TOP 14 the best heating radiators according to customer reviews

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Today, retail chains and stores offer four types of heating radiators. The models differ in thermal conductivity, heat transfer, properties and price. We understood the nuances inherent in each species and prepared the TOP-14 best models for 2020 year. pay attention, that almost all radiators are sold in sections. This allows you to dial the required number of sections, taking into account power and heat transfer, to ensure the optimum temperature in each room.

TOP 4 aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum batteries have the highest thermal conductivity and rapid heating through thin walls. They are recommended for heating a private house: they are simple and economical (closed autonomous system). But aluminum is sensitive to water quality, prone to corrosion, therefore not used in systems, where a long stay without water is provided (how, example, drain of the heat carrier for the summer in apartments of high-rise buildings).

ROMMER Al Optima 500 x12

All aluminum radiators have a side connection (1 inch). Wheelbase is standard – 500 mm. One section of the radiator weighs 0,81 kg, accommodates 0,28 l water. This species is unlike others, presented in the ranking, requires a minimum of coolant in the system, so heating is much faster. Withstands temperatures up to 110 ° C. The wall thickness of the vertical collector – 1,8 mm. Treated with anti-corrosion coating. Power of one section – 155 W. Heat transfer – 133,4 W at temperature 70 ° C. Designed for pressure 12 there is (maximum when crimping – 24 there is).


  1. Easy to put.
  2. Concise design.
  3. Easy.
  4. Reliable.
  5. Inexpensive.


  • Fragile material.

ROMMER Al Optima 500 for 1100 UAH for 12 sections – option is the most economical, with an inconspicuous design and a normal degree of reliability. Provides good heat transfer, although less, than Rifar Alum 500. 86% users recommend battery data before purchase.

Rifar Alum 500 x10

It is much heavier – 1,45 kg. The volume in one section is almost similar – 0,27 l. Rounded petals are made in the upper part, which enhance convection. Withstands much more pressure – 20 there is (to 30 when crimping). Designed for any temperature up to 135 ° C. Heat dissipation is quite high – 183 W. 10 sections are required to heat an area of ​​about 18 quarter. m.


  1. Nice view.
  2. High heat dissipation.
  3. The room is heated quickly.
  4. Convenient simple installation.
  5. Reliable, quality.


  • The high price.

Rifar Alum 500 for 2 th. UAH (10 sections) provides the optimum level of heat transfer. This type of radiator has a great shape, but also a slightly inflated price. Model with a small number of reviews, but they are all positive.

Royal Thermo Revolution 500 x10

Weigh less, than Rifar Alum 500 – 1,2 kg. The ribs are also made somewhat "wavy", which improves the appearance. They differ in large volume. One section holds 0,37 l. Withstands similar pressure in the system. Limit temperature – 110 ° C. Heat dissipation is also high – 181 W. Power of one section – 171 W.


  1. Design.
  2. High heat dissipation.
  3. Good painting quality (DOES NOT peel, as in cheap models).
  4. They heat well.


  1. There are isolated cases of small marriages: poorly painted back wall, drops of paint on the thread.
  2. Expensive.

Price Royal Thermo Revolution 500 – 2100 UAH for 10 sections. Despite the greater amount of coolant in the system, radiators provide fast heating. High heat dissipation. 92% buyers are satisfied with the reliability, quality of materials and painting.

Global ISEO 500 x10

Model in a laconic design with understated petals. One section weighs a little more, than in Rifar Alum – 1,31 kg. It has the largest volume of coolant in one section – 0,44 l. Designed for pressure 16 there is. Withstands the temperature of the coolant to 110 ° C. Heat dissipation of one section is less – 115 W. Power is higher – 181 W.


  1. Appearance.
  2. Normal heat transfer.
  3. They heat perfectly.
  4. Good coating quality.


  • The high price.

The cost of Global ISEO 500 x10 – 2100 rubles. In terms of heat dissipation, it loses to all aluminum radiators in the rating. It has a very large amount of coolant in this system for this segment. 91% buyers are satisfied with the purchase and recommend to buy.

TOP-4 bimetal heating radiators

Bimetal radiators differ in design. Externally, the body is made of aluminum, and inside is a steel core. Increased reliability, the probability of corrosion is reduced. Resistant to water hammer, do not spoil from low quality of the heat carrier, withstand greater pressure in the system. Stronger, reliable in comparison with aluminum. But it is necessary to address only to checked, which provide quality certificates, manufacturers. There are cases of forgery, when only vertical tubes are made of steel, rather than completely the core. Counterfeit does not differ from the aluminum battery in characteristics, and its value, as bimetallic.

Heat appliance BR1-500 x10

Like all bimetal radiators, The BR1-500 heat device differs from aluminum in the big weight. One section weighs 1,94 kg. Wheelbase for connection to pipes is standard – 500 mm. Diameter – 1 inch. There is a side connection to the system. These characteristics are common to all bimetallic batteries, included in the rating. The volume of water in one section is small – 0,21 l. Designed for coolant temperature up to 110 ° C. Withstands more pressure, than most aluminum heaters – 20 there is. Power 10 sections is 1950 W.


