Nutrient apple trees in spring and autumn

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Підкормка яблуньNutrient apple trees in spring and autumn: because of, video.

To a tree in your garden is well developed and constantly fruited, required quality and timely feeding apple autumn and spring.

Measures care apple, however, as well as other fruit trees start date of their planting in the soil and feeding and continue making all subsequent years.

  1. Fertilizing of young apple trees after planting
  2. Spring fertilizing apple trees with further growth
  3. Fertilizing apple trees in spring and autumn
  4. Fertilizing apple: Video

Fertilizing of young apple trees after planting

Apple trees can be planted in the garden in spring and autumn.

You need only to put it right and make spring fertilizer and seedling must then take hold.

But experienced gardeners say, that fall planting is still more preferable.

If you planted an apple tree at the site, which has done deep digging of the soil, enough to prepare for her hole width 35 cm and the same depth.Підгодівля яблунь після посадки

In other words, this, back to the roots of seedlings fit.

But if the soil is heavy on the plot, clayish, deep digging is not done, then to do a pit width and depth of not less than one meter.

Feeding before planting should conduct based on the characteristics of the soil.

Planting holes are recommended to prepare in advance: fall – during spring planting, and for fall planting – not later, than a month before it.

Spring planting seedlings need to first blooming of kidneys – then the survival rate will be much higher.

In the planting hole, for feeding young apple trees need to pour a mound of land with humus and mineral fertilizers – approximately ¾ depth.

On one hole usually take:

  • humus – 15-20 kg;
  • superphosphate – 400-500 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 100 g.

Tubercle seal legs and placed it on top seedling, gently straighten the roots and covered with earth so, seedling root collar to remain at the soil surface, although it can be and a little zahlybyty – is not afraid.

Then the earth tightly tramp feet. Around planted apple trees should be done groove diameter slightly larger than the landing pit and water.

For watering enough to 5 – 6-you buckets of water. When the water is completely absorbed, soil in the landing pit and groove should zamulchuvaty humus or sawdust.

A layer of mulch 8 – 10 centimeters. Before planting the roots for feeding young apple trees in the spring preferably dipped in mash, prepared with liquid mullein.

Read: To trim the right column-apple tree.

Spring fertilizing apple trees with further growth

In the first year after planting to do some feeding apple – as root, and foliar.

To your apple matured and began to actively grow, it needs nitrogen fertilizers.

Весняна підгодівля яблуньSo in early spring to do root fertilizer urea, why throw 2 tablespoons fertilizer 10 liters of water and pour this solution apples.

Under each tree should pour 15 liters of nutrient solution.

Watering apple should circle, departing from its trunk around 60 cm.

spring, May be hold two foliar feeding of young apple trees.

You can use liquid compound fertilizers, example, Effekton or sodium Gumat.

For foliar fertilizing make less concentrated solution, why throw a tablespoon of fertilizer 10 liters of water.

In June pozakorenevi make two fertilizing apple Young.

Read: Treatment of diseases and pests of apple.

Fertilizing apple trees in spring and autumn

Apple Adults also need care and feeding in spring and autumn.

During the season they need to feed at least four times.

The first spring fertilizing apple trees in the garden made in mid or late April – depending on weather.

To this mix: humus – 6 buckets + urea – 600 g and is dispersed evenly around a tree on the top layer of soil. No need to dig.

The next feeding tree also conducted in the spring, when apple tree begins to bloom.

If the weather is arid, then feeding is better to use liquid solution fertilizer, example – here on this recipe:

  • bird droppings – 5 liters;
  • superphosphate – 1 kg;
  • potassium sulfate – 800 g

All filled 200 liters of water – a barrel during the week and insists.

If you do not have bird droppings, it can be replaced with liquid manure – 10 l.

If you are no organic fertilizers, it does not matter too. Instead, you can use urea – 500 g.

Схема підгодівлі яблуні

Prepared thus fertilizing watering apple on the basis 40 liters per tree.

Watering is carried out in a circle, departing from trunk 60 cm.

Just before fertilizing must water the tree well, leaked to ground water, After feeding should do the same.

Next is feeding adult apple, When the fruits begin to ripen.

For it is possible to prepare the following solution per 200 l:

  • nitrophosphate – 1 kg;
  • dry sodium humate – 20 g.

Apple trees watered, using three buckets feeding solution for each tree.

Finally, Last autumn root fertilizing should be done after, as you collect the harvest.

Since autumn often rains, better to spend it dry, just spiked superphosphate and potassium sulfate – by 300 g every fertilizer under one tree.

In addition to root fertilizing is recommended to season and foliar – once before flowering apple trees and twice thereafter with an interval of three weeks.

For foliar feeding urea solution can use two tablespoons of concentration on 10 liters.

Also recommended every two weeks to spray apple micronutrient solution, which are part of complex fertilizers like – Kemira.

Fertilizing apple: Video

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