Veresova honey

Honey heather
Veresova honey: useful properties and contraindications.
Veresova honey – this product, which is fundamentally different from other types of honey, because it has its own special colorful taste, and fragrance, and many nutrients.
In the UK, whence comes this oddity, really appreciate it and extol, but even there it is hard to find a treat data, because it is considered elegant and very popular.
so, heather honey – this product, produced by bees from a small evergreen shrub heath, which can be found in wastelands, tundra, marshes.
He grows in Ukraine, in Russia and surrounding countries in Europe and Asia. The largest reserves of heather in Scotland, which are more than three-quarters of the total number of plants in the world.
Heather honey repeatedly ospivuvavsya poetry and prose, He wrote Robert Louis Stevenson.
The popularity of this sweetness is so great, it can be found in religious games as honey drink chernovereskovyy.
Veresova honey: description
so, What is heather honey, and how it differs from other types of?
First of all, He has a very intense aroma and taste very original – tart mixed with bitter.
by taking it, you can still feel long aftertaste.

Veresova honey
It is not everyone likes, but attracts real fans.
The color of heather honey yellow and dark even darker.
The longer the grass is kept, the more bright taste has, the more appreciated.
In practice and user feedback heather honey is much more useful and valuable for the body.
After he collected from the nectar of plants completely different (it is not buckwheat, lime, sunflower, grasses), which contains a lot of nutrients, absent in other species.
So, heather honey on 2% consists of different kinds of proteins (enzymes, natural hormonal substances, source of amino acids).
Many types of chemicals causes a particular trait – it does not crystallize until the end, but only becomes a sort of jelly, thus extending its scope.
No wonder many are interested, how to cook with heather honey, how to apply. Recipes are not so much, and benefit from the enormous substance.
Read: How many grams in a tablespoon of honey.
Authentication raw materials
Given the popularity of particular heather honey can be forged, especially if it is dishonest
But check its authenticity is quite simple, You do not need to study intensively picture of all possible kinds of sweet bee products and their properties.
There are two ways, in which without difficulty can determine the quality of honey:
Heather honey so check: bank put aside and watch, as soon as the content starts to change its position and come out.
The real goods will be as long as a bank, it means that the purity.
You can also check the quality of heather honey another simple way. It is necessary to evaluate the presence of small bubbles in the bank.
If not, then, is not the, lost or mixture of useful properties. If only bubbles at the top, honey heated, trying to give a different sort for the desired.
Read: What is the shelf life of honey.
Storage, unique properties and applications
Such a mixture can often be the only means of escape from such serious diseases, as rheumatism, gout, cardiac edema, respiratory diseases, from infectious diseases, chronic problems with government.
Especially important to take the drug on the basis children.
It has substance and effect on appetite – it strengthens its, and interferes with the work of peristalsis, nervous system, respiratory tract.
Equally important is its use for the treatment of skin diseases and their prevention of using any available dosage form.
Contraindications of heather honey virtually no. So if you are not confused bitterness in taste and raw malodostupnist, you can safely use and not think about the likely damage.
This care is only for people with allergies, and those, who can not afford this stuff.
And so it is recommended to all, because it provides stable and reliable effect.
Read more: What is crystallized honey
Damage and contraindications
Veresova honey, like any other, is allergic properties. And his special care should be given to children.