Machinery and equipment for beekeeping

Used beekeeper beginner
Machinery and equipment for the beekeeper beginner. Apiary A to Z.
Beekeeping equipment – this is, it will take anyone, who decided to engage in breeding bees.
What exactly should be available, working with insects?
What you need to keep them?
What items are used to care for the bees to collect honey and?
These issues concerned many, When just beginning to take the first steps in this exciting, but difficult task as beekeeping.

Multiple hive
If no experience and knowledge, and become a beekeeper still want, you should start to study the main issue: everything is arranged.
Certainly understandable desire to begin as soon as possible.
But .. As the foundation of the apiaries must first know what exactly should purchase of equipment beekeeping without fail, and then buy bees.
Acquisition of insects must be carried out only, when they will be prepared all necessary and proper conditions are created for life.
Holding even small amounts of hives require a specific list of devices and mechanisms, which are necessary equipment for apiary.
What you need for this? Conventionally, the entire inventory can be divided into three categories:.
items, necessary:
- for keeping and breeding of bees;
- for the maintenance and care of hives of bees;
- those, that the need for processing and storage of beekeeping.
Also worth buying clothes. It is a must when working on an apiary.
Equipment maintenance and breeding of bees
The first thing to start – This choice of building their bees, ie from the hive.
There are several types of structures it. You should consider many factors, selected from breed bees, directions bee (dilution or bdzholoproduktsiya), Regional allocation apiary, how often it will be carried.
Today there are several systems hives, but all of them can be divided into two main categories:
- vertical (Beehive-risers Multiple or) where there is expansion of bee nests top, Extension arm by additional buildings or shops with the framework;
- horizontal (Beehive-lounger), where expansion is carried out in the side of an existing nest.
Vertical structures also are:
- with the same scope, When these elements are in the nest, and in the same size nadstavtsi;
- with different scope. Socket frames are larger, and those, Extension arm are in stores – slightly smaller.
The shape of the frames used bee houses also differ.
- low-broad design scope, ie, where width exceeds the height;
- high narrow scope, where contrary height in the position than the width.
In some systems, the hives are locked upper part (Bruski) framework, in others – is no connection.
Frequently used construction of hives:
- single-walled or double-walled Dadana-Blatta;
- Langstrot-Ruta;
- double-hulled dvanadtsyatyramochnyy;
- Ukrainian dvadtsyatyramochnyy lounger;
- shistnadtsyatyramochnyy Belarus;
- Multiple;
- Alpine.
They all have their own characteristics and purpose. With some lighter work alone, others are more suitable for large bee colonies.
Some systems are better used for breeding bees, some for a large number of commodity honey.
There is also such a thing, as an advantage of the beekeeper, so uniquely suitable for all purposes a design just does not happen.
Just enough to buy a hive.
It still needs to be equipped with optional accessories:
- Whether, which housing option is used for bees, for placing houses in the apiary and will need supports. Bees are not recommended to keep the earth, better use small (to 30 centimeters in height) support, which treats and beehive. The material for their manufacture may be wood, metal, Combination formulations can be applied. The design can be as seamless, and with complex folding legs.
- Mandatory caring beekeeper will equip a sufficient number of hives sotoramok. First insects take up little space, but the development bdzholosim'yi, and to obtain large quantities of honey, frameworks need to add. Preferably, To their right was a complete kit or even a bit of margin. The design and dimensions depend on the type beehive.
- For all the hives in the apiary will need holstyky. This woven material, separating frames and bees all housing. Are they at the top of the lid of the hive. Next house covered with lid. Size should match the form and size of the hive.
- For feeding or treatment of bees Beekeeper need inventory and feeders. Their are several varieties. You can purchase ready-made options in stores, selling equipment for beekeeping, but you can build them yourself, using improvised materials such as wood, plywood or even jars.
- In the summer bees can not do without water. It is necessary not only for insect drinking, but also to support the microclimate in the hive, in the production of honey and rearing. Lack of fluid can lead to reduced productivity of all visible bdzholosim'yi. So drinking bowls for bees – it is also a necessity.
