Category: beverages


Infusion of raspberry

Infusion of raspberry: 4 best recipes for the home environment. Definitely, there is virtually no people, who would be indifferent to raspberries. Will b back, It is difficult to imagine, These garden gifts can make more delicious jams...


Plum liqueur

Plum liqueur: 3 best recipes for home. Remember the old riddle: "The branches hanging balls, turned blue from the heat?». So, it's about plum, which is popular in our country, stone fruit. While some called plum...


limoncello liqueur

Recipes liqueur limoncello at home. Unfortunately, I learned too late, how to easily prepare limoncello at home. It happened, many convinced, that the secret of production...


Moonshine honey

Moonshine honey at home: recipes. Prepare honey vodka – wonderful option of using waste products! How to achieve a pleasant taste of the drink, how to prepare Braga, existing recipes – disclose all secrets!...


Tincture wild rose

How to brew moonshine wild rose: recipes. There are various ways to diversify the taste of homemade moonshine and thus enrich it helpful extractive substances. Example, You can insist on moonshine and get wild rose with drink,...


What shall I do, if the wine is no longer roam?

What shall I do, If your home is no longer wander wine? Rare winemaker not experienced problems with the fermentation of wine. Sometimes a long wort starts to wander, sometimes wanders, but poorly. Sometimes, process completely stops. Consider...


The process of making wine

The process of making wine at home. What is meant by house wine? first, the need to pay attention when considering the house wine, this is, it can be done not only from the grapes....


Double distillation of moonshine

Double distillation of moonshine at home. People, far from domestic production of alcoholic beverages, moonshine are often cloudy whitish liquid with a disgusting smell, a kind of surrogate herbs. But apart from unsightly organoleptic properties of low-quality moonshine –...


Homemade wine yeast

How to make wine yeast in the home. If you have ever experimented in life, example, the kitchen or even in the school laboratory, then you probably have the desire to cook own wine. This is understandable,...


Braga for moonshine

Braga for moonshine: 3 best recipes at home. Where and how to make hooch Braga? Each experienced master has its secrets Braga, which was later planned to overtake for good moonshine....