  1. Simple design. Due to the lack of bulges and roundness is easy to wipe.
  2. Double packing for protection against damage during transportation.
  3. According to experts, full bimetal (the frame is completely steel).
  4. Qualitative assembly.
  5. Inexpensive.
  6. Easy installation.


  • They lose heat quickly.

The BR1-500 x10 heat device costs 1800 UAH. Budget domestic radiator, made on Italian equipment is much cheaper than analogues of more well-known manufacturers, but the level of quality is not inferior to them. This is confirmed by buyers, who installed them. Rifar Base is inferior to heat transfer 500.

Rifar Base 500 x10

The model surpasses all bimetal radiators in terms of heat transfer – 2040 W. The manufacturer assures, what 10 sections are enough for heating 20 quarter. m. Able to withstand higher coolant temperatures, than the BR1-500 heat device – to 135 ° C. In other respects it is almost no different from him.


  1. Nice design.
  2. They heat up quickly.
  3. Excellent heat dissipation.
  4. Reliable. Work without problems for several years without leaks (according to customer reviews).
  5. The kit has everything you need to connect.
  6. Quality workmanship.

Rifar Base 500 x10 is worth it 2,3 th. UAH for 10 sections. Reliable radiator of good quality. 93% users recommend the product before purchase.

Global STYLE PLUS 500 x10

Model in stylish design. It has a smaller volume of water in one section (0,19 l), significant operating pressure – to 35 there is (52,5 there is – during crimping). The power is slightly inferior to BR1 – 1850 W. Heat transfer – 1140 W. To heat the room 18,5 quarter. m enough 10 sections (at the request of the manufacturer).


  1. Nice view. They look solid.
  2. Reliable assembly of European quality (production – Italy).
  3. They heat well.
  4. After several years of use, there are no complaints.

Price Global STYLE PLUS 500 x10 – 2900 UAH for 10 sections. At the request of buyers, the difference with cheaper radiators is significant: thicker walls, metal quality, sound collection. 95% users are satisfied with the work of the radiator.

Royal Thermo PianoForte 500 x10

Most of the features are similar to Global STYLE PLUS. The design is special: levels in the form of sections, located with varying degrees of removal (alternate alternation of the upper and lower sections creates the impression of playing the piano). The only model in this section of the ranking, presented in white, silver and black colors. With greater heat dissipation – 1230 W. This is achieved by asymmetrical arrangement of sections. Designed for lower operating pressure, than Global STYLE PLUS – 30 there is (to 45 – during crimping).


  1. Beautiful design, 3 colors to choose from.
  2. Good coverage.
  3. Heats well. Long warranty period from the manufacturer.
  4. Ease of installation.


  • Complaints of high sound conductivity.

Price Royal Thermo PianoForte 500 x10 – 3300 UAH for 10 sections. The model stands out with its original design, which also affects the increase in heat transfer. Buyers are satisfied with the reliability of execution, heating quality, but due to shortcomings only 88% users are ready to recommend the radiator for purchase.

TOP-4 steel heating radiators

Steel radiators are reliable, high heat transfer. Of the disadvantages is the instability to water hammer, baseness. Some manufacturers use special coatings, protecting from it. Most steel radiators have a panel appearance. The required number of sections cannot be typed, both in aluminum and bimetallic. Exceptions are tubular steel radiators.

Axis Classic 22 500 × 1000

The steel radiator consists of two water panels and two convection rows. The outer grille is removed: you can clean the internal parts. From typical dimensions, inherent in all rating models (50 × 100 × 10 cm), differs in a little more thickness – 11 cm. Almost all radiators weigh close 28 kg. Holds a volume of water – 5,63 l. Steel radiators differ from bimetallic by lower working pressure – 9 there is (13,5 – when crimping). Side connection per ½ inch. Wheelbase is non-standard – 449 mm. Designed for coolant temperature up to 120 ° C. The model has increased power – 2188 W.


  1. Nice view. Simple design.
  2. Qualitative assembly. Russian production on Italian equipment.
  3. Included – everything you need for installation.
  4. Heats well.
  5. Inexpensive.


Non-standard interaxial connection. There are no problems, if the eyeliner is made of polypropylene pipes.
Axis Classic 22 500 1000 worth it 1200 UAH. The model surpasses all types of steel radiators, included in the rating, by power. Provides fast heating of the room. Metal quality, reliability satisfied demanding users, therefore, the vast majority of them recommend the product for purchase.

