Basics of Beekeeping for Beginners

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The successful holding of bees involved not only professionals, but novice beekeepers. This type of activity is very popular, developed in the modern world. Short and superficial information about keeping apiaries known to many, but the nuances and specifics are available a small number of people. Our new beekeepers this case seems cumbersome and complicated, but it can bring new discoveries, pleasure hobby and a decent financial income.


  1. Knowledge for beginners
  2. Features beekeeping beginners
  3. The main recommendations for beekeepers
  4. Mistakes beginner beekeepers
  5. Choice apiary for bee

Knowledge for beginners

Before breeding bees, it is important to carefully examine Handbook, namely – Beekeeping for Beginners. It is a detailed master classes and lessons, because of, recommendations, valuable guidance. Everyone can learn, where you want to start this business. Not only have the free land, hives and medogonku. It is important to prepare for future difficulties and problems, know, how to act in difficult situations.

Beekeeping for beginners claims, it is very important to arrange their own apiary, keeping health standards and requirements. If possible, it is recommended to learn from the experience of professional beekeepers, involved in breeding bees is not the first.

Before the business is necessary to examine the following steps beekeeping:

  • specific content and nutrition, wintering insects;
  • structure hives, repair and placing them in the apiary, storage;
  • storage, properties of honey production, propolis and cerago;
  • meaning workers insects, breeding females, brood;
  • installation of ventilation in the hive, features temperature control;
  • manufacturing process frames and their installation;
  • specificity warehousing, Worker honey storage products.

Features beekeeping beginners

Most manuals recommend be available following:

  • medogonku for the evacuation of honey (can be homemade);
  • cellular framework;
  • ready hives;
  • special clothing;
  • necessary equipment;
  • at least two bee colonies;
  • space on the plot, so you can locate houses.

The beginner beekeeper should address the following questions:

  • the number of hives to buy;
  • where the bees will spend the winter;
  • time to work;
  • potential advisors with any questions;
  • Pumping of sewer will be like honey and pergi storage.

The main recommendations for beekeepers

The main recommendations for beekeepers

Experienced beekeepers recommend:

  • buy the necessary equipment in specialized stores;
  • monitor the state insect queens and workers, that the family was strong;
  • the perfect time to buy a hive – Spring, When flowering plants, flowers, gardens;
  • Bee buy from proven, reliable beekeepers;
  • initially suffice for about three or four hives, make it easier to care, provide breeding larvae;
  • Do not refuse help friends, They can borrow the missing equipment;
  • house should be well ventilated;
  • Prepare in advance to winter;
  • the apiary should not be harsh, odors;
  • Clothing must be clean.

Following the advice and recommendations proposed, is to considerably facilitate the breeding of bees.

Mistakes beginner beekeepers

When the beekeeper begins its case, He often faced with unexpected situations and makes mistakes. To avoid them, encouraged to share experiences with other apiarists.

Basic mistakes novice beekeepers, you do not want to repeat:

  • brood parent species carried out in patients, weakened families;
  • the period of hibernation designed a small amount of feed stocks;
  • beer families too relaxed;
  • lack of desire to learn, watch video tutorials, listen to the advice of experienced colleagues;
  • creating unfavorable conditions for life and breeding insects, non-compliance care;
  • allowed individuals infected mother or her death, larval death, the entire family of bees;
  • no honey plants and water;
  • violated rules preserve honey production;
  • no ventilation in houses, there is high humidity.

These mistakes should not be allowed. Therefore it is recommended to prepare the room for the winter, calculate the required amount of feed, do not forget about prevention of different diseases.

Choice apiary for bee

Choice apiary for bee

It is important to buy the right breed of bees, to start start an active and fruitful in this case. Particular attention should be paid to the uterus, because of it much depends. choice of bees – an important step, which should be approached responsibly.


  1. During the review focuses framework. They should be solid, which will be evident in a closed brood. If he scattered, refuse it. Such brood can be qualitative, it will come from a strong family.
  2. Brood must not contain holes, that indicate disease. Prefer brood, which has bumps.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the number of brood.
  4. Check the bottom in the hive, it should not be gray lumps. The presence of this symptom suggests askosferoz.
  5. Purchase need to perform during the day, will help you pack insect for safe transportation. In the absence of a separator can be applied bead.
  6. The presence of the disease shows clusters of bees notch.
  7. Note the wings, they should not be tattered.

Following all the rules and guidelines, instruction in specialized literature, to be able to do successful, profitable, which will not only bring profit, but fun. If you are a beginner beekeeper and you would like to learn more about bees and possibly interest you about the Canadian beekeeping.

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