May affairs in the garden: tips for increasing productivity
Since ancient times, people have believed that, that the yield and health of plants largely depend not only on proper care, and from the phase of the Moon. That is why it is important to choose the right dates for spring work in the garden. There are days, which are ideal for sowing and planting plants. However, there are dates, when it is not recommended to work in the garden at all.
May is a month of active work. It is at this time that vegetables are usually planted, flowers, tree seedlings, and also arrange trees and bushes. Before this, it is worth looking at the sowing calendar for May 2023, to know, when it is better to start work and what exactly can be done to improve productivity.
The name of the culture | May |
greenery, salad | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
cucumbers | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
tomatoes,Physalis | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
eggplant | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
pepper | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
zucchini, squashes, pumpkins | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
radish, radish, daikon | 7-10,13,14,18 |
potato, artichoke, fits | 7-10,13,14,18 |
carrot, beet | 7-10,13,14,18 |
onion | 7-10,13,14,18 |
bean, peas, beans | 7-10,13,14,18 |
cauliflower, white-headed, | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
parsley and celery root | 1, 2, 12-15, 19-20, 23-24, 27-28 |
strawberries, strawberry | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
flowers from seeds | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
wood, brush | 1, 3,4,20-24,27-30 |
Care and sowing: advice from professionals
Days are considered optimal for sowing, when are the days of the week, the phase of the Moon and the lunar day are most filled with energy. That is why most owners, follow the recommendations, specified in the sowing calendar.
exept this, every type of work, which must be completed in May, is different. Namely:
- planting seedlings. Tomato seedlings should be planted in May, eggplants, pepper and cabbage. You can also plant flowers. If work is planned in a greenhouse, then additional preparation is unnecessary. However, if planting is carried out immediately on the site, it is necessary to cover it at night, because during this period the air temperature drops significantly. So that vegetables adapt to weather changes, for 7-10 days before transplanting, they need to be taken outside every day;
- sowing in open ground. It is recommended to plant peas in May, beet, carrots, radish, onions, garlic, bean, salad. However, it is worth considering the temperature. If the first week of May is cold, crops should be moved closer to 10-15 May. At the end of the month, you need to plant more heat-loving crops, such as corn, cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini;
- weeding and weeding. May is a favorable month for growing not only vegetables, and weeds. Therefore, at this time, it is worth focusing on weeding. This work can be combined with flipping, to protect the roots of planted plants from frost;
- soil loosening. During May, it is necessary to loosen the soil several times, removing weeds. In this way, it will be possible to improve the access of oxygen to the roots. Special attention should be paid to strawberries, however, loosening should be done carefully, so as not to damage the whiskers of the plant;
- propagation of bushes. In this month, berry bushes should be propagated: gooseberry, raspberries and currants. For this, it is necessary to choose a strong flexible branch, bend her to the ground, put in a hole and cover with earth. To fix the seedling, it must be tied to a stake. Roots will appear during the summer, and next year you can disconnect it from the bush, by simply cutting off a branch;
- plant nutrition. May is the month of active growth and flowering of plants. Therefore, feeding is one of the important stages, which help them gain green mass. To save time and money, you can use universal fertilizers.
May is a favorable time for pest and disease control, as well as feeding and watering plants. So, to get a good harvest, these works should also be given enough attention.
Sowing calendar for April 2023 you can find out for link, and you will find the sowing calendar for the whole year on the following page link.