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Хвороба бджіл нозематоз фотоDisease bees nozematoz (diarrhea): treatment, diagnosis.

Nosema apis – serious invasive disease adult bees, affecting their digestive system.

Called it sporoutvoryuyuchyhm unicellular parasite nozemy, which enters the body insects and localized in the midgut epithelial cells.

Shaken intestines bees cease to fully perform its functions, develops severe diarrhea, which is the most typical outward signs of the disease. Nozematoz developed as follows.

Disputes pathogen get into the digestive tract of bees and settle in the middle intestine. Here they grow and the embryo enters the cell surface layer, where they continue their development.

Through 3 days the process is completed destruction of cells and the release in the intestinal lumen of new spores simplest.

Gradually epithelium rejected, nutrients can no longer be ingested. Bees weaken, lose appetite, which then ends their death.

  1. How does disease
  2. How does disease
  3. Treatment of disease
  4. Prevention
  5. Video

How does nozematoz

Nozematoz can occur in an explicit and latent, that can pass one another.

Acute occurs in regions with long winter and develops colonies before the onset of spring, at he moment, When wintering is not over and the exhibition is far hives.

Sometimes the first stage of the disease coincides with the beginning of egg in the uterus and reaches a peak in a few months, during the height of growing brood.

For nozematozu in an acute form characterized by the following features:

  • Bees are quite excited, produces continuous noise.
  • Some bees fly out of the hive, fly away but they have not obtained, they soon die.
  • When wintering insects is indoors, it felt a characteristic foul odor.
  • On the traces of faeces notch, but if you open the lid and look inside proof, it appears, that the framework at the club is also very highly contaminated feces bees.
  • Spring breakage is circled sluggishly, individual copies can not fly and crawl around their homes. They weakened, may experience increased belly size, set obliquely with respect to the body wings.
  • There may be a mass death of bees, especially in late winter – early spring. Live insects are mostly considerably weakened, poorly responsive to external stimuli.
  • There is the so-called “wet pidmor” (If you click on the belly of a dead bee, then highlighted a large number of liquid stool).
  • Insects consume a lot of protein feed, which further activates defeat. The total number of working individuals reduced, they bring less brought. From this final performance suffers bdzholosim'yi, the amount collected honey drops.
  • Bees stop nursing care for offspring.
  • Number of bees zbyralnyts reduced and young insects quickly go to work, which does not correspond to their age, starting to take off for tricks.
  • Contaminated queen stops laying eggs and dying. There unplanned change it.
  • Drones are unable to perform their functions.

Nozematoz latent rather typical for southern, areas with warm winters and occurs in spring and summer.

рамки вулика при нозематозі

Differs, all characteristic symptoms of this disease are smoothed and marked only the individuals.

But, It does not mean, that all right. Subsequently nozematoz progresses, finds new victims, reduced the number of healthy insects.

New brood poorly developed, happens quiet change uterus.

As sharp, and hidden type of disease only by their appearance is difficult to diagnose, since most characteristic symptom of this disease – diarrhea, can be exposed to bees and other diseases or be the result of eating poor-quality feed bees.

Much more accurately determine, what we have to deal, by using laboratory studies of tissue and intestinal contents of affected copies. In addition to microscopic analysis, there is a reliable way to identify the disease – appearance midgut of dead bees.

In healthy insect midgut reddish brown and has a folded surface, and in infected nozematozom – white and smooth surface. The very gut v'yala, increased length and inflated, easily torn.

How does nozematoz (diagnosis)

Disputes nozemy found everywhere in nature – in the water, ground, on plants and very resistant to chemical and physical actions.

Therefore, the primary source for all diseases of bees may be:

  • Any weakened bee, the body which can penetrate dispute with defective food or water.
  • Patients nozematozom bees thief, in contact with healthy insects in another hive.
  • Also, the disease is transmitted from sick families healthier through a common feed, where there is plague.
  • Neprodezinfitsyrovani empty honey frames, previously located in the infected hive.
  • Frames of brood affected, which strengthen weak family.
  • Properly raw stock, that performs the work necessary to collect honey and bees care.

Development nozematozu prior:

  • increase in ambient temperature or sudden fluctuations of;
  • spring late to study;
  • long windy and rainy weather;
  • increased level of humidity inside the hive;
  • Early exit brood;
  • late Autumn feeding bees sugar, held for family formation, going for the winter;
  • poor quality or lack of food;
  • Padi plenty of food in the winter;
  • carbohydrate starvation of bees.

