What are the best Mother bees? Fistulas or swarm? Success in beekeeping beekeeping depends on many factors, example, of material resources, organizational and administrative decisions,…
How to unite the colonies medosbora. The main medosbor - This is the most anticipated, time-consuming for any apiary, так як в…
Nutrient spring bee milk: recipe. Nutrient plays an important role in the welfare of the entire apiary. Вона вкрай необхідна в тому…
Basic methods of artificial swarming bees: Method Taranova. The process of natural swarming bees occurs at a time, When insects are able to reproduce, settle,…
To control, state apiary ratings, dynamics of bee colonies, medosbora course necessary weighing device. Можна виготовити ваги пасічні для меду…
Treatment bees in apibudynku (apitherapy): sleeping on the hives. Bee house is a small device, who need honey bees. Ці комахи можуть…
How is wintering bees in the hive without a bottom? The key to the functioning of all life on earth is fresh air. Бджоли мають потребу…
When the display of wintering bees: Tips and Tricks. Every beekeeper sooner or later asks, який стосується оптимальних термінів виставки…
Відмінність бджолосім'ї від бджолопакетів: features and differences. Many beekeepers often injected into use Bee packages, consider them as obsolete. However…
Method breeding females cvyschevyh. One of the most difficult tasks, facing the novice beekeeper - своєчасна зміна маток і розмноження…