Pests and diseases raspberries

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Pests and diseases raspberriesPests and diseases raspberries: description, methods of control.

raspberry – berries unpretentious, but demands the small, but constant attention, as well as the regular variety of diseases prevention, many of which can be caused by various parasites – pest raspberries.

Every gardener needs to know, What are raspberry plant diseases, and determine their symptoms, and know the description of symptoms, and types of pests, to know how to deal with them.

  1. Diseases of raspberries
  2. Pests raspberry
  3. Video

Diseases of raspberries and their control

anthracnose raspberries – description disease, treatment

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Anthracnose raspberries photo

One of the most common diseases of raspberry bushes, you can almost certainly be determined by utvoryvshyhsya spots on the leaves raspberries.

Affected tissue raspberry leaf dries quickly and even fall.

The stems of raspberries are also suffering from the disease – they are covered with large white spots, which eventually merge into one large ulcer, raspberry stems bark begins to exfoliate areas.

Similarly affected and shoots, kidney and hand raspberries.

Raspberry rust disease – how to deal?

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Rust raspberry Photo

Also very common fungal disease, which is manifested in the spring, as orange spots.

By the summer of the same bulging spots appear on the inside of the leaf, which result in darker, or even blackened.

If severe infection, the plant begins to lose its leaves, slowing its growth.

Description Septoria raspberries – control measures

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Septoria raspberry Photo

White spot – fungal disease, in which the leaves raspberries there are numerous spots rounded, initially pale brown, over time were white in the center, red or brown rim.

Raspberry leaf diseased tissue is destroyed as well, and soon falls.

On the stems appear as small dots, which are located in the middle and bottom of the shoots in the kidneys.

When stained torn fabric, forming cracks visible to the eye, and peeling bark of stems of raspberries.

During ripening raspberries this disease reaches its climax.

Bacterial cancer stem raspberries – description disease

Стебловий бактеріальний рак малини фото

Bacterial cancer stem raspberry Photo

The disease stems of raspberries can manifest as tumor length, pectineal form, annual shoots on fruiting raspberries.

Above the tumor tissue is torn and damaged plants.

Bad tumors grow quickly escape across a distance 10-20 centimeters.

There are soft tumors, white, later they harden, become brown and collapse.

This bacterial disease affects primarily the lower part of the stem and the middle raspberries.

Root bacterial cancer raspberries – description, treatment

Кореневий бактеріальний рак малини фото

Root bacterial cancer raspberry Photo

With this type of bacterial disease affects raspberry, primarily, the plant roots, shoots grounds, and the very roots of raspberry.

For patients with rapidly growing parts of the plant tumor, that increases in size, starting with the nuts and 4-5 centimeters, and more.

There is a considerable number of different diseases raspberries, so every gardener should learn the basic symptoms of diseases and constantly care for their Malinniki.

Purple raspberry leaf spot – description

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Purple leaf spot raspberry Photo

Dïdimella – purple-brown or reddish-purple spots vague shapes formed on the young shoots of annuals near the insertion raspberry leaves in late summer.

Then they darken and grow, and the crown starts to peel and crack.

In severe cases the shoots and buds may die.

It is recommended to cut the stem with scissors or garden sikatorom, and after, as the increase will be collected, Malinniki odnovidsotkovoyu spray Bordeaux mixture.

In prophylactic occurrence didimelly, chemical processing to be done shoots.

In the spring before flowering raspberry shoots solution treat topaz, rubihana or benomilu.

Disease raspberry chlorosis – treatment

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Chlorosis raspberry Photo

Viral diseases raspberry fruit shrubs.

When infecting chlorosis, the leaves turn yellow and deform. Shoots, that fruit, slowing its growth, leaves them are small and berries unfit for consumption.

Vertitsyllezne fading – Description disease raspberries

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Vertitsyllezne fading raspberry Photo

Fungal bush. Infection comes from soil, which applies to the rhizome, measles and vessels.

Raspberry leaves turn yellow and wither, top fade, shoots begin to grow slowly and stems die.

In this disease must be removed with raspberry root system.

Pest spring and autumn raspberries

Read: Diseases and pests pears: their control.

Weevil on raspberries – description pest

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Dovgonosik photo

Raspberry-strawberry weevil – small beetle is most striking early varieties of raspberries.

It feeds on young plants, vyyidayuchy holes in the leaf lamina.

Spider mites in raspberries – how to deal with pests?

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Spider mites Photos

Pest cobwebs covering the lower part of leaves and extracts all the juice out of it, causing the leaves turn yellow and crumble.

Pest raspberries – fly steblevі, how to deal?

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Steblevі flies photo

Raids these pests usually begin in May. Flies lay eggs more often on the tops of young shoots of raspberries.

Over the next week, emerging larvae. Soon flies gnaw shoots from top to its foundation.

Raspberry suffers, the tip of the plants quickly turns black, rot and eventually dies.

Methods of combating flies to stem raspberries: should regularly conduct prevention, which is everyday closer inspection shoots of young plants.

If you find a crimson stem fly, you need to cut the wound site, just below the localization of plant pests.

Cut off tops of infected flies should be immediately sent to the center.

To destroy pests chemically crimson, raspberry bushes must be sprayed with a solution (15 ml of 10 l water) drug "aktellik", and such spraying may only flowering raspberry.

Beetle on raspberries – looks like, how to handle?

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Beetle on raspberries Photo

Another common type of pest raspberries. Raspberry beetle females lay their eggs in the ovaries of the founding of flowering plants, a raspberry you can easily identify the raspberry beetle larvae born.

To protect the buds of raspberry raspberry beetle females should be in flowering plants covering Malinniki nylon network.

In case of raspberry beetle larvae during harvest, just collect them and destroy pests.

Moth pest on raspberries – description

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Mill raspberries Photo

Another common pest of raspberries is crimson renal miles.

Appears it is usually in early spring. If you notice, after a rather intensive growth of shoots of raspberries they suddenly ceased to grow – your raspberries raspberry damaged moth.

Break one of those affected shoots, you'll find inside the caterpillar.

Diseases and pests of raspberries: Video

So, To avoid hitting your plants, rather periodic pest of raspberries, which consists of a thorough examination of the stems and shoots of plants, and identifying the first symptoms of raspberries, be prevented.

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