In addition to the work needed:
- Royivnya. It is a box of arbitrary design. On the one hand it is tightly closed mesh, other – covered holstykom. Royivnya needed, when you pick up and put back into the hive swarm taking off. Will be good, if the design will allow for the deployment of more and 4-6 sotoramok. This is necessary in case, If bees have to leave it for a short time or a large swarm.
- Uterine cell. Need for detention or transport queen bees. It can be stored in a swarm queen cells and spare time. It is also suitable for replanting in a new family of strong young cancer.
- When transporting the apiary from one place to another Beehive needed braces. This adjustment, not allowing the hive damaged and break up in transit. Alternatively you can use the wooden slats. They are stuffed with nails on the part of the hive, but not much, So, that they can be easily dismantled after transportation. With frequent changes of location apiary (in terms of migrations) better to use a more robust design, example, clamp braces of metal and other materials.
- An important condition for the survival of bees in the winter is to keep them comfortable temperature inside the nest. If it's very cold, insects spend much effort, energy and feed stocks that, keep warm. As a fact, to spring out of exhausted or dies. Because the winter insulated hives. Do it right around the perimeter. For these purposes mother with cane, straw, and pillows with materials, insulation.
Equipment maintenance and care of hives of bees
The family and productive bees need to take care and protect them.
To control the vital functions of insects, providing them with timely assistance and create optimal conditions of, should periodically inspect the hives and bees, determine their current status and perform the necessary work.
This should act very carefully, not to harm them careless actions.
This will require special equipment, for convenient maintenance hives:
Bees – quite aggressive insects, perfectly protect their stocks and they just will not give them to anyone.

chimney beekeeper
This includes beekeeper. Therefore, in order, to start a variety of care hives, must first present it to drive away the bees.
For this and need a chimney – elongated metal cylinder with a spout on one side and attached to a wooden frame leather bellows – other.
Inside this adjustment is built “glass”, which fit different material dymoutvoryuvalnyy.
He then ignited and the fire is inflated bellows. Formed during combustion smoke drives away good insects from their homes.
Smoke deterrent action based on the ancient instinct, dictated the nature of bees – for fear of forest fires.
Sensing a characteristic smell, Honey bees rush to fill zobyk groceries and fly.
What should beekeepers and. Now you can work, without fear of angry insect bites.
Pasichna chisel
Stameska – a steel strip length 20 cm with enhanced and sharpened ends, one of which is bent at right angles.
If it is made propyl, this chisel can be used as pliers, when you want to divide the hive box into its component parts in case, if they are strongly zapropolisovani.
Without this tool in your inventory and then not do, when you want to separate the frame from each other or to remove them from the walls, clean the interior space of the housing bee wax, propolis and insect excrement and performing other works, requiring the use of force, press, scraping.
Scraper Blade
This metal plate width 10 see attached thereto with wooden handle, inventory needed for cleaning the bottom of the hives it zibravshohosya bee pidmoru, lost wax plates insects and other debris
Long brush with soft bristles
It is used in beekeeping when viewed slot zmitannya insects, remaining on the framework and elsewhere hive, and the transplant bees or hive if necessary to reduce the extent.
Claws for framework
It is an adaptation, consisting of two steel side panels, two wooden handles and two elements, that tie them together.
Interests facilitate obtaining the required frame from the hive in the case, If it is difficult to pick up.
box Portable
This light fixture, made of plywood or thin boards, needed for preparation and carrying framework of Wax, ready to collect honeycombs and wax.
Situated in a box frame and in the hive – on the shoulders and the top lid closed.
Also, a box used to store and transfer various beekeeping tools.
Also needed are used navoschuvannya framework.
Training framework – necessary and very important work, that every beekeeper should know how to do.
This applies both to the old, and new, designed to work bees, because there are cases, When insects simply ignore the new framework Wax.
