Royal jelly: application and benefit to the organism
Royal jelly: use at home.
Apply royal jelly for over five centuries, now widely used in folk medicine, pharmacology and cosmetology.
Its unique composition increases resistance and positively influences the function of all organs and systems.
Royal jelly – products of bees
Substance thick consistency, which bees used to feed larvae, called royal jelly.
Its main feature is the content of a large number of vitamins, micro- and macro, enzymes and other nutrients, so it is a natural biostimulant.
Proof of this is the fact, that just a couple of days the larvae, eating bee jelly, increased several times and become adults.
Outside the "royal jelly" (so also called bee royal jelly because, it is used for feeding bees – "Queens") like thick cream or cream.
It can be white or cream color. Characteristic features of royal jelly stand:
- sour taste;
- pekuchosti presence in taste;
- slightly sweet flavor notes;
- odor.
Natural biostimulants quickly deteriorates and loses its properties, because of its long lasting adsorbuyut (dried).
The substance is a powder used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.
In fresh royal jelly contains more nutrients, than in dried form.
Even though adsorbed substance gives the body a positive impact and help fight various ailments, from colds and bronchitis and ending with malignant tumors and other serious illnesses.
The unique composition of royal jelly
Despite the development of modern technology, composition "royal jelly" is not fully understood, but we know, which is in 60-70% of water.
In recent 30-40% includes such solids:
- whites;
- carbohydrates;
- lipids;
- vitamins;
- enzymes;
- hormones;
- minerals;
- volatile and other nutrients.
The main feature natural biostimulator stands unique presence in the DNA, which contains information about the rejuvenation of the body. It starts the regeneration and restores organs and systems work.
Useful properties of royal jelly
"Royal Jelly" has a unique composition, and its beneficial properties to help resist or cope with diseases of different nature.
It improves immunity to a maximum level, allowing the body to cope with many ailments.
Royal jelly has on the body such action:
- improves process of hematopoiesis;
- restores normal background and stimulates the adrenal glands;
- improves the digestive system;
- displays the body of harmful substances, helps to cope with detoxification and poisoning;
- positive effect on the nervous system;
- relieves insomnia;
- increases body tone, etc..
Read more: Medicinal properties of wax
Due to the high content of volatile (natural antibiotics), Royal Jelly has a strong antiviral and antimicrobial effect on the body.
The use of this substance helps to cope with viruses and infections:
- SARS viruses;
- Influenza virus;
- with staphylococcus;
- with streptococci;
- with the tubercle bacillus and other.
Widely used royal jelly in gynecology. It helps to get rid of genital inflammation, and often used in infertility. Natural hormones improves the ovaries, which increases the chances to conceive.
Royal jelly starts the regeneration, so it is recommended in fractures and damage to muscle tissue.
This substance stimulates muscle without harming the body, so often used by athletes. exept this, substance increases vitality and energizes.
"Royal Jelly" has on the body antibiotic analgesic action. Improves the heart and vascular system, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs.
exept this, royal jelly increases resistance to radiation, as used in radiation sickness. We recommend using royal jelly with cancer as adjuvant therapy.
In the early stages of natural biostimulant inhibits the multiplication of cancer cells and may even destroy them. Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes for cancer treatment, but it is not necessary to self-medicate.
Before starting a course taking royal jelly, consult your doctor, because in some cases a strong biostimulants can worsen the disease and to stimulate tumor growth.
Read more: Royal jelly. Benefits and harms “royal jelly”
The natural substance boosts the immune system and energizes, therefore helps to cope with the effects of chemotherapy.
The use of royal jelly
If you are interested, how to make jelly, you should know, that the substance is a strong biostimulant, so it should be used in small quantities.
In the course of treatment with this natural product must strictly adhere to the dosage.
If you take it in its pure form, his daily dose should not exceed 2 mg.
When used in dried form (capsules or tablets) – to 10 mg.
When rampant use substances may be side effects:
- stomach upset or diarrhea;
- excessive nervous irritability;
- dry mouth;
- redness and other skin manifestations
When a number of unpleasant symptoms royal jelly should be reduced or completely stop the use of the substance. Drink Milk of bees uterine need for efficiency 2-3 times a day.
Dosage depends on the age of the patient, the type of disease and other features. In the treatment of "royal jelly" adult children norm should be reduced in half.
Despite the long list of features and versatility, Royal Jelly has contraindications:
- high capacity to thicken blood;
- rehabilitation period after a stroke or heart attack;
- disruption of the adrenal cortex;
- allergic to bee products;
- acute infectious diseases, accompanied by fever.
