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трутеньDrone honeybee: method of reproduction, role.

Warehouse full of bees – uterus, worker bees and drones. Last are males in the Union. large drones, strong, with powerful wings of insects.

Special signs, allowing them to accurately identify bees, can be considered a pair of huge compound eyes, located on the sides of the head and crown nearly converge on.

In the best vision drones, They fly fast and noisy, perfectly oriented in space. From the human point of view drones – first idlers and parasites. Insects do not really busy working in the hive. All worker bees do.

But blame insects stupid vices. Drones simply are not able to work, so they created nature. Male half can not feed the brood, build cells due to lack of appropriate glands.

Work on medosbora, bring pollen they also fail – no basket, brush on legs, proboscis is too small, to collect nectar from flowers. Moreover, males alone can not reach the sealed honey stocks, mouthparts device prevents the cap rozhryzty.

In the hive of worker bees fed honey and pollen own blanks. The guards and defenders of any drones. The look convincingly individuals, but they do not sting, and thus poison.

When enemies attack the hive, no insect protected. And as they have absolutely no soldiers. Daily care drones – eating large quantities of honey.

Why colony agreed to keep parasites at? because, they need in their own. Their main task – insemination of sows, which naturally means of procreation, survival of species.

For one of the bees willing to settle for any inconvenience, associated with the presence of drones.

  1. Birth drones
  2. The main duty
  3. Drones and beekeeping
  4. End of drones
  5. Video

Birth drones

Method of reproduction, that all bees are born, called parthenogenesis. It consists in the, that any delayed queen egg development gives adults. трутневий розплід

It can be as fertilized eggs, including vyvedutsya working individuals or uterus, and nezaplidneni, of which only drones are born.

Fathers are no drones in, in the genetic sense inclinations they inherit only from the mother and maternal throughout.

In turn, they may be parents of daughters only, handing them their genes along with the uterus. In females always two parent.

So, to breed and quality drone affects blood of his grandfather, father, mother.

Output drones in bee colonies begins around May, lasts all summer, ends after the main trick. The uterus starts laying eggs at presence of the drone in the hive of worker bees new vyvidka.

She chooses large pockets below the cell. From eggs to larvae is 3 days. Brood is grown individuals working. Interesting: which hierarchy bdzholosim'yi.

Initially the larvae feed on milk, They were then transferred to a coarse meal, mixture of honey and pollen.

On 6 day closed cell, special convex (humpbacked) krishechkami, that is the hallmark of drone brood.

On 15 the day after the event appear fully formed drones. Full development cycle is male 24 days.

Fly from the nest, males begin to 6-8 day after birth, to conjugal ready in flight 10-14 days. Adults differ a great appetite.

When flying insects consume a lot of energy, replenish and relax you return to the hive, but not always in your. Male bdzholosim'yi not attached to the house and can leave it for a more comfortable habitat.

drone – cosmopolitans, ie, can fly into at any hive without interference. Summer health of any hive freely admits he has all males, and there they give a warm welcome. Particularly pleased drones families, with young females and bezmatochni.

The main duty of drones

Drones do not distinguish between the uterus and can impregnate any, Search for females can cover long distances. The act of mating is possible in clear weather is warm and there he is in the air.

спарювання матки с трутнемNature has endowed males highly developed olfactory. This they quickly find the uterus by a specific smell pheromones.

Excellent vision allows drones immediately identify the purpose of the air, Only when the female flies from the hive to the mating flight. Within seconds of her surrounded by hundreds and thousands of potential candidates for the title of father.

But fertilizes the female only one drone, which reaches its first. Such individuals may be several. When mating they die. These would-be gentlemen returned to the hive and wait for the next opportunity to try their luck, but with another friend.

Drones and beekeeping

In any family will always bee drones. Attempts to get rid of them as part of the colony, not bringing visible benefits, doomed to failure. Artificial control the number of drone hundred and significant reduction of drones in the hive apiary make more productive.

Bees at the level of instincts “know” about the number of males, what they need, so stick to that meaning they will at any cost. If the following suffer medosbor – to blame only the beekeeper. половозрілий трутень

in addition, full family (of drones) are working actively on medosbora. The absence of the male population leads to a noticeable drop in energy Bee, apathy and lethargy.

Left without males in the most important moment, during the breeding season, family of bees can feel full biological organism. If grossly violated the natural order produced thousands, then the performance may not speak hive.

Drones always displayed, even if the family develops quietly and is not expected her swarming. Bees are willing to keep males at a loss, but be available in the near strategically important for the development of potential parent colony.

Example, in case, If the queen dies, and the need to raise new rise. Besides, for insects is always a chance to strengthen family, using unrelated mating.

Read more: The life expectancy of bees. The birth of a large number of drones in the hive marked with the old queen and the barren womb-trutivkoyu.

The reason is not fertility may be bad climatic conditions during the mating flight of the uterus or a small number of strong healthy males in the area of ​​the hive.

Drone, born of small uterine otrutnivshoyi, and although they can produce offspring, apiary for this option undesirable.

To increase the probability of mating females with high-quality manufacturers need to boost the output of drones in families with high performance. Several frames with drone honeycombs spring well solve the problem.

End of drones

Drone was living, just 1,5 – 3 months. Although the maximum possible duration of their life, as in winter bees, is 6 months.

мертві трутніWith the end modozboru, when the family stops growing uterus, urgent need for cholovichoy presence in the hive disappears.

Free feed stocks naturally becomes less, and, preparing for hibernation, food waste now useless bees will not. Males, not necessary colony, waiting for death from hunger and cold.

At first they refused to feed, then put on the street. Since most persistent, that will try to go back to the hive warm, rather violently tackles security.

The rest flew away in an attempt to find a family problem, The remaining productive without a uterus and ready to accept them.


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