Zabrus bronchial asthma

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Забрус при бронхіальній астмі - лікуванняZabrus bronchial asthma – recipes treatment.

Zabrus this wax film, which the bees seal the cells, filled with honey for ripening.

Seal Honey has many medicinal properties, and widely used folk and official medicine.

In this article we look, What is useful in asthma zabrus.

  1. Causes
  2. Properties zabrusa asthma
  3. Traditional treatments for asthma
  4. Can children and pregnant
  5. Limitations and contraindications


Conventionally, the causes of asthma can be divided into two types, This genetic predisposition, and environmental factors.

These include:

  • plant allergens of animal origin, household dust, food;
  • viral, bacterial infections, provoking upper respiratory tract infection;
  • external stimuli – emissions, smoke, toilet water, cologne and other fragrances and scents;
  • excessive exercise.
  • Medicines;
  • stresses;

Each of these factors can trigger severe asthma attacks.

Therefore, a person, prone to such attacks, must be very careful, always carry an inhaler.

Healing properties zabrusa asthma

As part of the present zabrusa honey, propolis, pollen, wax inclusion, animal enzymes, essential oils.

Each of these components has a beneficial effect on the body.

Bee is a medical product and has many useful properties:

  1. Fights viruses and bacteria. Prevents and eliminates colds, which can cause asthma.
  2. Strengthens the immune system. With the systematic use significantly strengthens the immune system, which means, the body becomes less susceptible to allergies, significantly reduced the number of attacks.
  3. The winner fungi. As you know, fungus is one of the causes of asthma, seal is, in turn, contributing to their destruction.

The action is as follows pcheloprodukty – chewing saliva affects him, released oil and other valuable substances.

In part, they immediately absorbed through capillaries, another part enters the gastrointestinal tract and there processed.

Read more: Zabrus at adenoїdah: treatment.

Traditional treatments for asthma

Zabrus must chew in the mouth by the time, it becomes tasteless, then spit the remains of wax.

Do not worry if a small part of the product hit the gastrointestinal tract, health, this fact will not affect.

We present some recipes for treating ailments, anyhow, associated with asthma:

  • For the prevention of asthma attacks during seasonal allergies is recommended to chew seal 5 or more times a day. Continue the treatment of allergic asthma need to complete relief of symptoms. Experts advise in advance by 1-2 weeks before flowering plants chew on 1 ch.l. day.
  • To prevent virus, bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract symptoms first (redness, sore throat, nasal congestion) need to chew bee zabrus 15 minutes in an hour, minimum 6 times a day. By the end of the first day you will feel ease, and cold, probably, do not develop. Continue therapy for at least 7 days.
  • The already existing cough chew the wax balls should be on every hour 5-10 minutes. Cough can be treated through essential oils, contained in zabrus.
  • Bronchitis need to take zabrus 1 no. l. hourly, therapy can be considered complete, When will still 3-5 days after cessation of symptoms (cough).
  • In the event, If you feel that an asthma attack is inevitable, it is necessary to use medication to relieve spasm, then immediately chew bee products. Naturally, asthma better to prevent the onset of an attack, Once you have experienced difficulty breathing, zabrus put in your mouth and chew it.
  • In order to eliminate acute disease chew least 5 times a day pcheloprodukty, when the condition can be improved to reduce the number of applications 3 times a day for 10 days.

For ease of use dashed off small balls of apiproduktu and keep them handy.

Read: How to cure allergies zabrusom?

Can children and pregnant

Medicinal properties zabrusu actively used to treat children and pregnant women from asthma.

It is not addictive even with prolonged use.

This affects the body gently, strengthens the immune system, prevents reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which is especially important when carrying a baby.

During pregnancy, their defenses weaken, and using natural medicines is just the way.

Pcheloprodukty easy for children to use and has a pleasant taste of honey.

The use of folk medicine is more than justified to prevent asthma attacks.

Zabrus reduce the likelihood of allergies, colds, respiratory protection.

The dosage for children:

  • 1/4 no. l. 3 times a day – age 2-4 years;
  • 1/2 no. l. 3 times a day – age 6-12 years.

exept this, apyprodukt can be consumed after meals for dental health in children.

Wax should chew twice daily after meals, he cleans, strengthens teeth enamel and protects.

Read: Zabrus at gaymoritі: healing properties.

Limitations and contraindications

Contraindications to use is individual intolerance product allergic reaction.

Usually, Beer Seal does not cause allergies, but, better ensure its absence from you.

It's enough to chew 0,5 teaspoons and monitor the reaction.

Useful properties zabrusa expressed in antibacterial, immunostimulant and antibacterial effect.

People's treatment of asthma shows good results.

Wax should be taken to prevent attacks balls during seasonal viral infections, before, and during the rapid flowering plants.

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