.

So, to increase medosbora bees fed with sweet water, that hurts the insects, and composition of honey.

But this product, many countries rejected, simply prohibiting its import overseas Chinese.

Poison honey

There are toxic in nature and, drunk or toxic honey. He appears as a result of, insects that collect pollen from plants harmful to humans.

Do not worry, такі ласощі – велика рідкість, and eat it in 1 take at least once 50 gram.

Call him drunk because, that the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea, vomit.
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Rising temperatures.
  • dilated pupils.

Insects drunk collect honey from these plants, as azalea, Some types of heather, Marsh.

Myths and interesting facts about honey

Sometimes, with the simplest products related interesting facts and myths, і мед – одне з таких ласощів.

Honey has never been a product of poor or rich, because hives and apiary located everywhere, and seasonal medosbora missed by all.

Honey has a unique composition, where the bacteria do not survive.

To begin with, the word "honey" has Jewish roots, and translated it as magic or magic spell.

Sweet treats helps in the treatment of lung diseases, liver, intoxication, and some varieties of honey recommend eating people, who received a large dose of radiation.

До того ж ласощі – чудовий засіб від банального hangover. If the morning after a holiday or weekend headache, toast with honey or a glass of honey water to help excrete the remains of alcohol.

proved, that regular consumption of honey helps to live longer. Example, ancient physician Hippocrates eat honey every day and lived over 100 years.

It happened in those days, when there were no antibiotics, minimal understanding of hygiene, and life expectancy rarely exceeded 40-50 years.

And during World War II wounds treated with bee products, because the drug was very little.

After treatment, the wound did not heal and hnoyilysya, leaves, honey helped many soldiers to survive the worst war.

Today honey, used to train astronauts.

Yes Yes, treat future pilots give the required number of nutrients and vitamins, needed for a comfortable stay in a space ship.

Unravel the secret of this impact has not yet been any scientist.

Подимитися коментарі

  • good fact, but the worst translation I've ever seen! Sjoe! Dit was beslis nie 'n Afrikaans-sprekende persoon wat hierdie artikel geskryf of vertaal het nie. Please get help?

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