propolis tincture
Useful properties of propolis tincture and application.
Before talking about, are useful properties is a propolis tincture, you must first determine the order, What is propolis.
This is nothing, glue, which bees use for various needs hive.
Describe these needs is easy.
Firstly, This matter covers various cracks, through which wind can blow cold.
Per-second, in some cases weather conditions such, bees that have close letok (entrance to the hive). Also, each with hundreds of special lid closed with the same adhesive.
Interesting, in some cases, this adhesive is used by bees for, to surround, to stick a dangerous object, who got into the hive.
Of course, is a substance and disinfectant, killing many types of germs and bacteria.
It is the property of and used in medicine. Initially treated with honey and its derivatives only folk doctors.
But science has gone further, and now uses the methods of traditional medicine, which were discovered thousands of years ago.
Of course, many people curious to see, looks like a real propolis. Nowadays, it is very simple: you can go online and find matching photos.
Propolis tincture benefit often credited huge, and the use of propolis tincture in larger quantities reported cognitive literature online.
Medicinal properties and contraindications, both made use at home – all this can be found immediately.
The origin of propolis
Interesting, bees collect this glue. Will substance with spring buds, when they are still young and sticky.
Only in this short period. But that's not all – gluten should handle its enzymes.
After this should take some time.
Then we can say, formation process occurred entirely, and stuff ready for use.
Not only honey, but the adhesive has a very complex composition, who studied to this day and can be installed in full.
It is difficult to list all ingredients list, make up the glue, but you can bring the most basic:
- whites;
- resin;
- alcohols;
- oils;
- sugar;
- wax;
- vitamins;
- pollen.
As mentioned, This is not the entire list, but it can be seen on, as this versatile substance.
Actually, properties in it as much, as constituent elements. This explains its use is widespread.
Effects of propolis
The substance provides a wide range of activities, especially medical. It kills most bacteria and viruses, but those, from which it can not handle, eliminates, that does not evolve, slow development, that is beneficial to the patient.
Propolis neutralizes substances, which are toxic to humans
As a result of its own human immunity can overcome disease. Has action, aimed at healing, reconstruction of destroyed cells.
Here is a list of properties:
- immunomodulyuyuchu;
- disinfectant;
- antioxidant;
- antibacterial;
- vasoconstrictor;
- antitoxic;
- dermoplastychnu;
- inflammatory.
But the doctor Komorowski, example, says, substance that can be used in cases, if a person is not sick.
In particular, infusion provides good support body: nutritious, vitamin, rejuvenating, restorative. Highly recommended intake combined with exercises.
It is a physical training. Of course, This primarily refers to the elderly, body functions have weakened.
propolis tincture
The most effective way to use substances – it is to insist on alcohol, vodka.
Sometimes the question, as propolis insist on moonshine, but you need to understand, it is a last resort.
It is used most often pure alcohol product, while production is technically correct, is willing composition will not harm the body.
This should be considered especially severely, if propolis tincture Children will also be given in the case.
After the child's body more sensitive to the original honey, and especially to alcohol.
important to know, propolis tincture giving children, as always be taken into account, that it contains alcohol.
It should be treated under medical supervision.
Otherwise there is a risk, that means can not help or have a negative effect on using alcohol fledgling child's body.
Before we find out, that treats propolis tincture, should decide to, How to make a tincture of propolis.
Scientists found, if heated substance, it does not lose its beneficial properties.
This was an opportunity to make a variety of products, containing propolis.
But above all, ordinary people concerned about, how to make a home infusion, which would have required quality.
Of course, if you buy in the store tincture, there will be one hundred percent probability instructions for use inside.
But if you make at home, must also know, how to make propolis tincture.
Prescription in this case no. The point is, which when heated adhesive melts, and alcohol it softens.
That is, both of these methods are quite suitable. But at home, Of course, is only the second.
Production of propolis tincture
First Frozen gluten rubbed on a grater with small holes. She poured cold water.
Everything, that emerged, can be removed.
Next, dried. 200 ml heated water bath mixed with alcohol health 20 grams of bee glue.
The mixture is filtered through gauze and cotton wool.
known, that propolis tincture in cosmetics often apply, because it contains many vitamins, feeding, smooth, healthier skin
Sometimes used specialized system of filtering paper. You can prepare another solution concentration, but usually this completely satisfies all treatments.
Many people think, prepare a tincture that is very difficult, but when they learn, what, how and where to put – understand, it is easy.
It is best to transfer disease, which treats infusion, their reasons.
so, there is cure ailments, caused:
- deficient substances (lack of vitamins);
- natural causes (covers damage);
- inflammation (swelling, irritation);
- chemical exposure (custody).
It is, which also means very good man, which is in serious mental health.
Also used with alcohol or substance abuse: reduced thrust, overall health improves.
The use of propolis tincture
It is, that the use of tinctures widely, example, can be treated with oral disease it.
By the way, propolis tincture nice and sweet combination. And propolis tincture with stomatitis – first, advising dentists, except as disinfectant and analgesic effects observed, Of course, retrievable. Enough 20 ml per week.
Traditional medicine has started its way in the field of ENT diseases.
turned, what propolis tincture in angina, propolis tincture at otitis, propolis tincture in ear, propolis tincture nose – almost universal means, which always helps, soothe pain, reduce inflammation.
This substance is treating, completely eliminating symptoms.
It is also important, it is completely natural, that does not contain contaminants.
The doctor can see, what course smear tonsils, but many are experimenting on their own.
Propolis tincture ear is used most often, very very good.
Propolis tincture at pharyngitis, propolis tincture at warts played a crucial role, because until now for these diseases have not been developed medicines, which would operate as efficiently and quickly.
Before use, be sure to read reviews at least on the web, accepting, use.
It is also important to know, how to distribute evenly reception, make a special therapeutic schedule.
known, in some cases helps propolis tincture of warts, but is strongly recommended to treat their own, it can be dangerous.
Propolis tincture of high cholesterol also apply. You will always need a prescription.
Do not worry, it is common practice.