Drink apple cider vinegar, honey and garlic – benefits for the body
Drink apple cider vinegar, honey and garlic – benefit.
In this article learn about medicinal trio – apple cider vinegar, honey and garlic, its benefits and harms to the human body.
The benefits and healing properties of the components of the drink.
What are the treatment, the useful properties of medicinal herbs and healing effects that have on the body.
the components
Nectar is rich in vitamins and minerals, organic compounds, enzymes.
Apiprodukt improves digestion, lowers cholesterol, removes toxins.
exept this, bee products – natural biostimulants, increases the body's natural defenses.
Apple Cider vinegar
Apple Cider vinegar – this acid, obtained naturally, namely the fermentation of apple.
It contains a large number of components (amino acids, vitamins), positive effect on the human body.
Traditional home remedies involve treatment of varicose veins acid, and it is used for obesity, diseases of the joints.
Garlic – This world famous plant, which has a sharp spicy taste and smell.
He became famous for his influence through antimicrobial Phytoncide.
It is recommended to use a cold, upon detection of parasitic infestation.
Effects on body Trio natural products
Combining these three ingredients, you get an amazing elixir of power, he can:
- strengthen the body;
- accelerate regenerative processes;
- clear, strengthen blood vessels;
- increase metabolism.
This is not all positive qualities, medication improves the overall condition of the person, prevents the appearance of tumors.
Elixir of honey garlic and apple cider vinegar
This folk remedy widely used for the prevention of heart disease.
- 200 g malic acid;
- 150 g pcheloprodukty;
- 1 large garlic.
Garlic clean, pass through the press, then mix all the ingredients, You can use a blender.
Medicinal weight shift into a glass jar and place in refrigerator, insist three days.
Drink in the morning before eating a tablespoon of the mixture.
You can pre-mix to dissolve in a glass (250 ml) of water, or requests.
Eating should begin after two hours, treated for a month.
When this occurs following treatment:
- improving the quality of the blood;
- splits, derived cholesterol;
- vessels are elastic;
- inflammation and blood clots removed;
- condition stabilizes heart muscle.
Strengthening immunity, and combating colds
It is, people with weakened immune systems suffer from colds more often, what to do in such a situation?
Exit pretty obvious – strengthen immune defenses.
Taking tincture of garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar, You will achieve several goals simultaneously:
- reduce the number of colds;
- fill the lack of nutrients in the body;
- relieves colds disease in the early stages;
- get rid of outdated colds;
- forget about headaches, neurological disorders.
For the preparation of infusions required:
- cup of apple cider vinegar;
- glass of natural honey;
- 25 ml juice of garlic.
Place your product in a container, put in a water bath, warming 15 minutes.
Warning! Bring to a boil impossible, die nutrients! Then put in a cool place, fridge.
To raise immunity rather drink away garlic tincture with honey garlic and apple cider vinegar 2 week.
Take three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 Article. l., previously dissolved in warm water.
When treating a cold drink drugs should be the complete elimination of symptoms plus 5-7 days.
Support the body with cancer
A mixture of honey, Garlic can be used in the fight against tumors.
- garlic – 15 cloves;
- 200 ml of malic acid;
- bee nectar cup.
Read more: Honey with heartburn: recipes treatment.
Garlic clean, pass through the press and pour vinegar. Capacity refrigerate for 10 days, then strain, discard pulp.
Mix with honey tincture, take 1 no. L. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Medicines should rozsmoktaty mouth. Course admission is 1 month, then 90 days off, then the repetition of treatment.
With apple recipe for the continuation of youth
Want to manage their age? Now you have the chance!
Propyvayuchy once a year a potion, many years you will look good and significantly increase life expectancy.
It will take:
- 1,5 liters of vinegar;
- 300 grams of garlic;
- 0,5 kg of onions;
- 1 kg of bee products.
Vegetables clean, chop and pour acid, leave for 24 hours for infusion.
Then strain, mixed with bee nectar.
Every morning to drink 2 Article. l. drug, You can drink warm water.
Slimming Drink
Drink apple cider vinegar, honey, garlic will help in the fight against excess weight.
This mix adjusts metabolism, removes toxins from the body, encourage physical activity and dulls hunger.
Restrictions on admission
Unfortunately, not everyone can use this unique tool, there are contraindications to the use:
- gastritis, ulcer;
- old age;
- allergy;
- gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
- intolerance ingredients.
In the presence of chronic conditions before using herbs should consult a doctor for advice.
Actual use at home recipes medicinal herbs at the initial stage of the disease, and in the case, when conventional medicine does not bring the desired effect.
pay attention, there will be no sense of taking a single drink, it is important to take the full treatment course and comply with medication.