Allergy to pollen
Allergies to bee pollen: Symptoms and Treatment.
According to statistics experts apiterapevtiv treatment of bee pollen, also known as bee pollen, and shows good, General, stable results.
However, there are some points, which should be taken into account when choosing this line of apitherapy.
As in the treatment of any other national or pharmaceuticals, important to follow the treatment bee pollen.
Excessive use of, though this useful, bee products can upset the balance of minerals and vitamins in the body.
Therefore, it is important to do two-week break when taking bee pollen. Also during therapy should not forget about allergic reactions to pollen.
Fear of its occurrence is often a major factor stops on the road to recovery this bee vitamins. But let's, so whether this fear?
hay fever
Allergy – common disease, which got a medical encyclopedia in 1914 year.
The most common among allergy to pollen allergy occurs, also known as hay fever. This reaction is triggered by the body and flowering plants is seasonal.
Allergy to pollen is accompanied by the following symptoms, whose presence requires immediate treatment:
- dermatitis and other skin problems;
- eye disease;
- respiratory problems.
Symptoms of hay fever can be combined. Very rarely allergy affects the gastrointestinal tract, and even less nervous and cardiovascular systems.
However, current treatments for allergies to pollen can control disease, without bringing the body's reaction to such extremes.
Why not so afraid of allergies to bee pollen?
Though, that hay fever – One of the most common form of allergic reaction, Bee pollen treatment may not be accompanied by allergies even in people, suffering from this disease.
The point is, that bee pollen – is not just pollen. Collecting and processing the pollen grains, worker bees exposed to their influence of special enzymes, allocated pharyngeal glands.
These enzymes come in a chemical reaction to allergens and "neutralize" them.
In rare cases, allergic to bee pollen is possible, but it is due to individual response and not a response to bloom.
In this rare case extremely difficult to identify the allergen, as in bee pollen contains 240 components, and understand which of them specifically Allergic reaction occurred almost impossible.
Treating allergies to bee pollen
Nowadays the treatment of allergy to pollen reached a high level, but still requires considerable time and effort.
Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, should apply as soon as possible to the allergist for advice.
Only specialists using tests and analyzes can certainly identify the allergen and determine how his treatment.
Treatment of allergies to pollen may also folk remedies and brings positive results, but first it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Bee pollen allergy in children
If adults can still somehow control allergic reactions, then the child is very difficult.
Bee pollen allergy in children is often hereditary. It is therefore important to monitor the minor children in families, where he lives with allergies.
If parents or other family members are inherent allergy to pollen, the possibility of occurrence of a child increases sharply.
In addition to heredity of allergic reactions can affect the transition to artificial feeding after breast-feeding and wrong.
So there is food allergy, which may eventually develop into a pollen allergy. The first signs of allergy appear in children 3 years and to reach its peak 6 years.
It is important to timely treatment of pollen allergy in the child, to prevent disease develop into asthma with asthma.
The use of bee pollen and contraindications
Pollen, collected by bees from plants, – One of the most valuable products, manufactured by these industrious insects, they are used for feeding the larvae and the establishment of winter stocks.
Man has long used pollen collected by bees to maintain their strength and treatment of diseases. In pollen contains many valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, as well as all the necessary vitamins and minerals the body.
Pollen has long been successfully used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular, inflammatory, infections and many other diseases, as well as a component of sports and therapeutic diets.
We can not forget, what, despite all the beneficial properties, Bee pollen is still contraindications.
Example, this product absolutely can not take people, seasonal hay fever suffer (Allergy to pollen).
And do not forget, in rare cases, intolerance is common pollen collected by bees, while reaction occurs at the components of bee saliva.
Remember, If you use the saw during or immediately after having itching, rash, runny nose or red eyes, you better stop using it.
If these symptoms are joined shortness of breath and heart palpitations – immediately call an ambulance, it may be signs of severe allergic complications – anaphylactic shock.
It is not recommended to use saw people with bleeding disorders, because it contains a lot of vitamin A, which may interfere with the ability to thicken and damages the liver, causing the death of cells.
If you do all of the above, safely eat pollen, but follow the rules of its use and storage.
- Firstly, later 2-3 month deposit pollen loses much of nutrients. Continue this can be up to a year, mixing pollen and honey in equal proportions and placing the mixture in an opaque container with a tight lid.
- Per-second, pollen, which is exposed to water, can not take, because you can get food poisoning.
The daily rate of consumption of pollen 3-5 g, no need to use more, especially children, because you can hypervitaminosis, and even poisoning.
In bee pollen is another name – pollen. Contraindications and retention rules they coincide.
Myths and Reality
Despite popular opinion of the people, notorious allergy to pollen and allergy to bee pollen – This is not the same.
An allergic reaction to bee pollen occurs in very rare cases has nothing to do with the reaction of a flying flower dust in the air.
Honey and it appears much more likely allergen. But even allergic to honey not a guarantee of origin irritable reaction to pollen.
Identify allergic to bee pollen, Unfortunately, extremely difficult, so before This treatment of bee products it is recommended to eat a few grains of pollen on trial for some time to wait out.
If there was not unpleasant reactions, you can safely take bee pollen, important not to forget the reference rates.