Category: Bees


Getting rid of wasps and bees neighbor

How to get rid of bees, wasps in the house, in the wall, the country. We all know, as can be unpleasant stings of bees, wasps or hornets. And it happens, aggressive insects that bite right at the mother house in...


Earthen bee

Variety of earthen bee – features living. Earthen bee – This is a wild species of insects, who live in deep burrows underground. They are quite different from honeybees. Their housing – This underground system of mink,...


Interesting facts about bees

Interesting facts about bees and honey for children: short + video. Bees – eternal workers, insects with an amazing organization vnutrishnokolektyvnoyu. for 50 thousand years no insect has not learned to play action bees: Harvesting honey, construction...


Where are the wild bees

Where are the wild bees in Ukraine: video, a photo. Wild bees – loving and very hardy insects. Talking about, inhabited by wild bees, worth noting, that insects are not binding people live...



Lyutsernovoyi bees lystoriz – strange insect, which does not collect honey. This is a common bee, has signs of wasps. She does not live with the family, and living alone. This insect can spoil some plants to...


Bee bitten by dog

The dog was bitten by a bee, What shall I do? With the onset of the first warm days bee stings problem becomes very relevant, and often insect attack pets. dogs, example, pulls in bushes, they like to run on the meadow, among...


What shall I do, If stung by a bee

How to take bee sting swelling of the eye: treatment. Bees – highly organized insects, that collect honey and rearing their offspring. Most, These insects are very friendly and no significant reasons not to attack people....


As bees collect honey

As bees collect honey? As bees collect nectar? Since ancient times, man interested in bees, not only as producers of honey. Interesting way of life, "family relationships, physical structure, their illnesses and enemies. But the most interesting...


Allergic to bee stings

Allergic to bee stings: Symptoms and Treatment. Allergic reactions of different origin affects about 10% world population. The most common allergens are foods, powders. But about 1,5% All allergies associated with bees or wasps sting....

Working bee 0

Working bee

Days worker bee lives. bee Biology. Number of worker bees ranges from 15 to 100 thousands depending on the season. These insects are very smart and organized, some scientists believe, knowledge of their duties...
