Tagged: Quality honey


Sweet Clover honey – delicious cure-all

Honey clover: treatment, benefits and contraindications. Do not know, What Sweet Clover honey is so expensive? This product has a unique composition and properties. Widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, but everything...


Veresova honey

Veresova honey: useful properties and contraindications. Veresova honey – this product, which is fundamentally different from other types of honey, because it has its own special colorful taste, and fragrance, and many nutrients. IN...


Forest honey

Forest honey – useful properties and damage. Forest honey is elite varieties of bee products. It is obtained from the nectar of plants, flowering forest edges, such as raspberries, strawberry, bilberry, hawthorn, cherries, etc.. It has many...


White honey

White honey: case or not. How many varieties of sweet medicinal product exists in the world of beekeeping? A lot. Among them are often seen Amber, brown, light brown or even white honey. Honey white can be difficult to get, So...


Honey Lavender

Lavender honey: useful properties. Low bushes of lavender have not only strange and unusual smell, but a number of useful medicinal properties. Delicate aroma of delicate flowers and relaxing, relieving tension, soothes. This plant has...


Honey clover

Sweet Clover honey: useful properties and contraindications. Natural honey donnikovyy – This is a work of art. Outwardly, he did not like the sweet product, which produce bees. This thick, Creamy white mass, which has magical healing and...


Cranberry Honey

Cranberry Honey: useful properties. All kinds of beer production rather have medicinal properties. Each variety cure their disease and fills the human body beneficial vitamins, maintains a balance of minerals. One of the very rare, but very...


cedar honey

cedar honey: useful properties and composition. If you want to find a real product, collected from the flowers of cedar, then you can not find it. There are several types of pine honey title. Despite the same name, or...


Clover Honey

clover honey: useful properties. Beautiful velvet buds clover attract not only people, various herbivores, but bees. Clover honey is one of the most useful types, and meet a monoflernyy product can not...


Honey Chestnut

Chestnut honey: useful properties and possible damage. Honey Chestnut – This is another kind of sweet treats, which is little known consumer circles. The history of this product rooted in antiquity. Delicious variety was used as...
