Sugar fudge Bee
Sugar fudge Bee: how to make.
In late winter or early spring bees are actively preparing for the gathering nectar, the need for food increases, why honey is sometimes missing, or it becomes too thick.
To support toilers, beekeepers often used feeding.
For this purpose the sugar fudge Bee.
Types of food for bees
- Kandy;
- sugar syrup;
- sugar fudge.
Experience shows beekeepers, bees with great pleasure eating fudge, than syrup.
Prepare these delicacies for bees is a snap.
For this you need:
- 2 kg of sugar;
- liter of water;
- 600 g liquid honey.
Place the purified water on the fire and Put sugar in it, carefully stir weight.
You need to achieve a state, cars table, is lowered into the water, becomes like plasticine.
Just dip the spoon in the sugar mixture, and then the water. Remove the spoon remains of the mixture and try to download a ball.
If it holds shape and does not freezes, the mixture is ready. Enter it in liquid honey and boil after boiling 3 moments.
NOT peregrivayte sweet. Chapter someone sugar into several pieces and wrap them in polyethylene.
How to make fondant sugar to bees and use it?
Usually someone weighing 1 kg wrapped in gauze and placed on top of the frame. This fudge average enough for bees 1 month.
If after cooling food for bees cracked, then, perederzhaly you a little sweetness on fire.
In order to improve the consistency of fudge, add a little water and put on fire on 2 moments. Mass will be softer.
For, To prepare the fondant you will not be disappointed, you can use a thermometer.
Measure the temperature of the syrup they. It should be 120 WITH. With the introduction of honey mixture cool slightly.
Store fudge in a wooden box, covering sugar who wax paper.
Better to download the appropriate size balls. So you can put on a layer of the desired size frame.
This is a great option preparation for feeding bees. Pour on the table 2 kg of powdered sugar on a roller coaster.
Make it a deepening and pour honey water. Stir mass, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
She downloading when a ball should not leak and blurred. This mixture is called Kandy, it is often used for treatment of bees nozematozu.
To this paste is added antibiotic. Usually this "Fumahilin", on 1 kg should Kandy 4 Mr. antibiotic.