Since "royal jelly" increases blood clotting, with increased clotting by nature, it can lead to blood clots.
The substance stimulates the adrenal glands, that their dysfunction may lead to the appearance of side effects and complications of the disease.
Categorically refuse the use of natural biostimulator with allergic reactions to bee products.
Start receiving royal jelly should be used with small doses, and only, making sure no allergies, increased gradually to usual dose.
The use of non-traditional medicine
Royal jelly bees has unique healing properties, so its use helps get rid of many diseases.
Use this folk remedy in diseases such:
- anemia;
- in low immunity;
- colds and viral diseases;
- tuberculosis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases;
- glaucoma and other eye ailments;
- diabetes;
- obesity and other metabolic disorders;
- in diseases of the endocrine system;
- insomnia;
- with nervousness and depression;
- with infertility, etc..
Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes from royal jelly to treat various diseases. Here are some of them.
Colds and flu
Treatment of royal jelly cold, flu, GRZ, tuberculosis and respiratory tract inflammation often involves mixing the natural biostimulator with honey in proportion 1: 100.
Prepared mixture should be in 1 teaspoon put under the tongue and slowly dissolve.
The procedure should be repeated twice a day. This mixture of bee products can also be used for the prevention of colds, including during the epidemic.
Dilute copper royal jelly and water used to treat the common cold – buried in the nose instead of drugs.
Alcoholate with dental and other diseases
Royal jelly alcohol is often used for the treatment of gastrointestinal, gynecological problems and other ailments.
To prepare an alcohol tincture, must take:
- 1 part of the "royal jelly";
- 20 parts 40% -tion of alcohol.
For internally 15 ml of the resulting emulsion diluted in a tablespoon of water. If you use an alcohol tincture for the treatment of dental diseases, a teaspoon of the mixture should be diluted in 0,5 cup of warm water and use to rinse.
Course admission alcohol tincture depends on the occurrence of disease symptoms and signs, but generally is at least 2 weeks.
Burns and skin diseases
For the treatment of skin diseases, and wounds, burns and other injuries integument using an alcohol tincture, diluted in water.
Cotton swabs moistened in a solution prepared and applied to the affected areas. Read more: Royal jelly for women – natural source of vitamins.
When lactation
Solve the problem of poor lactation also help "royal jelly". If you are interested, as it is taken in lactation, you can use royal jelly in pure form or mixed with honey in proportion 1: 100 or 1: 200.
The main: substance is put under the tongue and slowly dissolve, otherwise it will be of no benefit, as the liver completely overhauls product. When resorption all active substances directly into the blood.
Dosage royal jelly depends on the characteristics of the disease, but it is often mixed with honey or alcohol tincture prepared. Sometimes the "royal jelly" is added to the decoction of herbs.
Using in cosmetology
Bee Royal Jelly has a rejuvenating effect, so widely used by women to preserve youth and beauty. It can be used to care skin care and body, and hair.
It affects the human epidermis:
- smoothes wrinkles;
- restores the sebaceous glands;
- skin tones;
- improves blood flow to the cells of the epidermis.
When using natural biostimulator care hair You can forget about the loss, dimness, split ends and other problems.
Classic mask
Application at home of natural substances useful for cosmetic purposes often involves the preparation of masks. Prepare classic mask, which can be applied to the neck area, face and hands, a snap.
Please do the following:
- In a tablespoon of warmed milk, add a teaspoon of honey. It is better to choose a sweet bee products in liquid or melt zasaharyvshyysya, but it should be done properly, without heating at high temperature (to 36 WITH).
- To the mixture, add a few drops of mother milk and mix well.
- Apply the mask need a quarter hour.
- Repeat procedure should be 1-2 times a week.
Hair Mask
If you suffer from hair loss, bees use milk to prepare homemade mask.
For this you will need:
- 1 yolk;
- 1 teaspoon of royal jelly;
- 2 tablespoons of burdock oil.
All components must be carefully mixed. Instructions for use of masks requires the following steps::
- Apply the mixture to damp hair roots and rub well into the skin.
- wrap towel, do not forget to cover the package or plastic cap.
- Keep an hour.
- Rinse with warm water and be sure to shampoo, conventional oil as water does not wash off.
Due to its useful properties, bee milk is widely used to treat various diseases and cosmetic problems solving.
Where to buy royal jelly and his price? In shops and pasichnikiv, involved in this direction, You can also search forums bodzholyariv!
The effectiveness and benefits this natural bee products even recognized by traditional medicine.
Proof of this is that, royal jelly powder that is used in pharmacology in the manufacture of drugs.