Not to please the bees snap – They do not forgive missteps, that were made during the formation of the framework.
To properly prepare technical framework, should be reserved following tools and equipment:
- Roller frames for navoschuvannya. This beekeeping tools needed to consolidate the new letter box prydavlyuvannya wax through it to the top of the frame and depression wire. If work on navoschuvannyu have to spend the winter, should be preheated to spur better contact with wood wax. In summer, this procedure is not needed.
- Wire coil. Fine thread steel frame designed to perform, which helps keep the letter wax on the frame. The strength of fixing depends on the quality of the thread, and the degree of tension. Properly installed Wax guarantees fast bees cell rebuilding and their reliable operation in future.
- Beekeeping punch. This tool is devised specifically for cutting holes in the side of frame laths, which then extends through the wire. By pressing the handle five punch awls includes both the wood and left a neat hole, as a result of allocating the handle to its original position, returned back.
- the Framework nails, which will be required for the necessary works to repair old or making additional new framework.
- pATTERNS. For convenience, there navozuvannya beekeeping mold – smooth flat board slightly smaller, than the internal volume of the frame. Located at the bottom of the vertical strips are used for strength and lift it above the table.
Inventory, required for the processing and storage of beekeeping
When the cells are completely filled with ripe honey, comes the most awaited time in the life of beekeeper – gathering “crop”.
How does honey: honey through centrifugal force pushed out of the cells and accumulates on the bottom of the tank.
To the finished product successfully migrated from a framework prepared for this container, need such accessories in inventory:
- Knife beekeeping. This special than the length 25-30 cm of blade sharpening bilateral, how to cut pumping honey honeycomb wax caps. To cut faster – than necessary pre-heated in boiling water. There are also advanced electric and steam knives.
- Box with lid for carrying the finished honeycomb from the hives to the room, Pumping of sewer which will be honey.
- extractor. This is the most important attribute of beekeeping, without which the product can not get sweet. All honey differ in three major categories: the type of drive drum (Geared, belt and electric), on location in frame drum capacity (radial and hordialni) and the number of frames, simultaneously loaded into the drum. Despite the differences in design, principle of operation they have one – rotating container creates a centrifugal force, which pushes the liquid honey with honeycomb cells. It then accumulates at the bottom of honey, where it can be drained through the nose because of a pre-prepared container.
- Voskotopka pairs. This capacity, needed to quickly and accurately processing waxy materials and simplifies the process. recycled 3-4 kg of product rather 50-60 minutes.
- Containers for collection and storage of honey. Despite its simplicity and versatility of application, it must meet certain requirements: be easy, solid, chemically inert, Aesthetic and invisible. The most relevant of these indicators is polyethylene or polypropylene packaging.
beekeeper suit
The behavior of bees is often unpredictable and one individual person sting, How should immediately will add dozens of friends.
So for insects to avoid such unpleasant cases need to use means of individual protection – Beekeeping suit.
What has:
- outerwear. There may be several options: jacket or jacket and trousers combination, tsilnokroyinyy jumpsuit with zipper front, short top with lowered shoulders and sleeveless. All kinds of costumes are made of strong linen cloth, in cuffs and the waist line, for close fitting located gum, and a wide mouth thin wire inserted.
- Nets face. Usually this syttsevyy hat with sewn on the edges of a thin nylon mesh black, that the lower part of his neck joins suit. There are round or square metal mesh.
- Leather or synthetic gloves, complementary long sleeves.
Required equipment for beekeeping
- The front grid (ideally suit) and gloves;
- Funnel, than, rink for navoschuvannya, Stameska;
- Hives, 2-3 minimum;
- Framework, Wax.
You can buy a set beekeeper, which already includes all, but for beekeeping suit should buy separately.
Traditionally, beekeeping lessons that could bring significant revenue, after all pcheloprodukty been and always will be in demand and popular.
But getting a large volume of products is only possible with proper all necessary maintenance work on bees.
What can be accomplished only if the default beekeeping tools and equipment for apiary.