Wine grapes

Best Wine grapes
Wine grapes – a photo, description, gardeners reviews.
Grape varieties are very different.
Other grapes are both annuals, and long-term.
Wine varieties of vines are very popular in today's world.
Because usually it is the product of growers zatrebuvannyy.
Dessert wine grapes – a photo, description
Grape variety Wine – Aliquot

A photo: Grape varieties Aligote
Note, Aliquot which is one of the most common wine grapes.
Example, in France it produces white Burgundy wines.
Also, almost all countries of the CIS, Currently grape variety gives a subtle and very high quality table wines.
Aliquot, wine material, fully justified in champagne production well.
Its delicate flavor and fresh. Bright distinguished quality table wines from Aligote in Georgia, Moldova, as well as in Ukraine.
Subject to the necessary preparation technology, as well as timely harvest, table wine Aligote comes from the highest quality.
This wine has a golden straw color with a greenish tint.
Also grapes gives this wine a pronounced varietal aroma, and unique ease, freshness and harmony of taste.
Note, that often appears in the wine light bitterness. However, it is typical for this class.
In the southern region with enough hot climate of Aliquot make fortified wines, differing strengths.
Description wine varieties of white grapes – Riesling

A photo: Grape varieties Riesling
Riesling or Rhine Riesling, Yohannesburzky rislіng, white Riesling.
There are the classic grape of Germany, which is in dispute with Chardonnay for the title of best white grape of the world.
Because it makes wine, which has fresh fruit acidity, and clarity of flavor.
The aroma of fresh grape variety responds. In Germany, ranging from pale – green, until golden, fragrant exotic wines – particularly in Rhineland Palatinate.
Excellent diversity is manifested in warm climates, is typical in Alsace, and Austria, gets more fully when growing in California, Australia, there wine, Made from him, matures faster, becomes mature bouquet, backed by aromas of citrus.
Description white wine grape variety – Chardonnay

A photo: Grape varieties Chardonnay
Chardonnay – Burgundy white grape, which gives the wine more powerful, than the previous grade – Riesling.
However, it is less flavorful at a young age, and matures into a rounded and rich flavor, and sometimes oily, which has a smoky or musky taste and smell.
Champagne Blanc de blancs style, Chablis flavor, Sonoma Wine flavor, walnut wine shades Mercy.
This grape survives well in Australia, New Zealand, Oregon, and Northern Italy.
Description white wine grape variety – Bianca

A photo: Grape varieties Bianca
This grape is one of the best fruit quality and yield.
Bushes moderate and vigorous. Good ukorenyaemist cuttings. Grapes on 100-150 g.
Read: Grape Diseases and their treatment - photo.
The berries are medium, round or oval. They have yellow-green.
Harmonious taste. The high sugar content. The harvest on the bushes retained long enough, and this increases the sugar content.
Frost -27 WITH. Well mature sprouts. With this grape variety produces dry and sweet wines, which are of high quality.
Description wine grapes – Muscat views
Description of wine grape varieties – Alikant Boucher

A photo: Grape varieties Alikant Boucher
Alikant Boucher referred to as high-yielding varieties of grapes ripening late period.
Grape juice contains, in which many dyes. Dessert wines from Alikant high quality Boucher, and unique originality, They also have intense red color.
Description of grape varieties for wine – Isabella

A photo: Grape varieties Isabella
Isabella – This sort of late American grapes, which was released in the process of hybridization between species vinifera and Labruska.
This vine was introduced to Europe among the first American varieties.
There is widespread and. This grape variety is resistant to fungal diseases and phylloxera.
Grapes different frost. In the CIS this vine widespread in Georgia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Dagestan, in the Krasnodar region in Moldova.
Wine grape variety – Merlo

A photo: Grape variety – Merlo
Merlo – the most famous grape in Bulgaria. It was with him and receive the highest quality table wines.
Young wines Isabella less harmonic at a young age, than wines from Cabernet Sauvignon.
However, their advantage is, they reach the consumer maturity in just two years.
Description class wine grapes – Cabernet Sovіnyon

A photo: Grapes Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sovіnyon – Médoc grapes. The easiest way to recognize, as well as the most diverse of red grapes.
This variety is able to produce the best wine for any warm soil, almost every wine region in the world.
Its fruits are small, rather late ripening, dark, but they provide intense color wine with a strong currant and herbal aroma, and contain enough tannin, it slows down the ripening wine.
This quality wine has to mature in oak barrels, and bottled, the best mix of Merlot.
However, pure Cabernet also very common.
Read: The process of making wine at home.
Wine grapes – Pinot Noir

A photo: Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir – that much sweeter grapes, less tannin in it.
This grape variety has a richer texture, than Cabernet, so, wine with pleasant even at a young age.
Will mix with other grape varieties rarely, exception – Champagne.
The most successful in California, and New Zealand, less successful countries, predominantly Mediterranean climate.
Of course, in one article it is impossible to give a description of all wine grapes, because they are very, very much.
However, we hope, in this article you could learn for a bit of useful information about the main varieties of excellent tsoyi, tasty and useful plants!
Video: Wine grapes
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