waxes miles

Wax moth tincture: medicinal properties and features of the application

Wax moth tincture

Wax moth tincture: storage, properties, application.

Настоянка з воскової молі не просто універсальний засіб від безлічі недуг і патологій – це справжня знахідка для шанувальників нетрадиційної медицини.

In the annals of ancient Egyptians and Greeks referred to the healing properties of the wax moth, moth or melonelly.

Modern healers also note salubrity of the drink to the health of children and adults.

Today we will try to maximize objectively understand the truth of these statements and give interesting facts, associated with infusion moth.

  1. Specifics
  2. Storage
  3. Indication
  4. Contraindication
  5. Preparation
  6. Application
  7. According to doctors

Features insects

What is useful waxes miles, because, essentially, it is rather inconspicuous insect, which represents a serious threat to beekeeping?

Wax moth larva

Ohnivka familiar beekeepers firsthand. The point is, wax moth that is able to provide the enzyme, which resembles the smell of honey flavor.

Such masking misleading bees, and they take on their enemies.

Bee insect is not dangerous, but it eats honey and lays eggs in the hive, after which its larvae destroy ambrosia and honeycomb.

Over time, the larvae grow, increasingly starting to eat wax, honey and honeycomb.

Trajectory of the movement they cover silk. They are also able to harm himself and beehive, destroying the layer of insulation.

Moreover, with a very large gathering of caterpillars devour their own kind.

These actions affect bees, and hard-working bees die or throwing their homes.

Excessive gluttony pest insects converts these into useful.

Bee moth tincture used in folk medicine for a long time.

There are different recipes for larvae, to know where healers.

Composition and properties

Extract of wax moth appreciated by, що в процесі життєдіяльності комахи виробляється одна корисна речовина – фермент Церраза.

It is the active substance is a tremendous benefit to human health.

Extract of wax moth

The properties of the extract overemphasized, reported by doctors themselves.

Infused with extracts of larvae will be useful even for patients with cancer, even then talk about the usual diseases.

First noticed the healing properties of moth Ukrainian scientist Ilya Mechnikov.

By the time he proposed the sensational theory, who spoke about, Tserraza enzyme that can destroy the outer shell of Koch's bacillus, which is the causative agent of tuberculosis.

It follows, що лікування туберкульозу восковою міллю – це реальність, rather than fiction.

This fact was reinforced with practical laboratory tests, during which it was found, Wax moth extract that really destroys the outer membrane of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, making it more susceptible to various drugs.

extract moth suitable to treat even small children.

Also tincture treating many other diseases and is an additional benefit to human health:

  • relieves cough;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood counts and more.

Over the years, doctors have conducted a lot of experiments and research, which showed, that drugs can be used to combat various ailments and to improve the effective treatment of traditional medicines.

As part moth tincture has many components, including:

  • about twenty amino acids, are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body;
  • active substances, that the human body is not able to produce their own;
  • enzyme tserraza, used in the process of destruction of membrane tuberculosis bacteria;
  • active components, that inhibit most viruses;
  • stimulating cell growth micronutrients;
  • a wide range of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Enzyme bee moth well helps build muscle.

Many athletes and athletes use this tool as a natural and, General, anabolic harmless.

Also, this extract successfully complete recovery affects sexual activity.

The use of tincture copes with such pathologies, how:

  • impotence;
  • decreased activity spermatoyidiv;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • infertility.

Women medications help increase the chances of conception, eliminates anemia, promote successful gestation, eliminates symptoms of toxicity and more.

For health and its high activity moth tincture vital.

The enzyme helps to restore weak immune system, helps improve health, increase vitality and to ensure healthy development of complete.


Initially, experts in the field of medicine used medicinal properties moth exclusively for TB.

However, after using tincture began to treat such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • for the treatment of hypertension;
  • carcinoma and tumors;
  • oncology;
  • varicose veins;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to enhance the body's resistance to viral, respiratory and infectious diseases;
  • bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis,
  • allergy;
  • most cardiovascular pathologies;
  • to reduce pressure and shortness of breath;
  • restores normal metabolism;
  • eliminating the diseases of the genitourinary system.

Of course, this is not the disease, which treats this miracle infusion.

It is very widely used in surgery and gynecology. The extract also influences the spread of malignant tumors.

Also in preparation is a negligible quantity of psychotropic substances, because of the possible treatment of nervous system, stress and fatigue, improve memory and mood.

The benefits of such therapy a huge.

Also use tincture and athletes to raise the overall activity and recovery of muscle tissue.

Natural doping can improve results in sport and reach new Olympic peaks.

These drugs can replace conventional pills and other traditional medicines, are prescribed for the treatment of various diseases.

The downside of these medicines is, almost all of them have negative side effects on the body and function of internal organs.

Also means copes with anemia, restores damaged skin and protects against many fungal infections.

However, one should remember that, that despite the safety of the drug, Yet there are risks, as each organism has its own individual characteristics and reactions.

Read: PZHVM - product of the wax moth.

Before you start taking tincture, still need to consult a doctor.

Existing contraindications

As with any other drug, moth in liqueurs have their indications and, of course, contraindication.

Before tincture to treat children, should consult their doctors about it with.

The point is, the body is very sensitive children, which can cause unpleasant consequences.