Any of these factors can contribute to a large extent the weakening bees and of disease, a combination of several of them increases the risk of outbreaks several times nozematozu.

Treatment nozematozu

Given the fact, that the outbreak accounted for early spring and summer, major medical events are held at a time.

How can patients treated bees from nozematozu, whether to conduct therapeutic feeding in the fall and when it should be done?

With relatively low incidence nozematozom should undertake a number of measures:

  • the early release of bees flying around sewage;
  • transplant them into clean new, formalin disinfected hives;
  • remove the frame, contaminated with feces, swarming parasites;
  • they mechanically clean and disinfect;
  • eye area and between frames to process Nozematolom;
  • replace the poor quality forage for fresh sugar syrup;
  • strengthen family healthy infected material;
  • if necessary, then replace the queen bee.

At the middle and high levels of infection among these measures do not work. This requires a more effective way – chemicals, and plant material, which can also help in this matter.

  1. The most effective is by far the medicines, active substance which is fumahillinovaya acid and its salts. Among them are the Fumahillin, which are used for therapeutic purposes in the spring prior to medosbora, while the first circled the bees have finished. He added in a honey-sugar dough (Kandy) or therapeutic syrup and fed to the bees for at least three weeks. During processing medosbora bees this drug must be stopped.
  2. early spring, to stop severe diarrhea bees, they fed fertilizer with the addition of the drug Nozemat, featuring a pronounced therapeutic effects on the body of insects. Before the flyby it evenly mixed with candi, then have given of sugar syrup. Feeding is carried out twice, following the interval between a week. The same drugs are fed bees fall before leaving for the winter.
  3. For a quick treatment of the disease in the spring applies Thymol, who made the first feeding.
  4. Excellent results showing feeding of Apistimom, which contains a complex of substances to bees. The drug is diluted in sugar syrup and feed the bees in the spring for a couple of weeks, changing fluid a day. In the summer and fall feeding is carried out after medosbora and end of summer bees. You can add apistim and bowls for insects, dissolving it in clean water.
  5. How wonderful remedy against nozematozu can be applied herbs. Particularly useful in this case may be wormwood. Suitable alcohol tincture or aqueous extract of herbs. Strained infusion of a medication is added to the cooked sugar syrup and then fed bees. The infusion is used the same way.
  6. Stops Development nozematozu garlic – plant, known for its potent bactericidal properties. A few drops of fresh juice mixed and dissolved in sugar syrup, and is fed to bees. To trade for pumping honey had a sharp smell of garlic, garlic treatment should be discontinued at least three weeks prior to its pumping.

Though, nozematoz that affects bees in the spring and summer and the main measures to combat it are held at this time, autumn feeding are intended to support the weakened disease of bees, enable it to successfully survive the winter, and to prevent the emergence of disease recurrence for next year, so ignore them in any case should not.

Prevention nozematozu

Flashes nozematozu the apiary – phenomenon is unpleasant for the beekeeper, but the untreated disease, which is quite cumbersome, it is better to prevent. Therefore, this important prevention nozematozu bees.

To do this,:

  • Keep the apiary only healthy and strong families, because they are not sources of infection and longest-resistant infections. Do not use the drug without prior disinfection of hives, frames and other beekeeping equipment and machinery.
  • Observe quarantine distance between neighboring apiary. When purchasing new bees, place them only in the treated hives clean them first and leave aside all the other.
  • Perform general maintenance rules, conduct timely health measures – cleaned when changing hives and frames, disinfect and maintain their overall healthy climate in the apiary. To create optimal conditions for wintering bees, insulate the hives, ensure their ventilation.
  • Equally important for the prevention of disease is intense insect increasing number of young in early spring, because they are more resistant to nozematozu. Therefore, the more young bees, the smaller the level of defeat.

The number of family members depends on the ability of the uterus to play, where necessary to enhance food quality.

But, However, under intensive growing brood and feed intake of protein, which leads to disease progression.

Therefore, as a preventive measure needs to be a little give and limit carbohydrate feeding.


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4 Responses

  1. 14.06.2017

    […] such immunity to bee diseases, as nozematoz and valleys […]

  2. 16.06.2017

    […] Using drugs, You can get rid of diarrhea and varroatozu. […]

  3. 16.06.2017

    […] nosema. […]

  4. 17.06.2017

    […] no resistance nozematozu, so you need to make regular prophylaxis, and […]

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