Wax moth tincture

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Воскова мільProperties tincture Wax moth and accepting.

waxes miles – the most common pests of bees.

Danger is its larvae, that feed on bee products – wax.

Larva Wax moth only one in the world that can digest wax.

This adversely affects the strength sotoramok, But the man did not lose and pulled favor of this pest.

Wax moth tincture, as revealed, has many useful properties.

  1. History application moth
  2. Composition of drug
  3. Which diseases helps tincture?
  4. Therapeutic methods
  5. Alternative methods
  6. Wax moth tincture for children
  7. Wax moth tincture during pregnancy
  8. Contraindications to
  9. Features cooking
  10. Conclusions

History application moth

The first mention of the fact, that tincture Wax moth larvae – cure many ailments, appeared in the days of ancient Egypt and Greece.Настойка воскової молі

Healers from Mesopotamia could not see the benefit of the extract in the treatment of infertility, tuberculosis and sexual dysfunction.

These features have become famous in China, Japan, Kenya, Moth larvae of wax were added in the main restaurant meals.

Official recognition wax treatment received in milyu 19 century, After studies were carried out, and evidence base medicine got its effectiveness.

Composition of drug

Wax moth tincture is useful and effective, such action is entirely due to its unique composition, featuring a variety of chemical elements and complexity.

  • peptides;
  • enzymes;
  • nucleosides;
  • macromolecular proteins;
  • hormones;
  • mineral elements;
  • amino acids;
  • lipids and fatty acids.

Due to this structure product of the wax moth has a broad spectrum of activity and is used to treat and prevent many diseases.

Which diseases helps tincture Wax moth?

so, How useful wax moth? It is widely used in medicine to treat various ailments, and a list of indications for the use of ever-expanding.

  1. The ability of effective and rapid destruction of the shell Koch's bacillus, providing improvements in lung. So wax moth tuberculosis – one of the major folk treatments.
  2. According to doctors reviews, and patients, excrement wax moths are protective and anti-inflammatory effect, so they can fight with diseases of the respiratory system – asthma, Available, pneumonia.
  3. Popular drug helps bring order to the immune system and increase resistance to various diseases, widely used in the wax moth Oncology.
  4. If a person is suffering from heart disease, vascular system, the drug will have a positive impact and stop attacks, associated with angina, reduce breathlessness and ECG parameters make regulations.
  5. Mill-ohnevka well established in this field, as gynecology, could return as many women of reproductive function. Practiced her treatment in infertility, toxicosis or menopause.
  6. Extract of wax moth effective for male sexual function. Tool helps to increase sperm motility and reduces the risk of infertility, coping with prostate treatment.

If the beneficial properties add virtual absence of side effects and contraindications only minor, availability and efficiency, reviews of satisfied people, it is possible to 100% be sure, that the great wax moth – panacea.

Therapeutic methods using wax moth

Treatment of using this drug on a daily basis, added a few drops (preferably about 50 PC.) in drinking water and take twice a day before meals.

Настойка воскової молі препаратиBefore deciding on such unconventional therapy, should check, or moth tincture is suitable for your body.

It can cause allergic reaction, if it is wrong to breed or not to follow recipes.

In this connection, therapeutic activities begin with a low dose: with 5 drops.

After habituation in the absence of allergies can gradually increase the dosage.

Alternative methods of application

How to make a tincture Wax moth in other ways – this question, of interest to many people, Want to get rid of the disease.

There are several versions of the drug, but the use is carried out courses, which is 3 months.

A month rate is usually repeated. Medicinal product is stored 2 years from date of manufacture.

  • Wax moth tablets, you can order or buy in the drugstore, also used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Dosage appointed by the attending specialist.
  • Breeding small number of drops (from 3 drops to 10 kg) water or tea true for preventive purposes. For the treatment dosage is doubled or tripled.
  • Justified the use of the composition and the recovery after an illness and extreme measures of treatment. So, after myocardial held ten per therapy 4 drops to 10 kg weight.
  • In severe forms of the disease should treat using a larger dosage – by 5-7 drops to 10 kg of bodily weight.
  • Struggling with a wide range of ailments, You can take honey and water or alcohol extract moth. Medicinal properties of these drugs remain similar, and vice versa, effect only improve.
  • To achieve the effect of treatment using wax moth as an extract – melanium. Action due to the fact, that this kind of wax moth (extract melanium) has a special composition and properties.

So, wax moth can make with any diseases, before going consultation with a specialist.

If you follow the indications and contraindications, then all therapeutic measures will be most effective, and side effects will be felt.

Wax moth tincture for children

Elixir can be used by adults and children. Pediatricians often prescribe medication, if antibiotics and other means do not give relevant results.

No child, which took tincture, not experienced the side effects, but must strictly follow dosage.

According to the instruction, calculation goes on 1,5 drops for each year of life baby. Treatment lasts only 21 day, courses alternating with breaks in 1 month.

After 14 years the child may take medications for the same dosage, as an adult.

Wax moth tincture during pregnancy

Beekeeping products can be beneficial during pregnancy, but must consult with the attending specialist, because the drug can cause injury and allergies.

In this case, not used tincture Wax moth, and larvae, application for the same instruction, as in normal cases. Often expectant mothers drink this elixir when toxicosis.

Contraindications to

Ohnivka – This wax moth, which is not only useful, but also has some contraindications. These include several events.

To prevent these phenomena and take means "wax moth tincture", must, appointments made to your health specialist.

How to make a tincture Wax moth

Many wonder about, how to make their own brew. Expert opinion is, it is better to purchase finished products in beekeeping or private company, busy beekeeping. Личинки воскової молі

Detailed review, as is. To prepare the medicinal extract, takes great tracks on the penultimate stage of age.

Naydoroslishi larvae, which no longer feed, is not applicable, because it affects the properties of the drug.

Moth larva wax poured on alcohol 1/10, vessel then left in a dark place for several months, and then you can start the drug.

Interesting to know! There is speculation that, Wax moth larvae that, which are treated, have the ability to assimilate food like wax, This is because, in their digestive system contains a special enzyme, responsible for splitting the chemical composition of wax.


so, we considered, What is wax moth, and how it can be useful. Fighting wax milyu, which is apiarists, does not prevent its occurrence, because beekeeping sector give mankind this unique product.

Личинка воскової моліMethod of treatment and dosage chosen doctor patient on the basis of clinical, as wax moth has individual readings, and accepting means, depends on the individual.

In general, wax moth well proven in several directions – TB treatment, oncology, gastrointestinal tract, male and female genitalia, heart, etc..

Proper use means ensure good health for you and your family.

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