
Zabrus at gaymoritі – treatment

Zabrus at gaymoritі

Zabrus at gaymoritі: healing properties, contraindication.

In the cold season often develops in people with colds rhinitis, which gradually flows into sinusitis.

In this article, we learn, Avoiding antibiotics and surgery, and instead use zabrus of sinusitis.

  1. symptoms of sinusitis
  2. As a "working" with sinusitis zabrus
  3. How to apply zabrus with sinusitis
  4. Terms of use for children and pregnant
  5. Contraindications and limitations

symptoms of sinusitis

Гайморит – це досить неприємне захворювання, which can trigger more serious health problems, example, meningitis.

When fails cure sinusitis at home, it is advisable to seek surgical care, otherwise the consequences could be irreversible.

Для того щоб не допустити серйозне запалення гайморових пазух необхідно приступати до лікування якомога раніше – вже при перших проявах риніту.

Symptoms of the common cold with a cold:

  • stuffiness;
  • nasal discharge;
  • festering bad smell;
  • lasting headache;
  • a feeling of pressure in the eye;
  • weakness;
  • fever;
  • noise in the ears.

Use of cold zabrus expedient at the initial stage of the disease (stuffiness).

In this case, probably, at the 2-3 day you will forget about the problem.

As a "working" with sinusitis zabrus

First, let's define, what is zabrus Bee.

This substance, which the bees seal the honey-filled cells to maturation.

It consists of a unique substance:

  • propolis;
  • pollen;
  • wax and salivary glands of bees;
  • animal enzymes.

Considering that, when filling honey cells are immature, it is a perishable product.

It falls to the share of print and disinfected protective function.

Based on its direct purpose, apyprodukt has the following useful qualities:

  1. helps to cope with pathogenic bacteria;
  2. has antiviral and antibacterial action;
  3. acts as biostimulator;
  4. is a local anesthetic.

Read more: Zabrus and ambrosia for teeth: application.

До всіх його позитивних якостей додається ще одна істотна перевага – медова печатка не провокує звикання і алергічну реакцію навіть при його тривалому прийомі.

How to apply zabrus with sinusitis

How to apply zabrus of sinusitis depends on the disease and on the patient.

Pcheloprodukty advisable to use at the initial stage of the disease.

Zabrus of sinusitis

In chronic sinusitis and acute bee products can serve only as an assistant medical treatment.

Treatment pcheloprodukty very simple and accessible to any wanting.

All you have to do, chew this drug (1 no. l.) for a quarter of an hour each hour.

The day should be 6-8 treatments.

When running acute sinusitis is necessary to increase the dosage of the drug to the natural 6-8 tablespoons per day.

In the process of chewing increases saliva, apiproduktu out with all the useful components and absorbed through the mucous.

Spit out "chewing gum" should then, when you feel, it has become tasteless, like a solid piece beeswax.

Terms of use for children and pregnant

As zabrus take during pregnancy and infancy can only answer physician.

Хоча багато фахівців приходять до висновку – під час вагітності не те що можна, but rather should be used honey seal the treatment of rhinitis.

So, expectant mother greatly strengthen the immune system, receive a portion of vitamins, nutrients, prevent colds development.

Unfortunately, runny nose in children This is often the companion, because every mom in the medicine cabinet should be present such drugs.

To give his children a better age of three. It not only removes facilitate breathing and nasal congestion, but also strengthen the adenoids, tonsils, eliminate the respiratory diseases.

Contraindications and limitations

Contraindicated used to treat sinusitis zabrus people with allergies.

But in practice this substance practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Pergamum,, part of the treated insects, are safe for allergy sufferers.

In any case, better to start with small doses of natural medicines, thus closely monitor the reaction.

For any treatment always remember, that experiments are always dangerous to health.

Do not expose yourself unnecessary risks.

Before you start taking a particular drug, consult your doctor.

Another category of people who should not give this baby to apiprodut 3 years.

At this age they do not understand, you need to chew and spit, just so they can eat all the medication.

Use zabrus as possible for treatment, and for the prevention of the common cold and throat diseases.

When the first symptoms of colds (pain, sore throat, nasal discharge) will be useful chew zabrus.

It is also useful for healthy teeth and mouth.

Bee products contain many vitamins, Biologically active substances, is not addictive and allergies.

Can be used to treat children and pregnant women.

When ingested a small amount wax nothing bad will happen, but still it is better to spit.

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