Calendar beekeeper
Calendar for work in the apiary beekeeper – novice. Bees there is a yearly cycle, which is strictly laid out and is in full accordance with nature. Therefore beekeeper, not to make chaos in bees...
Bees and honey. Beekeeping for beginners, beekeepers. Construction hives. All of wax, propolis, pollen, bee pidmor. Rosehip drug.
Calendar for work in the apiary beekeeper – novice. Bees there is a yearly cycle, which is strictly laid out and is in full accordance with nature. Therefore beekeeper, not to make chaos in bees...
Calendar breeding queen bees for beekeeper. uterus – Queen bees in, That it gives life to all other insects in the nest. During the main feeding medosbora in good queen lays 1500 24 eggs...
Bees in January: Work in the apiary. Bees this month in a state of hibernation. Need 2 twice a month visit to insects. Opening the hive and inspect it without urgency can not be. At the...
Bees in February: Work in the apiary. Bees this month in a special alarm. This is due to frequent changes in weather. Therefore beekeeper should check the weekly family. In wintering need to adjust the temperature, and humidity. special...
Bees in March: Work in the apiary. March can be considered the end of wintering bees. Despite the possible low temperature air smells of spring, and insects it feel. Bees in March carried out the first spring circled. at...
Bees in April: major work on apiaries. April – important month in beekeeping. It is in the middle of spring in most regions comes first spring heat. At this time beekeeper provides a quick overview and hives...
Bees in May: May work in the apiary. With the arrival of spring begins crucial period in the apiary. May Bees collect nectar and pollen, feed their brood, vidbudovuvannya involved in cell. Bees in May accumulate power...
Bees in June: Work in the apiary, swarming bees. June – the first month of summer, in June and bees require enormous care and attention. Summer training apiary looks like a continuation of the spring, and the main forces diverted...
Bees in July: Work in the apiary, pumping honey. July – "Hot" month for the beekeeper. During this period falls head trick. In accordance, at this time will have to work hard. Need help bees to collect as many...
Work Beekeeper with bees in the apiary in August. There is a summer, and with it ends next season. Although bees produce more nectar from flowers, medosbora fixed period has ended. If the hive apiary is controlling,...