Violet pahorbna
Honey plant violet pahorbna: nektaroproduktyvnist.
Violet pahorbna – Violet Hill Bess.
A perennial plant of the family violet.
It occurs in deciduous and mixed forests, forest edges and shrubs.
Stems with internodes strongly encounters. The leaves are ovate, pointed to the top, top green, naked, underneath – pale green, greatly lowered.
Flowers are wrong, bisexual, pale purple or pale blue, white short shportsa.
Time of flowering
Flowers in April, for 10-15 days. The flower produces 3-5 days.
Nektaroproduktyvnist and Medoproduktivnost
Minor honey plant, but good pylkonos. Bees readily visit flowers, collect pollen and nectar.
- Nektaroproduktyvnist: 100 flowers ranged from 17,8 to 22,4 mg sugar.
- medoproduktivnost: small, With continuous mills up 10-40 kg / it.