Calendar beekeeper

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Календар пасічника

Beekeeper's Calendar

Calendar for work in the apiary beekeeper – novice.

Bees there is a yearly cycle, which is strictly laid out and is in full accordance with nature.

Therefore beekeeper, not to make chaos in your life bees intervention, must adhere to the schedule of life bdzholosim'yi.

For this purpose there calendar beekeeper, and not necessarily on paper, but mostly in the mind of every beekeeper, who knows and respects the way of life of these intelligent insects.

During the year the beekeeper lot of work to care for bees.

This is more true of those, those involved beekeeping as a business.

Calendar life of bees and the beekeeper works

Start the new year countdown bees begins in February, after a hibernation, first purification flyby.

  1. February
  2. March
  3. April
  4. May
  5. June
  6. July
  7. August
  8. September
  9. October
  10. November
  11. December
  12. January

Bees in February

In February starts laying eggs uterus, but it makes it sluggish and inactive.

The temperature in the nest maintained at 35 ° C: so there is need for developing brood.

During wintering bees in the body has accumulated a lot of waste, they are concerned about their.

For this and need sverhranniy circled, organized to facilitate state beekeeper bees after a long winter.

For the flight of bees from the nest in February beekeeper hive clears space in front of snow or cover it with straw.

If bees overwinter in beehouse, beekeeper hives is preparing an exhibition of wintering.

Bees in March

In March beekeepers need to conduct a cursory review of bee colonies, in order to determine the strength of the family after hibernation, the quantity of food, determine, whether the uterus in the nest, whether she died (This is evident by the presence of brood).

After examination conducted must clean the bottom of the hive to remove pidmoru.

In order to encourage the uterus to a more active oviposition, beekeeper adds a slot feed: copper, and if it is not, then the dough with honey and powdered sugar, cooked in a ratio 1 to 4 (to 1 kg of honey added 4 kg of powder and 100 ml of water , so prepare Kandy).

The dough in a plastic bag on top of the beekeeper teaches framework, bees and gradually dismantle its.

Bees in April

In April, the main test conducted nests in the apiary (revision), and its results beekeeper to take further steps to build families.

Families are provided with ambrosia, honey and protein feed.

Hives fully equipped and scope of land Wax. Treat drinking water and weight control hive.Бджоли в квітні

In April, it updates bee colonies – insects die old, there are young.

Hives, exempt from bees, cleaned and disinfected. Usually, Cleaning slots at one time conducted the audit, to once again not to disturb insects.

Then clean the beekeeper frame. Suitable cells removes the deposit, and old melt the wax.

Also take measures for warming the nest, if cold. The heat treatment can be kept at the right level by reducing the nest.

With the reduction of the nest leaving a minimum number of frames, So, that they were covered by bees.

So the family easier to maintain heat in the nest. Spend restrictions on bee nests method Blinov.

Bees in May

Beekeeper expanding slot in the apiary, conducts veterinary inspection of bee colonies for the presence of disease, evaluates females, gave the young, conducts the formation of new families.

For output bdzholomatok May beekeeper holds a particular calendar.

When breeding females keep records of the origin of larvae and queen. When doing this work in the beekeeper will be available full information about their uterus.

In the nest at this time should be protein feed. To do this, honey beekeeper prepares dough perhove (proportion 1: 4) and teaches feeding on the frame before, put a frame vaccination.

The expansion slot cells taken malomedni, simultaneously replenished food stocks.

Empty cells in honey combs watering cattle. This encourages the bees to clean cells, and womb – active clutch.

Bdzholosim'yi rapidly growing, perezymuvavshi young bees change.

Families are growing rapidly, Bees are born much more, die than. Some beekeepers begin forming layers with 10 to 20 May.

Bees in June

Bdzholosim'yi greatly increased, and if the beekeeper fails to expand the nest and did not use the other methods to stop swarming, it's time to start swarm.

This process greatly affects the medosbora. Beekeeper is working on expansion slots, generates cuttings, loads of bees work on medosbora, on vidbudovuvannya hundred, removes old females.

To prevent swarming before, bees swarm enters state, beekeeper holds artificial swarming, using such methods:

  • family division,
  • Raid on the uterus,
  • forming layers.

Bucket VP. proposed calendar hard work in the apiary, aimed at bezroyove bee keeping.

Compliance with this schedule called by Bucket.

Bees in July

At this time beekeeper performs the maintenance of family strength at a high level.

In July, during the buildup family ended, coming chief medosbor.

In July beekeeper removes bees on nomadic space, there, where many different plants and honey bdzholozapylnyh.

Adds additional cell slots.

Bees consume a lot of energy for processing nectar, at its drain, for ventilation slot, exit to migrations carried out in order, To make life easier for the bees during this period.

Bees in August

During the stop end medosbora bees feed the drones, and then cast them completely from the slot.

Beekeeper pre-starts prepare for winter in the apiary: repairs beehouse, if necessary, Shop Extension arm removes and cleans buildings.

A buildup family, keep records of feed stocks, the shortage of food stocks replenished.

Beekeeper removes unfinished frames and frames with wax foundation, reduces the width of the notch and lays the cracks in the hive.

Bees in September

A check of autumn nests in the apiary. Beekeeper estimates the number of larvae, food supplies.

Different actions to strengthen families and additional Output bees for winter.

Бджоли в вересніIn the slot include harvested in winter frame with ambrosia and honey.

WordHex, liberated from the brood, removed from the nest.

Ready sugar syrup to feed bees in the winter, expanded in packages of 900 m per day frame.

In the last feeding bees given preparation of nozematozu.

There is a biological process of forming the "winter" bees. This bee must live at least six months, to winter, and then raise the first brood.

The body prepares for wintering bees: be moisture removal process, accumulate in the body nutrients, developing and pharyngeal cancer, body accumulates fat.

Bees in October

The temperature drops below the apiary 12 C. The bees begin to gather club.

In the afternoon, when still warm enough, club breaks, Bees fly for cleaning, and back, newly formed club.

For the formation of the club beekeeper places the hive in the bottom half-empty cells, them and going to the club, top cells treated with food.

Beekeeper preparing for hibernation: Extension arm removes Shop by next summer, extra housing, sort cells, old and damaged melt the wax, checks and preserves equipment migrations.

Bees in November

Processed by cellular framework wax moth, hives prepared and sold beyond the next season, hives and tested state Used in the apiary.

Bees in December

Beekeeper continues to work on warming hives depending on the condition of bees and climatic conditions of the area.

Hives sprinkled with snow, covered notch. Depending on the climate in the second half of December hives recorded in Zimovniki, provided wintering bees in beehouse.

Bees in January

In January, the bees are in club, while maintaining a temperature of 14 ° C to 25 ° C.

On the surface temperature is maintained about the club 6 ° C. Bees are constantly moving from the surface of the club in center.

Course wintering families in the apiary can be kept under control, Determining the number pidmoru.

Beekeeper its purpose to ensure family food (honey and ambrosia), thus the bee maintain the desired temperature in the nest.

To attention, All questions guaranteed to solve the beekeeper methods of keeping bees Vladimir Petrovich Bucket.

It means keeping families trehkorpusnyh hives in the apiary, annual calendar beekeeper, ideal wintering methods novice beekeepers.

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