Winter work in the apiary
Winter work in the apiary reduced to monitoring the winterers, rather, to measure temperature and humidity.
Care should be taken, the temperature in the hive ranged 0-3 WITH.
When the temperature possible winter laying eggs.
This is highly undesirable, as it increases brood, leading to rapid feed costs and weakening bees.
Beekeeping in winter:
- preparation and selection winterers;
- space bees Zimovniki;
- wintering Care Worker;
- feeding bees;
- training apiary to an active season.
As you can see, and winter of the apiary enough.
First of all, in preparation for the winter bees take care of Zimovniki warm with good ventilation.
Check the fan and heating devices. Usually this purpose set the bulb in 40 W at fan.
When the need to include. It is this heat is used to heat winterers. How to do it, You can watch the video.
Apiary winter: of
A repair hives and reviewed all the inventory. If necessary, preparing food.
To this end, Kandy winter use or honey dough.
The work includes analysis of dead insects. Must the winter time to time vyhribayte debris from wintering poker.
With a large number of dead bees collect them in bags and send for analysis.
Perhaps, toilers in diarrhea or the varroa mite.
After collecting dead bees nests bring them to light and carefully inspect.
If there is debris in the wings and heads, can judge, what Mouse started up in winterers.
In this case, the bees endure the platform, and the housing is spread bait with poison.
In the presence of grains zakrystalizovanoho honey bees dead in the abdomen, conduct nutrient family.
It is often the cause of death is thick honey insects.
Measures humidity and temperature in the nests
To use a hygrometer humidity measurement, it should be at 75-85%.
By reducing the moisture bees start to worry and buzz. To increase this figure, porozvishuyte wet holstyky. When the humidity include fan.
Avoid extremes of temperature in the nests. Frost notch in quickly turns into water.
It, in turn, leads to water saturation honey. He then sour, and insects can begin nosema.