waxes miles

Benefits and harms of larvae Wax moth

Benefits and harms of larvae Wax moth

Wax moth larva: benefit, damage, dilution.

Найбільша неприємність для бджоляра – поява специфічної молі в вуликах, in particular its progeny, as moth larvae wax causing irreparable damage to the entire apiary.

It lives only in those places, where swarming bees, adult moth lays many eggs, of which there are quite voracious larvae, що поїдають стільники і мед – одна така особина здатна протягом місяця знищити до 500 hundred or 2 kg of wax.

From these pests there is a huge damage, but they can heal people from many diseases.

As it happens, you will learn from this article.

  1. What is wax moth
  2. As breeding wax moth
  3. Unique means of treatment
  4. Composition tinctures
  5. Indications and methods of use
  6. Making preparations
  7. Possible side effects

What is wax moth

Wax moth scientists call two species of butterflies, belonging to the family vohnivok.

Both species are considered pests for evil swarm bee apiary and the whole.

What is the larva, how it hurts hardworking bees?

Dimensions wax moth не такі й великі – до 1,8 cm, her highly developed mouthparts, it is always something to eat, with a strong hive populations of these pests can inflict irreparable damage winged family.

damaging the cells, Entangling silk larvae entry, бджоли не можуть дістатися до шкідника – в результаті вони слабшають, some die, and the remaining left uninhabitable makeshift house and departing from an apiary.

Experienced beekeepers actively fighting the wax moth, setting hives inside the automated system, that monitors vital functions industrious insects, типу ПЕОМ – це гарантія безпеки, with the defender bee swarm can work quietly, without fear of invasion of moths.

As breeding wax moth

To start the breeding of larvae at home, must have the old hive, or make a special wooden box, which experts call Tentorium, where the temperature is maintained constant.

Inside, you must install the old frame with honeycombs, they can take in the spring of rejection of any beekeeper, but there should be little honey with ambrosia, otherwise there will take root maggots.

In this box you need to equip input moth, that she could easily get inside.

We must remember, that the pest lays eggs only at night, when the activity of the bees is very small.

How to start breeding wax moth

It is necessary to consider rational heating, t. the temperature should be constant and not above +300 C.

Great place will loft, because there hardly bees flew there and easy to maintain optimum temperature.

To breeding process was normal, beyond the already affected honeycombs are placed at a distance of not more 2-3 mm.

exept this, sometimes need to add water inside the box in reasonable quantities, To maintain optimum moisture percentage.

Given the exceptional voracity pest, it is necessary to periodically change the scope eaten away by new, larvae to grow rapidly.

It should follow, that they were not in too much, t. how. with overpopulation they can eat their fellow.

Collect adult should be very careful: initially scared of the frame into the prepared container, a comb stuck manually collect, without making sudden movements.

Then assembled "harvest" screened on a sieve for honey, while small fail, and only the remaining fat worms, which comes with excellent infusion.

Unique means of treatment

Infusion of moth larvae wax is used in diseases such:

  • the treatment of upper respiratory tract;
  • prevention of influenza;
  • various stages of varicose veins;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • інфаркт міокарда – від впливу настоянки згладжуються виниклі рубці на серці;
  • diabetes;
  • BPH;
  • various diseases of surface cover;
  • tuberculosis.

These extracts positively affecting the blood vessels of the brain, because they are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, the reception for some time doctors patients improves memory.

A drug, containing extract larvae Wax moth, used in the treatment of many childhood diseases, he quickly normalize the blood, as used in oncology.

Scientists have shown, this infusion slows the aging process, improves skin, therefore considered ideal preventive measure of senile diseases.

Its healing properties are confirmed in vitro testing, Although many physicians are skeptical of such claims.

Composition tinctures

The overall chemical composition of the extract is complex and extremely diverse, it contains high-enzymes, whites, minerals, vitamins, used by the body to regulate functionality.

Some say the name is simply impossible, but it takes a whole page listing.

The structure also includes 20 with 28 free amino acids known to science, among them are many unique, that the human body can not be played, but they contribute to normal life.

These acids are involved in protein synthesis, which is part of almost all tissues and organs homosapiyensa.

As a tincture containing lipids, and fatty acids, essential linoleic and linolenic.

Read: Bee moth tincture: benefit, application

Indications and how to properly use

Настоянки рекомендують приймати перед прийомом їжі або ж через деякий час після їжі – тільки такий метод забезпечує правильне засвоєння речовини, exact time determined by the physician.

Correct dosage depends directly on the weight of the patient, every 10 kg has no more than three drops.

Example, for people of average weight 60-70 kg at a time will be the norm 18-21 drop, а більш об’ємним – до 100 There kg 30 drops.

When active treatment dose is divided into twice daily, and the prevention can be taken at a time, but diluted with water, juice or warm tea no more 30 ml.

The solution was advised not to swallow at once, and hold some time in the mouth, краще місце під язиком – так він вбирається набагато швидше.

The drug has tonic properties, so it should take in the morning and at lunch, not to accidentally disturb night sleep.

The first application is made for uncomplicated scheme:

  • 1 день – перед сніданком чверть стандартної дози;
  • 2 день – половина;
  • on 3 добу – три чверті.

If there is no discomfort and intolerance, then switching to normal use.

A week allowed admission to two times a day, treatment duration of at least 12-14 weeks, t. yak.spochatku is the accumulation of mineral components and then implement them.

Making preparations

Recipe tincture Wax moth very simple: be collected adults, which required unique enzymes have not decreased.

At the last stage of development before being converted into a pupa larvae lose some medicinal properties, and they are young enough.

10 g selected individuals to fill 100 ml 70% spirit, a sealed container and put in a pretty cool place available 7-8 days.

Importantly! Before use of infusion should consult your doctor.

Daily infusion should stir, to extract uniformly distributed throughout the volume, Only under such conditions will extract all strong miraculous properties.

Then strain the resulting suspension, used to separate from larvae, pour into a hermetically sealed bottle and refrigerate.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Doctors are not in vain constantly warned, that self-treatment can worsen the course of any illness until aggravation.

Any drug can not only cure the disease originated, but also a source of relapse at the wrong reception.

Therefore, patients allergic to all bee products is not recommended to take infusion.

Severe restrictions are for pregnant women, t. as the impact of the unique extracts from larvae may give retroactive effect and enhance the development of the disease.

Patients with advanced gastric or intestinal drug use is strictly prohibited, This prohibition is valid also for patients with hepatitis.

Children under 14 years tincture can only use under close medical supervision and in small doses.

Throughout the long history of the use of infusions for medicinal purposes any serious side effects were recorded, and no obvious contraindications, але перед початком лікування консультація з медиками – обов’язковий захід.

Only graduate will be able to find the right dosage and plan regular dosing, which must strictly comply.

Read: Fighting wax moth in the apiary: land storage


The unique properties of bee products known for thousands of years, Doctors have used ancient era healing properties of wax, honey and their products.

Tincture Wax moth larvae known not so long ago, but conventional medicine does not hurry to fully recognize its healing properties, t. how. for many years is an unspoken struggle physicians and healers, using recipes from our ancestors.

Consultation with a physician is required, тому не варто займатися самолікуванням – в аптеках такі настої продають без пред’явлення рецепта, but much harm, than to help the body cope with rapidly arisen disease.

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