How to quickly get rid of a hangover: 17 tips

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How to get rid of a hangover

How to quickly get rid of a hangover: best advice.

Symptoms of severe hangover known to many: headache and dry mouth, obfuscation, often with nausea vomiting.

Sometimes no way to lie down at home: work, contingency or emergency cases may appear stronger illness.

In this situation, you need to quickly and effectively relieve symptoms of severe hangover.

This has to be content with improvised means, as in the home are often highly expensive drugs and medicines.

Lower – few simple, fast and effective way to relieve symptoms of severe hangover and recover in a short time.

  1. How to quickly get rid of severe hangover?
  2. Folk remedies for a hangover
  3. How to speed up the healing process?
  4. What not to do?
  5. How better to do?

How to quickly get rid of severe hangover?

It is necessary to assess their condition and take steps to bring the original organism in order: clean the intestines, take sorbents, begin to restore the water-base balance.

First of all, have a maximum effect following:

Reception sorbents.

Activated carbon (1 tablet 10 kg), White coal, enterosgel and other drugs from the adsorbent properties to help cleanse the body from decay products of alcohol, causing hangover.

Restoration of water-base balance.

Dairy products (more, kefir, Ira and even ordinary milk), Mineral Water, Natural cucumber pickle (not on the basis of vinegar!) as well as special hangover soup to help restore the lack of body fluids, relieve dehydration and acid balance is skewed.

Lavage bowel and stomach.

If there is a morning hangover extremely difficult situation with vomiting and diarrhea, before the recovery of the body should be washed gastrointestinal tract.

This includes cleaning the stomach (you can drink a glass of water with baking soda and induce vomiting), and intestinal lavage using enemas.

Then the symptoms significantly polehshatsya, sorbents can take and apply to other methods.

Reception analgesics.

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How to get rid of a hangover

Aspirin, anal, nurofen, paracetamol and any other analgesics (pills and other medicine for pain) literally 15-30 minutes relieve pain in the head, let bounce back and perform all other actions to restore their state.

However, this method should be regarded as critical: in severe hangover in the body a lot of alcohol and liver overloaded.

These drugs pose a serious burden on the liver and incompatible with alcohol.

Acceptance of pain medication over quantity 1-2 Tablets extremely dangerous.

Any number should be used very carefully and understand all the risks and possible consequences of your actions.

Read: Benefits curd and honey to the body.


Alkozeltser, Antypohmelin and other medications to relieve symptoms of acute hangover can fix even the hopeless situation.

But the problem is the same, as with tablets: drink these drugs should be the most cautious, carefully read the instructions before.

Miracles do not happen: sharp feeling better price there is a major blow to the body and highly efficient complex effects of chemicals.

Folk remedies for a hangover at home

Bath or shower.

Hot Tub speed up the elimination of toxins through the pores of the skin.

Cold or douches helps you recover and feel the freshness.

Open air.

Just breathe fresh air and cool "provitrytysya" and not hurt a healthy person.

With a little hangover thoughts come to order, there are forces to make a couple of operations to restore his fortune.

Sweet tea.

Glucose is broken down almost instantly in the body, giving the body extra energy.

The effect of short-term, but significantly less damage, than coffee or energy workers.

But green tea abuse crapulent not recommended.

No smoking in the morning.

Cigarette with a hangover only worsen the condition: thirst and dry mouth will increase, exactly as unpleasant taste.

Nicotine promotes vasodilatation briefly, which leads to increased headaches.

Cucumber brine.

Helps only high quality brine, restoring water-base balance in the body by its members.

Vinegar pickles cheap store only obpeche stomach and will not bring any benefit.

Easy exercises.

No one is required to carry weights or do push-ups on the floor, giving a big burden on exhausted heart and body.

Even light exercise will speed up the elimination of toxins through perspiration.

Among other things,, it is fast and safe for health. Preferably at least 5-10 minute walk from the average speed on the street – it will feel better.

Banana ice.

You can just knock bananas in a blender, but preferably with a small amount of ice.

This banana souffle is prepared in just a few minutes. The drug is very good feeling of nausea, dryness and unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Sweet bananas contain a lot of glucose, which quickly split and provides energy.

