What is the difference from bee bdzholosim'yi

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різниця бджолосім'ї від бджолопакетаThe difference from bee bdzholosim'yi: features and differences.

Many beekeepers often injected into use Bee packages, consider them as obsolete.

However, they are still in demand, especially among newcomers.

Any beekeeping and apiary starts with the purchase of hives.

Also the question: where to buy insect. In this case, the aid will come Bee packages.

Features and differences

novice beekeeper or the, who is going to expand family, You can use three main ways to buy bees, namely:

  1. cluster;
  2. bdzholosim'ya;
  3. bdjolopaket.

These options have some differences, to consider.

Bdzholosim'ya – this particular family of insects, which successfully survived the winter.

They have their own individual parent. All insects differ by type, ages, namely – brood, drones and working individuals.

Together with the families can buy land, hives and feed.

As for bee packages, it has a certain size.

It should be:

  • at least three kilograms of feed;
  • two frames, containing bee brood;
  • close 1,2 kg healthy, strong bees.

The package contains insects, obsadzhuvannya framework dealing with brood, which houses young queen.

Age parent individuals can not exceed two years.

Packet bee characterized by the presence of productive, quality, molodlyu uterus, and printed brood.

The package differs from the previous version in order, it can be purchased only in the spring.

Popular breeds of bees

породи бджіл

The most popular Carpathian breed considered insects.

They are characterized by peacefulness and performance at an early age.

Through their work turns out tasty and high quality honey, which is collected from the nectar with small amounts of sugar.

Carpathian bees can adapt to the nomadic form of beekeeping.

Buy bags of rocks in beekeepers can.

Bees Bakfast derived from the Italian rock, because they have similarities, dimensions and characteristics.

Bakfast have a dark color. The uterus can interbreed with other species.

Insects like cloudy, rainy weather, can successfully adapt to different conditions.

The main disadvantage of this breed – they are not adapted to cold. Advantage – rarely suffer, including askosferozom.

The main advantages of bees Bakfast:

  • resistance to many diseases;
  • wonderful honey plants;
  • they do not process typical unwanted swarming;
  • You can check the hive without fear at any time of day or night;
  • calm, peaceful and not aggressive;
  • keen sense of smell.

Specificity of

In the future site of the hive should be placed bdjolopaket.

It is important to draw the eye toward the direction of the house.

When you open the lid you need a little chimney podymity. Bees can brush away from the hood in the hive.

Специфіка розвитку бджолопакетаThen it is necessary to set a framework of evidence, he remains sweep insects, which is at the bottom of the package.

Parent specimen is possible to plant only after, like all insects subside and calm down.

It is important to remember, before you perform the transplant, Housing should prepare, thoroughly clean and disinfect.

Initially insect feeding should be given special, because they do not have enough of their nectar, To fully develop.

When it is cold outside, feeding syrup or honey is an obligatory measure. With the arrival of warm weather, they can produce their own food.

After a month of the family residence takes effect. At this time should be expanded bike, substitute frame Wax.

At the end of the month the family power increase to seven kilograms.

Do not forget about the box, which is required for the service. The box must be reliable and durable.

It must be collected according to the parameters of the frame. This should be done in advance, not later, than two days to buy.

Box is perfect for transporting insects.

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1 Response

  1. mikola says:

    цього року в мене злетіли бджоли з вулика в жовтні залишили весь мед .я підкормив їх в серпні аосінні медоноси цвіли ще і в жовтні після підкормки бджоли заповнили всі соти так що їм не було де сидіти .напевнотому і злетіли .напевно вони злетіли в рядом стоячі вулики бо там стало багато бджіл .як трохи потеплішає подивлюсь детальніше .думаю якщоб я вчасно підставив їм пару рамок суші то бджоли не злетілиб .

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