
Why bees belong to insects

Why bees are insects

Why bees belong to insects. facts.

Although this banal question, but it often occurs, since this is the reason.

This creature, which ant, very different from other family members in the class.

These useful insects have similar properties.

They are social creatures, that used to live in society or more, ensuring the existence of not only themselves, but the whole family, as is common in people.

Of course, bees have many characteristics, which they associated with his class.

  1. Signs
  2. Do ordinary bee

These are signs, how:

  1. The presence of six limbs.
  2. Shell body is built from chitin or specific polysaccharide substance, used only in the world of insects.
  3. The presence of wings on the type of arthropods.
  4. The same system of internal organs, as in other insects.

Do ordinary bee, or a special form of life, has no explanation?

The thing unique organization of these insects. They have a clear hierarchy of rank or responsibility in the hive, have their own language, are to self-sufficiency, not just set up an organization, a very complex organism or system, all riddles which has not yet been solved.

Something similar is observed in ants.

Man is only available, externally or on the surface, but inside there is something secret, mysterious.

That bee, although considered arthropods, Some fans out in a special group.

in addition, in interesting bee breeding system. Essentially, there is a hierarchy of insects, and when they decided birth, of whom will, who perform duties.

This is fundamentally different from life, example, beetles or grasshoppers, where every man for himself and decides only sustenance.

Of course, One can argue about the place in the classification of bees, but the fact remains.

This is not a new creature or individual classes, and the same insects, but with a much greater number of features, problems in content and great benefits.

So do not think about their place in the, and just need to keep them and help them in development.

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