Trace elements and vitamins too, will benefit agencies and health.

Read: The benefits of pumpkin and honey to the liver.

Proper nutrition.

Oily foods and hard only enhance well-being and will help remove toxins from the body.

But all the same hangover soup, and any fibrous light food high in carbohydrates will benefit.

Suitable fresh tomatoes in any form or white bread with honey. Noodles in chicken broth.

How to speed up the healing process?

Essential oils.

Proper use of essential oils will remove part of the symptoms and relieve headache.

If necessary, remove the hangover quickly this method can be combined with taking a shower or bath.

In the process we should not forget to drink plenty of fluids: dehydration and impaired acid balance has not been canceled.


Glycine stimulates brain activity and helps repair damaged partially toxic effect of alcohol nerve cells.

By the way, thousands and thousands of cells after each meal with alcohol die once and can not be recovered.

Of course, a stock of more than one million, but still.


The best remedy for getting rid of the hangover, because the state of sleep the body is most effective.

Of course, that the fast method that does not include, but should be planned maximum possible amount of time to sleep after alcohol abuse.

This positive impact on the state of the body, and the state of health in the morning.

juices, Fresh fruit and vegetables.

They contain vitamins (especially vitamin B in orange and tomato juice), minerals and trace elements to accelerate recovery times required number of substances in the body.

After drinking large amounts of alcohol in the body there is a lack of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and many other minerals.

Juices and fresh fruit and vegetables perfectly restore these substances.

What not to do?

Some things to do with a hangover is absolutely not necessary.

In the morning the body is in the most serious condition: Alcohol intoxication collapse continues, no euphoria, but still have to move and act.

Not all promoters and assistants, popular among the people, actually permissible and safe with hangover.

Read: pine Needles, dog-rose, onion: benefit.

With great accuracy to treat these things:


When used with alcohol hangover quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Як позбавитись похмілляAs payback hangover will last much longer – until the day, because the kidneys and liver again given load.

This is not to be taken painkillers: hangover from alcohol and pills virtually guaranteed top give side effects.

Pohmelyatys much more harmful, than you think.

In severe cases, this leads to alcoholism and drinking bouts.

Bought canned.

Benefits cucumber brine with the well-known hangover.

But not everyone knows, that in fact only to store canned water, vinegar and a little spice.

Trying to cure a hangover vinegar-based marinade quickly lead to a gastroenterologist office.

Coffee and Cigarettes.

The standard start to the day for many, is not it? But after drinking: and coffee, dilates blood vessels and cigarettes, which will strengthen headache and stress on the cardiovascular system.

Positive effect while not observed, except mild and temporary thirst.

Plain water.

Of course, in the absence of a choice of beverages should drink plenty of water: This will get rid of dehydration.

However, if the choice should be mindful of alkaline and acid balance in the body, lost vitamins and nutrients.

Much better unsubscribe drinks, containing them: hangover will be faster.

Pills and drugs.

Tablets and medicines are almost always incompatible with alcohol, and in the morning the liver is overloaded and alcohol in the body is still.

It should take great care with medication (especially painkillers), taken after heavy alcohol poisoning.

Read: Milk and honey - useful properties.

Energy drinks.

Harmful not only energy, but drugs with tonic components: guarana, ginseng, Eleutherococcus.

Such a load with a hangover only able to sustain a healthy heart.

Moreover, morning that thirst is often used several cans of Power, then often required admission cardiologist.

How better to do?

The maximum effect can be achieved quickly in case, if combined several recipes and follow the logical chain, proposed in this article:

  1. Clear body.
  2. Take charcoal.
  3. Many useful drink drink, go to the shower, ventilate the room.
  4. Do not smoke, drink coffee, most stick to other suggestions from the article.
  5. If necessary, take 1 analgesic tablet, preferably once in the morning.
  6. Next tablet should not continue, than a few hours after the first.

In most cases the situation quickly improved well-being begins, and actually become easier for 30-60 minutes.

If we continue to follow the recommendations, then by state dinner will be perfectly acceptable, even after a heavy hangover.

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