All bee products have long been known for its medicinal properties.
Example, zabrus and ambrosia useful for teeth, gums and oral mucosa.
As a folk remedy they are used to treat and prevent long list of dental problems.
This all-natural and organic products. Their rich chemical composition defines a number of extremely positive properties. Oral infections are dangerous because, which can cause other more serious diseases. Хворі зуби – це певний фактор ризику.
If they are wrong, suffers the whole body. Zabrus ambrosia and suppress destructive processes, in the body, do not give him a beneficial effect and contribute to the overall improvement. This treatment is also interesting, which has no side effects.
this Zabrus derivative of bees, designed for sealing cells, completely filled with honey. It is a kind of wax cap, which protects the cell contents from drying and possible damage.
Saving is made possible by a rich and unique composition of honey seal, because in addition to conventional wax, It is present in a number of excellent bee products. There is propolis, pollen, Pergamum,.
Each of them separately in itself has great therapeutic potential. And together they make a truly unbeatable blend of drug.
Excellent zabrusa medicinal properties have long been known and successfully applied in practice. Including Dental.
Read more: How useful zabrus
Zabrus medicinal purposes should normally chew 3 times a day after meals. But you can do and more, beeswax because even with some excess dosage harmless.
Chew it should be as, while there is talk, then it should spit out. There are some cases where useful beeswax:
Good use zabrus in a natural brush teeth. After the meal you can chew a small piece pcheloprodukty, to clean and disinfect the mouth.
in addition, wax removes plaque on teeth and gives them a healthy look. Suitable as he and chewing gum, if you want to freshen breath.
Бджоли виробляють і ще один цікавий і корисний для зубів продукт – пергу.
Visiting flower, bees collect pollen on its hind legs. Going back to the hive, they lay it in cells mixed with secretions of their glands.
Read more: How to apply correctly zabrus. When the cells are filled with material about half, they sealed.
This is to ensure, ambrosia to save for long-term use, as it is vysokozhyvylnyy food for bees.
The chemical composition of heterogeneous cerago. It depends primarily on the composition of the original product, ie pollen, which can be collected from the flowers of various species.
With such a rich part of ambrosia has some remarkable properties, can affect the pathological processes in the mouth, eliminate them, and therefore can in some way influence the quality and appearance of teeth.
Pergamum,: This yellow-brown small pieces of specific spiced and slightly burning taste. To use it, or zmelyuyut powder or add honey, to get a sweet paste.
Take ambrosia required again after the meal 3 times a day in an amount 10 g. It should chew in your mouth and hold it for a while. Перга – сильний алерген. You need to consider this fact, Taking it for dental treatment.
people, prone to allergies to pollen, it is better to refrain from this. Забрус і перга – чудові в усіх відношеннях продукти, striped that give people toiler.
Applied as drugs, They help get rid of problems, in particular to keep teeth healthy.
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