Mask with honey and cinnamon Face

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Маска з меду і кориці для обличчяMask with honey and cinnamon for the skin.

Acne facial – a common problem in women, which nullifies the desire to look beautiful., almost perfect..

comedones, pustular acne, knots, acne – it all becomes very troublesome problem, causing discomfort, hostility from others and self-inhibition.

For the treatment of various problems face conventional medicine offers means, containing antibiotics and some other stuff.

In some cases, the surgery even, which leads to scarring and other unwanted structures.

Face Treatment folk remedies – a reasonable solution, because in this case, the mask with different means, which has a mild effect without apparent side effects.

  1. Cinnamon and honey acne
  2. Use of the drug with honey and cinnamon Face
  3. When not used a mask with honey facial
  4. Recipes masks with honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon and honey acne

Honey has unique properties. But its healing effect can not deny anything even the most ardent skeptics traditional medicine.

On the basis created many drugs, how to help in the fight against external flaws, and in the treatment of problems of internal organs.

Its tangible benefits – mild therapeutic effect. Honey can be treated long, without worrying about side effects, because it is a natural product, indicated for taking food.

Кориця і мед від прищів

Cinnamon and Honey for Acne

Beauticians honey treat various problems, such as drowsiness and dry skin, age-related changes, hyperpigmentation, acne.

Of course, the product itself is very useful and can be taken independently.

But the combination with other medicinal substances (kelp, cinnamon, milk, aloe etc.) has an even greater effect.

So, mix it with laminaria – good treatments for cellulite, and the addition of fresh aloe juice leads to rejuvenation.

Honey and cinnamon Face – the best remedy for any forms of acne.

Beauty means is so pronounced effect, which can be used independently, without parallel drug therapy.

Cinnamon, which is the second component of the vehicle, has a tonic and purifies the skin effect. It is a known anti-inflammatory agent, source of antioxidants.

Cinnamon normalizes blood circulation in the capillaries of the finest in the deep layers of the skin, and causes inflamed areas in order due to the presence of choline and thiamine.

This combined with the effect of honey, which has antibacterial and regenerative properties, leads to a rapid and final recovery of facial skin.

mask, which includes cinnamon, acts as a relaxing and normalizing the skin means, so it can be applied even to people, who have no skin problems.

Use of the drug with honey and cinnamon Face

To have skin problems, her need regular care, what need extra time.

It is better to devote every day, than to think about expensive surgery or serious medical supplies.

Honey mask, as evidenced reviews, – that means, to be used regularly, that its effect was prolonged.

The most effective means then acts, when it is used at least three times a day, which is very little compared to the potential cost of treatment.

The cycle of treatment, in which every day use mask with honey, not less than ten days.

It was during this period the skin, no matter how serious the problem was, time to recover and return to normal.

When not used a mask with honey facial

Cinnamon and honey – very frequent components of cosmetics. Although they are very useful for the skin, their use should take wisely, carefully.

So, mask with honey contraindicated, if the patient is allergic to it in history.

A cinnamon can be used in larger doses, than indicated in the recipe, because it can cause skin irritation, redness and even burns.

When buying honey in store, should pay attention to the label – it should not undergo pasteurization process, in which lost a significant amount of nutrients.

Equally harmful use and hot water as a solvent.

Recipes masks with honey and cinnamon

Mask with honey and cinnamon facial acne

Based on honey and cinnamon, there are many recipes, used in cosmetics.

So, is very effective mask for acne prevention. It must use the month, and you can marvel own skin: it becomes smooth, smooth, becomes healthy color.

To prepare this mask tablespoon of honey mixed with half the number of cinnamon until smooth.

Мед і кориця від прищів

Honey and Cinnamon for Acne

Apply the mask with honey and cinnamon in the face 10-15 minutes, then removed and thoroughly washed with water.

The mask is extremely contraindicated for use during inflammatory acne, naryvayutsya when they are new or rash.

The second case, When using honey and cinnamon Face, – This mask removing spots from acne and other entities.

To the drug had a major impact, it should be used at least once in two days.

To prepare this mask honey and cinnamon mixed in equal amounts.

The resulting mixture is uniformly applied to hyperpigmented skin, which lasts for half an hour.

This mask has the following contraindications: telangiectasias (disease, in which on the face dilate blood vessels), personal intolerance ingredients.

Equally popular is the mask, used for different skin types.

So, a drug, preparing to improve skin elasticity based on honey and cinnamon, has several types depending on skin.

So, recommended for dry skin, mix cinnamon, honey and egg yolk in a ratio 1: 2: 1.

For peeling used almost the same drugs in the same amount.

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