The following contraindications:

  • idiosyncrasy bee products;
  • the presence of acute hepatitis;
  • the period of acute gastric ulcers;
  • pancreatitis, especially chronic.

Old-timers are not recommended to use the hood pregnant women and children, who have not attained the age of 10, as this may bring some harm to health.

However, this has not been proven in clinical studies.

Making healthful infusions

so, for cooking at home infusions need young larvae of moths fire.

They should not go to the stage okuklivannya. Also need a 70-percent alcohol.

Some healers do not recommend the use of vodka, since it does not have the necessary level of strength.

Moth larvae must be taken exclusively from the hive, in which they evolved naturally.

Clinical experiments have shown, if artificially remove parasites, they will not have the necessary medical properties.

The ingredients are added in the ratio 1:10. Example, preparation 100 ml of tincture is to use 10 December larvae and corresponding alcohol.

Larvae process does not need, otherwise they lose their healing properties.

You need to collect insects in a glass container, Pour alcohol and infuse for 14 days in a dark place.

It is important to shake the tincture daily. After finishing 14 days you get 10% infusion moth.

Also there is another recipe, through which trains 20% Wax moth tincture.

The only difference in the intensity of exposure infusion. During the preparation necessary to use twice the number of larvae in the same amount of alcohol.

100 ml infusion does not require 10, but 20 g komashok.

Methods of application

You must know that, how to make a tincture, because the dosage may be different and have different influence on the body.

The following instructions for use of the drug will acquaint you with the, how, in what quantities and how much time to take this infusion.

Also worth knowing about, that during treatment should not be used spirits.

The course of treatment is about 3 months. During this time the body builds up enough nutrients.

Read: How to keep Susz of wax moth - fight.

Universal application

Often used in tincture dosages 15-20 drops (10% infusion).

Дози визначаються просто – 3 drops of expectation 10 kg body weight.

The drug is diluted in water, then you can drink. 20% solution preferably drink 7-10 drops several times a day.

In a prophylactic dosage can use 1 once a day.

Purpose of the drug may be due to various diseases and pathologies, resulting in the body.

External application

Extract moth can also be used as an alternative gels, ointments and creams of different.

Tool has analgesic and other effects, which favorably affect the human skin.

Sake is often used to treat various ailments and frequently: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, skin rashes, etc..

exept this, external application extract helps restore damaged tissue through strokes or other injuries.


first, have to do, – це дотримуватися загальноприйнятих правил застосування настоянки.

This will prevent damage to health and enhance the effect of healing effects on the body as a whole.

Apply the medication necessary, taking into account the weight of the patient (adult) or age (for children).

Example, on 10 kg should take 3 drop infusion, and 10-year-old child just 10 drops a day.

Observe these dosages for different pathologies and diseases:

  1. For preventive measures. To carry out prevention body and boost immunity, should observe the following dosages: children to 14 years to take a day 2 drop per year of life, дорослим – з розрахунком 3 drops to 10 kg body weight.
  2. Cardiovascular Pathology. To 14 років – 2 drops to the calculation lived for one year. Дорослим – близько 6 to / 10 kg.
  3. TB treatment. It should comply with the following dosage: 15 years / 2 to. Дорослі – 8 to / 10 kg.
  4. Tumor formation and Oncology. 14 років – 2 to / 1 year of life. Дорослі – 10 to / 10 kg.
  5. Diseases of the respiratory system. 15 років – 2 to / 1 year. Дорослі – 5 to / 10 kg.

Please note that, that this tool should be used for 30 minutes before meals.

Drink infusion is recommended in pure form or diluted.

To save children from the sharp smell of alcohol, infusion should be diluted to half cup water.

To strengthen their health and boost immunity, Adults should take approximately infusion 4 weeks, followed by monthly interval.

Prophylactic course for children is about 21-day.

Depending on the seriousness of the pathology and symptoms, general treatment can be up to 3 month period.

Not taking into account potential drug idiosyncrasy, in most cases, infusion does not cause unpleasant side effects, as well as teas and other means of alternative medicine.

Yet even healers recommend the use of drugs to consult on this matter with your doctor, Moreover, when it comes to children's health.

According to most physicians on infusion

Many doctors sincerely convinced, that moth tincture healing effect is due to the so-called placebo effect.

When the patient genuinely believes, that this remedy can cure him even from cancer, ultimately what happens.

Of course, without skeptics is a part of the theory, or statement.

However, although to date not held formal medical research miraculous effects on the body of the drug, can not argue with the facts.

Many patients have felt and experienced the healing power tincture Wax moth larvae from.

They claim, the effect is felt almost immediately after the start of dosing.

Also, the effect of improving the overall clinical picture of taking the drug by patients and doctors themselves fix.

Moreover, some doctors recommend the resort to the most effective treatments in folk medicine, naturally, In addition to traditional medical treatment.

If a patient diagnosed with a serious illness, example, cancer puhlina, severe tuberculosis, etc., it is unwise to choose the only way to therapy using tinctures.

This drug is an additional, which can strengthen and consolidate the effect of traditional treatment.


Probably many are thinking about, and whether to attempt treatment with tincture Wax moth.

Відповідь однозначна – варто. The more that this drug is devoid of negative side effects on the body.

Thanks to him,, can strengthen the immune system and get rid of various diseases as soon as possible

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