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ПасікаApiary: a photo, video, to start with.

Apiculture – is not easy and is known for a long time.

If a person once decided do beekeeping truly, "Sick" them, he can not imagine his life without him, so it tightens.

And to start, little dip in theory, should practice, at least not very much, because apiary – very time-consuming venture.

Its apiary will host many useful, first of all, Of course, is health: bee products have tremendous healing properties.

Per-second, this income. Apiary must yield when properly administered bee farms, it will be a good help with budgeting.

  1. How to organize the apiary
  2. Hives in the garden
  3. Tools beekeeper
  4. Acquisition of bees
  5. Or bee colonies
  6. The choice of breed bees
  7. Seasonal work
  8. Conclusion: "Sweet" business

How to organize the apiary in the garden

Apiary can be created on the plot, if it is. If there is no, it is possible to specifically buy or rent land for organization apiary.

When this option is selected the most suitable place for the presence of plants for medosbora.

You can take apiary beekeeper in rent, which can not yet or do not want to do it.

But rent – option is not always successful because of unforeseen problems with bees or tenant.

Apiary created on private land, where all the necessary conditions, primarily, rather grow flowering plants, which will give the required feed bees as pollen and nectar starting in May and ending in August.

The best place to creating apiary on the site – away from the roadway. So the bees calm, and people, going they will not attack. The convenient location – a garden of fruit trees with a small shadow.

To create apiary should study well the life and biology of bees. To read this mass of literature, viewed videos, telling about beekeeping experience.

Many novice beekeepers bees organize their economy only after a year of an experienced beekeeper as assistant.

The lessons provide a good theoretical basis and practical skills, this time you can prepare necessary equipment for the beekeeper and place, where the bees will spend the winter.

Hives in the garden

The system used in the hives bee products and honey from the apiary no effect

The most common and are the most comfortable in the economy are beekeepers hives:

At twelve frames dadanovskoho, the size of the frame 435h300 mm.

12-frame hive small volume, and it is not enough to accommodate the brood of a fertile plain uterus, so many beekeepers use in their practice Multiple hives.

Beehive of two buildings rather uterus for egg laying, but sometimes complementary third body, usually in places with rich honey plants.

Loungers on the frame size 435h300 mm, with or without store.

If the apiary will have a working area for withdrawal queens and bees for packages on sale, it is best to use sunbeds – horizontal hives.

Sunbeds have to 24 framework. Shestnadtsatyramochnyy sunbed used for holding one family, and twenty-and 24-frame – dvuhsemeynoho for maintenance.

Large amount of horizontal beds enables the family to grow stronger as compared to 12 framework houses.

Lounges easy to use, and it advised to use novice beekeepers.

Multiple on the frame 435h230 mm.

These hives are used in different ways by the number of frames, adding soffit and their sizes.

Multiple hive can be easily disassembled and contains five or seven similar buildings, another option – it 3 case for the brood and 4 Shopping for the collected honey.

The volume of the hive can be changed depending on the number and size of honey bees in the nest.

In the midst medosbora Multiple hive can have up to 7 floors. A spring family occupies only two cases.

Warning! Selected hives does not affect the amount of honey, this figure depends, primarily, the technology of beekeeping, experience beekeeper, weather, flowering plants, breed bees.
placement of hives

Hives in the apiary should arrange so, to morning sunlight falling on them, and the day, vice versa, they were in the shade.

Bees need cool. When the beehive temperature rises strongly, they fly to collect honey, and begin to cool the brood in the nest.

The distance between hives should be about 3 m, They are located exactly, in a row, preferably in pairs.

This arrangement strengthens the family or the union of two families to improve medosbora.

Hives painted in white, that they are not heated in the sun. White bee well see and remember.

Also hives can be painted in blue or yellow, they also clearly visible bees.

Tools beekeeper

Beekeeper necessarily need a chimney, extractor, Stameska, than for unsealing cells, uterine cells for replanting females, Pollen tanks, royivnya, extractors.

During the execution of works beekeeping beekeeper uses special tools and equipment, which is constantly being improved

If you have carpentry skills, you can make crafts: work box, mold frames to navoschuvannya, same framework, and a special table for unsealing cells.

it is possible make their own hives. Drawings and photos for making your own hands typecasting different beehives can be found in the literature or on the Internet.

  • Stameska. Using a chisel segregated housing, supplied ceiling hive, apart cells, removed from the scope of nests. This simple tool is used for scraping wax growths, cleaning propolis of the framework, cleaning the walls and bottom of the hive.
  • Funnel – special hat with fur for inflating smoke. With chimney smoke is introduced into the slot exile and pacify bees. Lay in the chimney substance, giving a lot of smoke in the mortal: dung, mullein, burlap or other means.
  • Portable box is used for temporary storage and moving frames from the hive with honey or brood, frame with honeycombs and wax.
  • Uterine cells – is a small box the size of a matchbox with two exits locked, used to store valuable mares. These mares are used to replace old and formation of new families by increasing the apiary. Cancer in the cell can be kept for several days.
  • Royivnya looks like a sieve with fabric cover. It is used to remove the swarm.
  • Pasichny than used for printing cell. The knife is sharpened on both sides, its tapered end for easy opening at cell centers. For printing easier than hot combs. Now commercially available version of the electric knife.

Pasichny elektronizh can be recharged from 12 volts avtoakkumulyatora or charger.

Works such short intervals elektronizh, warming up in preparation to unsealing the frame and in the cooling section.

extractor used for evacuation of honey from honeycomb, she placed cells, the rotation occurs spitting honey honey cells on the walls and on the bottom.

Then the product is discharged through a special valve. For a small apiary can be used dvuhramochnu medogonku, but in general there are capacity from honey 2 to 50 framework (Electric).

