Category: Dog-rose


The broth hips: calorie and composition

The broth hips: calorie, склад і корисні властивості Відвар шипшини, which is very low calorie, even our ancestors used to treat colds, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, and other illnesses. Лікувальний напій містить невелику...

The broth hips gastric ulcer 0

The broth hips gastric ulcer

The broth hips gastric ulcer: or you can drink? It is no secret, that rose (popularly referred to as wild rose) is bracing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, тому використовується в якості лікарського засобу в боротьбі...


The broth hips gastritis

The broth hips gastritis: or you can drink, contraindication. Gastritis – inflammation of the stomach lining – disease, faced 80-90% inhabitants of the Earth. At this frequency is not surprising, що фармацевтичний ринок насичений ліками від цієї хвороби....


The broth hips during pregnancy

The broth hips during pregnancy: Is it possible, how to brew. In pregnant women rosehip used to increase immunity and improve health. The real source of vitamins and minerals provides the body needed support. Expectant mothers use dog rose for treatment...


The broth hips slimming

Rosehip tea for weight loss: useful properties, receptions. Rosehip used for weight loss women, who prefer safe methods. Thorns not only helps get rid of the extra kilos, but also strengthens the immune system. It also...


The broth hips with pancreatitis

The broth hips with pancreatitis: benefits and contraindications. The plant belongs to a group of medical and vitamin products, has long been used by man for the treatment of various diseases and strengthen the body as a whole. Протипоказання і користь відвару шипшини при панкреатиті...

rose contraindications 0

Improvement of liver and gall bladder hips

Rosehip liver and gall bladder: accepting. Well-known shrub with pale pink flowers in spring and bright orange fruit in autumn – it rose. How to use rose hips for the liver and gall bladder, few people know....


Tincture hips to brew

Tincture hips to brew: recipes prohotuvannya. More and more people prefer liquor factory, made at home. Established in selling inexpensive devices Hootch, which can produce for their own use of alcohol-class. Самогоноваріння...


Alcohol tincture hips

Tincture hips on vodka or alcohol: useful properties, application. Alcohol tincture hips used for medical purposes to treat and prevent colds, atherosclerosis and other diseases. Make healthful drink can at home, причому для...


Rosehip breastfeeding

Can I use rosehip breastfeeding. Rosehip is a plant not only beautiful, but useful. The presence of a relative of garden roses will not only decorate the garden, але і запастися вітамінами і корисними мінеральними елементами....
