Tagged: rose plant


Brier as a diuretic

Brier as a diuretic: benefit, how to cook? For a long time unsuccessfully struggling with edema, and drugs do not bring the desired result? Tried rosehip drink as a diuretic? Knowing all the features of this plant (part, activity),...


Contraindication, useful properties and recipes

Useful properties of rosehip and contraindications, accepting. Dog-rose, the fruits of which are widely used in food and as raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry, has the following properties and very few contraindications. This plant is widespread in...


Useful properties of rosehip tea

Tea with rosehip: useful properties, how to brew. There are some options for treatment and tonic, preparing to friends and, we can say, conventional plants. Useful properties of rosehip tea – theme, is rarely seen. IN...


The broth hips gastritis

The broth hips gastritis: or you can drink, contraindication. Gastritis – inflammation of the stomach lining – disease, faced 80-90% inhabitants of the Earth. At this frequency is not surprising, що фармацевтичний ринок насичений ліками від цієї хвороби....