Pasichny machine for simultaneously drilling four holes within.

This machine has a table with serving guides, Drilling heads and stationary bases.

Acquisition of bees

Once completed all preparations: built or bought hives, choose a place for them, purchased necessary equipment, including tools, – you can think about buying bees.

Bees are buying in the spring or amateur beekeeper in the specialized bee farm

There are special nurseries, where bees are bred for sale.

  • Bdjolopaketi. Bees usually sell bee. Bdjolopaket – a few teams with a young bees uterus. In nurseries bee Bee packages formed in front of the buyer, and tell, how to care for them. Buy the best package together with an experienced beekeeper, which his experienced eye, not yet open box, can immediately determine the number of bees.

Buying bee, should immediately alert, no frames are used for bee keeping.

When buying bees to ask Certificate, issued by veterinarian, or veterinary and sanitary passport apiary.

Warning! In the veterinary and sanitary passport specified data handling bees for disease prevention stamped veterinarian.

When buying a packet of bees must check, whether there is present uterus, transfer frame with bees and brood frame.

  • Complete bee family. If you wish to buy a full bee family, this is best done in the beekeeper. You should immediately buy two families chosen breed, no less. Bees are not equal in strength, disability, in fertility.

Comparing different family, can be seen, which are weaker and need to conduct job, to become the family level.

It may well happen this time, that one family die during the winter, while the other can be further diluted bees.

The complete family is better to buy in April and May, after wintering bees from. One family should be located on eight and four within the framework of the bee brood.

When buying a family in mid-May to look, To bee hive completely took all eight frames brood of all ages.

Family with the uterus must be under the age of one year, the best of the fall brood. This information always appears vendor.

Young uterus more fruitful, she lays eggs much more, than the old, family will be stronger.

Uterus aged two years or more will devote bees swarming and eggs will be put off much less, this will lead to a weakening of the family. And the stronger the family, the more it will gather honey.

Bees can be purchased in autumn, as they inexperience beekeeper may die in the winter. You can not buy bees beekeeper neighbor, as bees return to their original location.

If after all this happened, bees then take out a few kilometers from their former residence for a week, and then return to a new location.

It is necessary to pay attention to trash, emitted by bees. Under os can only crumbs of wax and fine dust from the hive.

If eye bee larvae emit dead brood, family is sick and you can not buy.

What to choose, or full bee colonies

Beekeepers with rich experience advised to buy Bee packages due to their lower cost.

Compared to buying a complete family for the same amount you can buy more bees, that with proper care will fully develop.

In these bees do not have enough energy to swarming, as they will be busy creating fodder supplies and medosbora.

Advice! No need to buy more 5 bee, as a novice beekeeper is difficult to care for a large number of bees – You can not manage efficiently prepare to winter.

The choice of breed bees

Many novice beekeepers think: "What the bees more active during medosbora, those and buy ". But this is not true.

Selected breed hardiness in each climate zone

  • North pedigree breed is characterized by poor winter hardiness, it is only suitable for areas with a short hibernation. Dilute it mainly in southern climates. Bees calm, completely non-aggressive, continue to work on cell even when their slot slot. Prefer grasses fields and meadows.
  • Breed the Central bee very winter-hardy, tolerates harsh winter climates, in all northern areas. With the arrival of spring, these bees grow well, grows and grows quickly. This breed is very hardworking, working on trees, bushes, and herbs. Even in poorer nectar honey honey plants can be obtained using this breed. These bees are aggressive, their highly developed instincts protect the nest, that is why they are very enterprising in search of food.
  • Krayinka – very calm bees, without aggression, they can be used without the front grid and smoke. This breed is most popular with amateur beekeepers. Krayinka nice to tolerate harsh winters, much better, than Caucasian. Designed for breeding in temperate climates.
  • Karpatka – very productive breed, working on medosbora even in cloudy wet weather. It has a moderate tendency to swarming, actively looking honey plant. Quite a winter-hardy breed.
  • Ukrainian steppe bee: view, formed in the central and southern Ukraine, which has many similarities with the Carpathian bee.

If selected breeding species will not be adequate for the duration of winter, it will manifest itself in bee diseases.

The most common diseases – nosema. In insects there are signs of bowel disorders without the possibility for bowel cleansing flyby. Bees because it greatly degenerated and die during the winter.

Seasonal work

On the upcoming winter to remember always, even in the warm summer days. We must prepare in advance and dry insulation, prepare for winter and repaired beehives, take care of food for bees. autumn Bees preparing for winter – This is the main concern novice beekeeper.

In cold areas for wintering beekeeper prepare special winter room – beehouse. In this wintering insulated walls and ceiling.

Bees in beehouse themselves support the desired temperature. For ventilation in wintering installed vent pipes. Hives in beehouse set on shelves for easy access to each family.

Warning! If no beehouse, then you can use dried wintering hiding in a house or barn jacket.

Keep bees in the winter in the same room with Vegetables impossible because of harmful fumes.

Preparation is very important for wintering beginner Beekeeper, as dependent on the ongoing winter, which the bees will come to medosbora, strong or sick and weakened.

Conclusion: "Sweet" home business

Apiary – This exciting experience. Where to start, who choose hives, Bees are purchased, Each beekeeper must decide for himself.

Beekeeping can be not only enjoyable hobby, but also good business.

Pumping honey from the apiary with subsequent purchase by a consumer, and then the consumer – good extra income.

Only you need to get immediate tax authority status individual entrepreneur.

honey – product fully distributed and sold in large volumes in stores.

But many now prefer goods from the farmer and thus acquire "their" beekeeper, because they can be easily distinguished from natural honey diluted or falsified.

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