Tagged: Calendar beekeeper


Bees in September

Bees in September: Preparation for winter apiary. September – the first month of autumn. This period is very warm, but feeling the approach of cold weather in the air. In September, the bees gradually begin to prepare to winter, and...


Bees in October

Bees in October: of the apiary. With the onset of autumn, bees almost do not fly out of the hive, but during the warm days they may carry out cleaning overflights. In October, bees actually go into hibernation, with significant...

apiary in November 0

Bees in November

Bees in November: of the apiary. With the arrival of autumn beekeepers reached an important stage, major works aimed at preparation for hibernation. From that, bees perezimuet, depends on their performance in the next season. Families, which...


Bees in December

Bees in December. Care bdzholosim'yamy winter. According to many people, Work in the apiary full swing only in summer. Actually it is not so. With proper organization of labor can greatly relieve themselves in the spring and summer....
