Replanting females in colonies
Replanting females in colonies: how.
Under favorable external conditions queen bee can live up to 8 years, that at times, life expectancy than normal worker bees.
Since the main function of the uterus – This reproduction, its most productive age are considered first two years of life, then its ability to significantly reduced oviposition.
Therefore, after 2 years of service performed replanting females in colonies, while old specimen is removed.
Why is performance degradation cancer?
Research by set, sperm, stored inside the uterus spermopryymacha, retains its activity and reproductive properties for 7-8 years.
Also by many studies calculated dependence of the number of viable seeds within the age of the individual spermopryymacha.
The graph shows, after two or two and a half years of living cancer quantities of seed falls rapidly.
At the initial stage of life, in the first two years, spent about 80% sperm, and since 3 abruptly reduced reproductive years.
The sharp drop in the ability to produce offspring in elderly females are the outcome of the correct operation of seed spout.
This abuse provokes improper laying of large eggs: unfertilized bee get inside cells, and the drone are fertilized.
larvae, which appear as a result of such errors be destroyed. They just eat worker bees, in this way they support healthy offspring.
The signal of this process is a printed colorful brood, if this occurs within the hive, then, Queen became ill to perform their functions.
The reasons and the most common methods of replanting
Planned bdzholomatok replanting is due to the above disorders in the family.
But people, and in the bee hive there force majeure.
There are a number of possible causes of death of healthy, molodlyi cancer, which should not lead to the death of the whole family.
To save the hive was always the best method of grafting a new queen.
Many apiaries have long used a simplified method of replanting.
This method takes place without difficulties and problems, when there is plenty nektarovydilennya and much of the family represented by young bees.
Uterus launch in the eye in pre-greased abundantly honey.
The future queen of the hive gently and slowly penetrates, as quoted in honey and do not allow it to make any sudden movements, For this reason the bees just take it for their.
Most carry a simplified procedure pidsadzhuvannya in the evening, the result is almost guaranteed.
A simplified method is very important to a good mood, because bees can feel irritation or anger and therefore can kill uterus.
In general, apiculture needs love, otherwise not be successful apiary.
Mother bees replanting classical way is the best spring, rather, in her second half.
First you need to look inside the hive old specimen, to be replaced, catch and remove it, then at the same place, where there was an old bdjolomatka, new plant – in the very midst.
Working bees do not have time to notice the ongoing substitution and continue to go about their business.
Innovations immediately as individual proceeds to the deposition of eggs. It is important, that sits specimen was fruitful, while rejection is virtually impossible, in the case of barren uterus is probable failure.
Sometimes, that replanting should urgently conduct, when time adversely, example, Summer in the absence or low nektarovydilennya.
Classic or simplified methods in such cases do not fit. For successful replanting, use the fallopian tube of the cage.
Read more: How to start breeding bees.
The procedure is quite interesting.
- First, take a special cage and mounted in its lower part, where the sleeve of wood, rolled foil conical tube diameter 15 mm. On the other end of the diameter should be 10 mm, The length of the 30-50 mm.
- The outer end of the tube block, zalipyvshy Wax, and do 4-5 small holes.
- In the cage put the uterus, you want to plant, and together with the cell set it inside the hive between the frames.
- After 3-4 days (not recommended for less 3) you can see the nest and when, If adopted new queen, pick an empty cell. They must release it yourself.
- If the bees do not take uterus, it is hidden inside the tube and blocking the entrance to his body, thus becoming virtually invulnerable. Such a uterus need to take over 10-12 days, otherwise it is exhausted and can no longer be protected.
Usually the method described above works, failures occur due to the presence of previously undetected cancer or queen.
Professional replanting methods
Most beekeepers amateur and semi using the above-described methods, they are quite effective and efficient, If replacement is fertilized.
But what, If not? There are quite reliable ways to plant the uterus unfertilized.
For minimum damage to honey collection replanting carried out in parallel with the main medosbora start in mid-summer.
Only in this short period of pause in oviposition not affect the overall effectiveness of seasonal family, as most bees kindergarten teachers in perekvalifikovuyutsya collectors.
Procedure is quite simple.
Some beekeepers, part videoblohery, even filmed the entire process on video.
Old uterus is introduced into the cell to inside the hive 2 years, then remove and destroy it, and its place in the same cell specimen is placed young pidsadzhuyuchu.
Please do the same manipulation tube, as in the above method.
also read: The construction of the hive beds.
After the couple of days the new queen must accept and release, if, Of course, not be reasons, hindering this.