Category: Apiculture


What is the difference from bee bdzholosim'yi

The difference from bee bdzholosim'yi: features and differences. Many beekeepers often injected into use Bee packages, consider them as obsolete. However, they are still in demand, especially among newcomers. Any beekeeping and apiary starts with...


Method breeding females cvyschevyh

Method breeding females cvyschevyh. One of the most difficult tasks, facing the novice beekeeper – timely change and breeding sows families. Adopted on most amateur apiaries care system using bees swarming unacceptable...


Uterus-trutivka: how to get rid

uterus trutivka: What shall I do, solutions to. Family-trutivky not so rare in our lives Beekeeping. Many beekeepers, including the author of this article, caught in a difficult situation, when suddenly exhibited unusual sat...


Beehive Lanhstrota-Ruta

Beehive Lanhstrota-Ruta own hands, drawing. In nature colonies normally live in a vertically elongated, narrow, secluded places. WordHex with reserves of honey they begin to place top to bottom, gradually filling the space. conditions, closest to the usual...


Beehive of plywood with their hands – it's just

Beehive of plywood with their hands: drawing, a photo, video. For building bee houses today use a variety of materials, not just traditional wood. Quite popular among beekeepers design is considered a hive of plywood. It is convenient, practical, at...


Dimension framework for hives

Frames for beehives: sizes for different. Dimension framework for hives, as well as their basic shape and dimensions greatly affect the life of bees in the nest, as well as the process of extracting honey beekeeper. will...


Open and closed feeding bees

Open and closed feeding bees: which is better? When you feed your bees, you know that this can be done in different ways? Many people, perhaps, only seen on TV, bees feed. But, If you choose to work...


Coniferous extract Bee

Coniferous extract Bee: application. Since ancient times people throughout the world engaged in beekeeping. Delicious honey like adults, and children. ambrosia, propolis, royal jelly can improve patients, suffering from tuberculosis, eczema and...
