Calendar for breeding sows

Calendar breeding queen bees for beekeeper.

Матка – королева в бджолиної сім’ї, That it gives life to all other insects in the nest.

During the main feeding medosbora in good queen lays 1500 for eggs 24 years.

Difficult things are likely to novice beekeepers, as before, so as to take up work, need to know, as it happens naturally.

To simplify creating calendar breeding queen bees.

  1. Output queen bees naturally
  2. Output queen bees artificial methods

How to withdraw queen bees naturally

Найпростіший спосіб виробництва маток на аматорській пасіці – swarming.

You need to create conditions for, to the family separated from the main swarm.

Bdzholosimyu you enter a state swarm. For this shrinking nest and made additional frames with brood printed. They should be 3.

Output bdzholomatok artificial method

Then realize insects, that the hive is very little space and all the people just do not fit.

Bees are actively laying swarm queen cells.

To this end, they break walls in normal cells, making the bowl.

Then this larva feed exclusively Royal jelly.

for the full during swarming in the apiary insects can do 10-20 queen.

Celebrate days bookmarks queen calendar. Swarm method is not used by experienced beekeepers, so as to control a swarm of very difficult.

Not always possible to catch. in addition, In process swarming bdzholosim'ya weakened, and you run the risk of "fail" main medosbor.

Accordingly, this method is better not to use prevent swarming bees timely expansion slot and staging of additional buildings.

Another natural method of breeding queen bees are laying fistulous queen.

You need to imitate the death of the Queen. Simply put, specify vidvodok, taking their nests uterus, several frames of brood, and shake the little flying insects.

Vidvodok This can be the basis of a strong family or community to strengthen basic under a main medosbora.

So, old family left without a uterus. Bees break branches and lay fistula matochniki.

Subsequently, they make young barren uterus. They need time, to couple that with drones.

The advantage of this method of removing bdzholomatok:

  • simplicity,
  • bdzholomatok receiving normal quality,
  • prevent swarming,
  • it is possible to choose the time to adjust the output poppies and is under the main medosbor.

Для кращого планування використовуйте календар – так ви зможете спрогнозувати кількість відводків, which can enhance the basic family during bribe.

exept this, you can build a family for winter.

Calendar withdrawal of queen bees

Output queen bees for beginners artificial methods

It should be noted, bdzholomatok disadvantage that swarm and get Svishcheva method is accidental origin.

The beekeeper takes away queens there, where insects made bowls and built fistula matochniki. In accordance, Queen may not be very good quality.

Often using the system nicot. This special system for removing breeding females.

The calendar celebrate the day of receipt of eggs.

All work is divided into three phases:

  1. growing drones,
  2. growing infertile queens,
  3. obtaining prolific sows.

In accordance, drones should grow with the best genes, then sparyty them grown Queens.

The basis of the method is the artificial method of family osyrotinnya, that the family take brood and queen.

It turns out, що потрібно дві сім’ї – одна, which will give the larvae for growing uterus, and second, which will be ready to feed young larvae after transfer.

The formation of good for growing larvae bdzholomatok affects several factors: the quantity of food, the gene pool of the family and the age of the larvae, which are given to education.

At low output medosbora queen bees is not very good, individuals out lightweight.

In accordance, assist in laying queen bezvzyatochnyy period can not be. Often in beekeeping practice exchange uterus to improve the gene pool.

The family nurse should be very strong. The nest should be warm.

In cold latitudes uterus go lightweight with underdeveloped sexual organs.

Uteplit nest on the sides and bottom. Then the family nursing brood and select a seat in advance uterus and larvae derived from the parent family.

Beekeeper Stepanenko method to transfer the larvae. More on his way to the withdrawal of females can be seen on video.

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