Prescription treatment of prostatitis pumpkin seeds with honey

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Рецепт лікування простатиту гарбузовим насінням з медомTreatment of prostate pumpkin seeds with honey: receptions.

Prostatitis – serious illness, which bothers many men.

Ten years ago they were men, which for forty, but now the disease is rapidly younger.

It exposed even thirty, if at least.

Delay treatment can not be, delay could face serious health problems.

Excellent support therapy will be prescribed by your doctor folk remedies. One of them – Pumpkin seeds with honey.

  1. Features diseases
  2. Seeds for men's health
  3. What will honey
  4. Most popular recipes
  5. Contraindication

Features diseases

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, accompanied by edema.

It has two forms, acute and chronic.

The main features are:

  • discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • zatrudnene urination;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • problems with ejaculation.

Causes of prostatitis are different. Call it may as hormonal disorders, and unhealthy lifestyle.Простатит

Unhealthy food, in which it may be vitamin deficiency, stresses, weak immune system, hypothermia and irregular love life – Among the most common causes.

Competent course of medical treatment can only assign a specialist.

Self-medication engage in no case be.

However, the aid to drug therapy can be used folk medicines.

There are several recipes, which make up the foundation Pumpkin seeds with honey.

Seeds for men's health

Seeds and nuts are good for reproductive rights. This is due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamin E, zinc and selenium.

Pumpkin seeds in this regard – a goldmine of nutrients, especially appropriate for men of all ages. pumpkin seeds

How rich pumpkin seeds:

  1. Vitamin E, essential for reproductive function of the body;
  2. The amino acid arginine, restores hormonal male;
  3. Alpha-linolenic acid, polyunsaturated, metabolic stimulant;
  4. Zinc, which is responsible for the main hormone testosterone;
  5. Phosphorus, that helps the production of sex hormones.

in addition, they have selenium, magnesium, manganese, B vitamins, Q & A.

So, In addition to direct effects on sexual function, seeds satisfy the male body substances, that strengthen bone, improving metabolism, slowing down the process of aging and improve memory .

From the main pumpkin seeds – do not overdo it. No matter how useful this product, use it as needed.

The fact, that they have a lot of fat and a high calorie. So excessive eating can strike the liver and figures.

Read: Kalina and honey: receptions, useful properties

What will honey

The benefits of honey not only for men features, but for overall health, great.

This sweet treats are almost all of the human body needed vitamins and minerals, and amino acids, tannins and essential oils.


  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • Selenium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E.

This is not an exhaustive list. Powerful anti-aging and antioxidant properties of honey.

мед користьIt will strengthen the immune system and make the body resistant to stress.

So, its use will contribute to strengthening the physical health of men.

And as one of the causes of prostatitis is a weak immune system and stress, it also protects from its origin.

Pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis have long been known.

There are several options, how to cook these delicious and healthy medication.

But we can not abandon the traditional treatment, folk recipes – this addition.

How can you make this tool? There is no one recipe for pumpkin seeds with honey.

Overall one: seeds should be raw, not fried, and in any case not salty, and honey – natural.

Read: Treatment of BPH bee pidmorom.

Consider the most popular recipes

Firming mixture

Pumpkin seeds powdered. Add a little water, to obtain a slurry.

Then this slurry add honey in proportion to each other. Course admission lasts a month.

Eat need a teaspoon herb twice a day.

Because of the way in the water long kept, so it is best to prepare every day a new batch.

This tasty medicine not only serve as an excellent treatment of prostatitis, but also strengthen the immune system.

For prevention course can be carried out twice a year, in the off-season.

Read: Honey from the cold - the best recipes, how to treat.

The easiest recipe

Cooking this preparation takes very little time.

Everything, need, it crushed pumpkin seeds, example, in a coffee grinder and pour in the jar tightly zakryvayuchuyus.

The resulting powder to take twice a day before meals, with a glass of warm water with two spoons of honey.

The treatment lasts a month.

Tasty balls

A pound of shelled pumpkin seeds crushed and mixed with 200 grams of honey.

To sustain in the refrigerator, until it thickens. Then slap small balls and eat one every morning fasting.

As in the previous two recipes, duration of treatment – month. You can repeat twice a year.

In general, recipes treatment of prostatitis pumpkin seeds with honey – simple, but they can not only speed up the healing process, but also to prevent the return of disease.


Like any other tool, Pumpkin seeds with honey for men have their contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Diabetes;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Adiposity;
  • Gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

To benefit from the maximum vehicle was, and the risk of adverse reactions – minimum, General – Drug abuse is not sweet and not to neglect other treatments.

Before using the product should consult a doctor.

How to speed up the healing process

As mentioned above, reception pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis – no panacea, a great aid in the treatment process.

To come faster recovery, and the disease did not return, need to complete a full course of treatment.

also read: Rosehip liver and gall bladder.

factors, accelerating the healing process, is:

  • Healthy Lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse are extremely destructive to men's health);
  • proper nutrition, which contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • avoid stress and overstrain, as mental, and physical;
  • clothing for the weather;
  • schaslyvk healthy and privacy.

All this together with a wonderful honey drugs not only speed up the healing process, but also make less painful course of illness.


Honey and pumpkin seeds – This is a good means of treatment, and prevention of prostate.

in addition, it will provide a beneficial effect on the entire body.

By the way, obscheukreplyayuschey as vitamin supplements, this mixture will be useful to women, the elderly and children.здоровий спосіб життя

It is pleasant to taste, so that can be a real treat for vegetarian or lean table.

Honey-ball will replace pumpkin candy.

By miracle cure, can forget about, What is seasonal colds, enhance memory, add strength and just cheer.

The main, getting rid of illness, maintain healthy habits continue.

Then for many years can be in the form, forget, What is prostatitis, to old age feel a real man.

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