Buderus Logatrend K-Profile 22 500 × 1000

It has a large volume of water – 6,3 l. The operating pressure in the system is higher – to 10 there is, but less power – 1826 W. According to the manufacturer's calculations, one radiator is enough to heat a room close 18 quarter. m. The model undergoes anti-corrosion treatment by phosphating and hot powder spraying. Wheelbase – 450 mm.


  1. Concise design.
  2. Well painted. It does not turn yellow over time.
  3. They heat well.
  4. The build quality is satisfactory.


  • One radiator is not enough for the declared area (but depends on the coolant temperature).

Price Buderus Logatrend K-Profil 22 500 1000 – 1400 UAH. The model is somewhat inferior to the Axis Classic 22 by power, but has a better anti-corrosion coating. Buyers are satisfied with the quality of execution, operation of the radiator.

Kermi FKO 22 500 × 1000

Differs in the smallest volume – 5,4 l. But loses in power to the first two models – 1808 W. Designed for system pressure up to 10 there is (13 there is – crimping). Provides work at temperature of the heat carrier to 110 ° C. Wheelbase – 446 mm. The manufacturer has used Therm X2 technology, which increases the energy efficiency of the equipment. The outer coating is made of two layers of powder paint, which increases resistance to mechanical damage.


  1. Beautiful view.
  2. Qualitatively made.
  3. Ease of care.
  4. Good heat dissipation.


  • There are cases of leakage after several years of use (in an apartment building, where the system is drained for the summer).

Kermi FKO 22 500 1000 for 6200 rubles provide a normal level of heat. Due to the small amount of coolant, the heating of the radiator and the room is faster. Recommended for installation in a closed system without draining the coolant for a long period.

Arbonia 2180 1800 270

The only representative in the review of tubular steel radiators. It differs from panel models by non-standard dimensions. This is a narrow model (65 mm) with a very high height (1800 mm). Width of one section (tube) – 45 mm. Wheelbase – 1730 mm. One section weighs 2,61 kg, but it includes a much larger volume, than aluminum and bimetal radiators – 1,56 l. In terms of heat transfer, the six-section Arbonia is expected to be inferior to other rating models – 1730 W. Power – 990 W.


  1. An interesting view.
  2. Normal heat transfer.
  3. Heats well.
  4. Qualitative assembly.


You need to consider the place for installation, possibility of supply of pipes. If the room has windows, from them will blow (you will not place such a radiator under them).

Price Arbonia 2180 1800 270 – 9950 rubles. You can choose the number of sections in contrast to other steel samples. Non-standard sizes significantly increase heat dissipation due to the larger area of ​​the radiator. Can be part of the interior. Buyers have no complaints about the quality.

TOP-2 cast iron heating radiators

Cast iron radiators can be purchased in sections, dialing the required amount for the room. Cast iron has a lower heating rate, but long-term heat retention when the heating is turned off. The batteries can withstand more pressure, than steel, surpass them in strength. Such radiators are less prone to corrosion, can be installed in open systems and apartment buildings. But they do not look very attractive, require painting – this is a small minus.

STI New 500 x10

Cast iron radiators provide a standard wheelbase – 500 mm. Connection – 1 inch. They differ significantly from aluminum and bimetal, what to consider when installing. One section weighs 4,2 kg. Larger volume of water in one section – 0,52 l. Designed to work at a coolant temperature up to 150 ° C. Withstand pressure up to 12 there is (18 there is – when crimping). For heat transfer are inferior to steel radiators – 1200 W.


  1. They look modern.
  2. Occupy little space (the thickness is small).
  3. Quality workmanship. Reliability.
  4. Warm up quickly (compared to outdated cast iron models).
  5. Heat dissipation is good.


  • Dust accumulates due to the design solution. There are hard to reach places, where it is difficult to wipe.
  • Heavy. Additional fasteners are required.

Price STI New 500 x10 – 6750 rubles for 10 sections. Decent model for quality heating. Cast iron is stronger, reliable material. And due to the greater width of the internal through hole, they have a longer service life.

Konner Modern 500 x10

The model is similar in characteristics to the previous type of radiator. Has a more typical design for cast iron batteries. Provides a larger volume of water in the system. One section holds 0,9 l. Considerable dimensions and weight (4,9 kg – one section).


  1. They heat up well. Heat dissipation is sufficient.
  2. The set includes everything for installation.
  3. Lots of reviews about a few years of impeccable work.
  4. Convenient to care for. No "petals" and hard to reach places, where dust can accumulate.
  5. Does not spoil from low water quality.


  • The coverage is weak. Need to be repainted. There is a single case of paint influx.
  • A single case of marriage.

Price Konner Modern 500 x10 – 2500 UAH. The radiator is suitable for any heating system, insensitive to salts or other substances, added to the water, less prone to corrosion, than other types of batteries. 92% buyers are satisfied with the quality and reliability of the model.

The article was prepared with the assistance of the online store "PetsLike"

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2 Responses

  1. Alexander says:

    Interesting article, despite, what is not on our topic. Informative

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