waxes miles

PZHVM – a unique tool for the treatment of

ПЖВМ – продукт життєдіяльності воскової молі, application.

you, definitely, heard of tincture Wax moth, but about a concept, as the product of Wax moth, very little information.

Benefits drugs, the preparation of which is based on the larvae, known to all, but that the benefits of human excrement, few know.

Let's try to understand, PZHVM what benefits and what diseases can be cured with its help

  1. What PZHVM?
  2. Ingredients
  3. How to cook the drug?
  4. Varieties tinctures
  5. Indications
  6. Use of the drug
  7. Contraindication


Beekeeping has many useful products.

Waste products Wax moth takes pride of place in this list.

waxes miles – маленький метелик.

The exceptional feature of small insects lies in its diet.

Міль харчується виключно продуктами бджільництва – медом і віском, because all the nutrients accumulated in her body.

Excrement wax moth using traditional healers for treatment.

A butterfly flies in the hive at night, By far the largest cluster of bees and lays larvae.

In the morning moth flies out of the hive and hiding in a tree or bush, and at night returns to bees, to fulfill his plan for deferral of offspring.

Once the wax moth larvae postpone all, it ceases to eat, as vital processes supported accumulated substances.


PZHVM chemical composition similar to the composition of the extract from larvae.

It contains amino acids, церраза – речовина, able to dissolve pathogens, fatty acids and trace elements.

Acids not give secede cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, retain their elasticity.

But the unique healing properties of the product depend on flavanoyidiv, стероїдів і ірідоїдів – біологічно активних сполук, which appear in PZHVM after repeated transmission larvae excrement through a.

Steroids have anti-inflammatory effects, but the drug should be dosed, as requested.

Flavanoyidy capable of detecting P-vitamin activity, irridoyidy improve the brain.

Read: Larvae Wax moth: benefit, damage, dilution.

Biologically active compounds PZHVM

Flavanoyidy relate to physiologically active components, which affects enzyme activity.

Useful properties flavanoyidiv:

  1. Is protective, preserve the integrity of body cells.
  2. Slow down aging at the cellular level.
  3. They have anti-inflammatory effects, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Relieves women during menopause.
  5. Prevents viral disease and cancer.
  6. enhances immunity, strengthen the heart muscle, immunity, prevent varicose veins.

Ірідоїди – потужні компоненти з широким спектром біологічної активності. Phytochemical components produced by insects or plants

Useful properties iridoyidiv:

  • normalize cholesterol;
  • have immunomodulatory, cardioprotective effect;
  • increase stamina, give energy;
  • prevent the formation of free radicals;
  • improve the brain;
  • holding back the aging process;
  • form new blood vessels;
  • prevent the development of benign and malignant tumors;
  • resist viruses.

Стероїди – речовини високої біологічної активності, mainly of vegetable or animal origin.

Connections are important for human, as they regulate metabolism, flow control biological processes, positive effect on reproductive function.

Steroids are subject to the processes of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.

Substances immune support, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, improve kidney function and strengthens skeletal muscle.

Read more: Bee moth tincture: benefit.

How to cook the drug?

Extract or tincture prepared from a mixture of black recycled, which are beekeepers with hives and translated in darkened glass container.

It should follow, a product that did not fall sunlight, otherwise dramatically reduced healing properties.

mass pour 70% alcohol, This concentration prevents protein compound curl.

Manufacturers do not disclose the proportion of the drug, but it is known, the product should stand 9 days.

Готовий препарат – чорна рідина з ароматом сухофруктів і меду.

Varieties tinctures

To prepare the medicinal extract with unique therapeutic properties using two main methods:

  1. The drug prepared from larvae of moths.
  2. Apply larval excrement.

Hoods or alcohol-based tincture can prepare yourself.

Take 70% alcohol and pour their larvae, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Before taking infusion strain and pour into a container with a lid for storage.

Healing infusion can be prepared from feces.

PZHVM suitable for infusion just before okuklivannyam tracks.

In this case retains all the nutrients.

To attention! The more larvae ate and passed through itself as its waste products (excrement), the higher the value PZHVM.

Tracks often eat their own excrement, Therefore, the value of the extract increases at times.

The study showed, extract provides more effective, than extract.

also read: Fighting wax moth: save as Susz.


Tincture used for PZHVM:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Tincture lowers blood pressure, provides cardioprotective effect, increases the elasticity of vessel walls, minimizes strokes, prevents the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis development.
  2. Infertility. The product enhances libido, increases sperm motility, helps normalize hormonal, but she can not cope with severe disorders of the reproductive system.
  3. TB treatment. У ПЖВМ міститься церраза – фермент, which is able to dissolve these beeswax TB cell membrane mikrobakterii.
  4. Treatment of fungal diseases. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, so it can successfully treat any skin disease, with different etiology.
  5. Strengthening and improving immunity. Due immunomodulatory action, the drug reduces the risk of cancer, prevents tumor development, tones the body and slows the aging process of cells.

The drug is indicated for use in high physical stress, as it prevents mental and nervous exhaustion, gives a boost of energy and increases endurance.

Admission to the dry form also has positive effects on the body, dosage should stipulate a doctor.

Use of the drug

Liqueurs are made beekeepers. A jar of preparation can be seen and small larvae, and their products (excrement).

Do not be afraid of the mixture, as beekeepers make a quality product.

The purified drug in liquid form protsidzhennoyi can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The scheme is the same dosing: single dose for adults is 6-10 drops to half a glass of water.

Take for 0,5 hour before meals.

also read: Wax moth tincture: accepting, benefit.

Some diseases require a change in dosage, but the correct use of means should appoint a doctor.

  1. Treatment of cardiovascular system. 20 drops should be dissolved in PZHVM 100 ml of water. Take 1/3 three times a day. Починаючи з наступного дня і протягом місяця – 1 teaspoon. Через місяць – 1 Article. l. drug 3 times a day with the same interval between doses. Repeat treatment may be a month.
  2. blood Diseases. IN 120 ml water to dissolve 20 drops drug, take on 0,5 year. before eating 3 times a day. So be treated Month, and then increase the dose to 1 no. l.
  3. Various forms of tuberculosis. For treatment to be taken 20% infusion PZHVM. The dosage is calculated according to patient weight: on 10 кг – 6-10 drops. Drink 3 times a day.


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • Children under 14 years;
  • allergy.

Human imagination has no limits, especially when it comes to health: used to treat even feces moth larvae Wax.

Proponents of such treatment (use of waste) talk about its effectiveness, but before using PZHVM, you should consult your doctor and rule out contraindications to the use of the product.

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