Hypro sunflower concentrate (concentrate Hipro) in animal husbandry: forget everything, what did you know about compound feed before?!
WITHоняшниĸовий ĸонцентрат Хайпро (concentrate Hipro) in animal husbandry: forget everything, what did you know about compound feed before?!
Modern food bloggers and nutritionists remind us about the importance of nutrition, quoting Hippocrates: “Mi – those, what we eat” Світ стикається з проблемою штучних добавок у їжі, що відсутні у давніх греків. Навіть при униканні шкідливих продуктів, важко впевнитися в якості корму для тварин, чиє м’ясо потрапляє на стіл.
Що нам загрожує?
Дослідники у галузі дієтології тривалий час висловлюють турботу про вплив складу харчових продуктів на здоров’я. Останніми десятиліттями зростає загроза для здоров’я від здавалося б безпечних та корисних харчових продуктів. So, продукти тваринного походження, такі як м’ясо, птиця та молочна продукція, стають чинниками ризику для розвитку хронічних захворювань. Причиною є використання в тваринництві стимуляторів росту, антибіотиків та залишків пестицидів у кормах. На додаток, використання ГМО, in particular, genetically modified soybeans, in feed additives raises serious doubts about their safety, because the opinions of the scientific community differ.
There is an alternative
Fortunately, an alternative to soy feed additive exists. Один з прикладів – «» (concentrate Hipro), in the composition of which was found from 43% raw proteins, which is a source of essential amino acids, which are extremely important for animals. Such a feed additive is practically devoid of anti-nutrients and has record protein digestibility indicators - compared to others by origin, protein components. Among other advantages, the increased content of vitamins - A, group B, E, and – the presence of riboflavin in the composition, niacin, choline, biotin, pantothenic acid. Decreasing the husk content increases the nutritional value and energy value of the feed.
Saving protein is a priority!
It is the application of such technology, developed by domestic specialists and scientists, made it possible to manufacture high-protein sunflower concentrate, what is the protein content (48%) was able to bypass even soy! Achieving an impressive result was made possible by the use of unique nanotechnologies of raw material processing and low-temperature extraction, which ensures the most effective removal of the product from the husk. The technology not only increases the nutritional value of the concentrate, but also ensures the preservation of the structure of proteins and amino acids.
The use of unique technology made it possible to significantly reduce the level of protein denaturation. Over 90% proteins in the product remain "alive"!
Hypro sunflower concentrate (concentrate Hipro) from the K2 company is not only a high content of valuable amino acids and vitamins, but decrease to 11% fiber content, an excess of which leads to the formation of a highly acidic gel in the digestive system of animals, provokes the growth of pathogenic microflora and prevents the assimilation of nutrients. Extremely important, that such a concentrate in no case contains GMOs and has a completely natural composition.
Result, confirmed by experiments
Developers of Hypro sunflower concentrate (concentrate Hipro) were well aware, that breeders will not be able to assess all the advantages of a new fodder concentrate based only on its composition. so, tested the product on pigs and poultry. Studies have proven that weight gain is accelerated and feed costs are reduced if soy is replaced in the diet with a new sunflower concentrate. So, the use of Hypro sunflower concentrate (concentrate Hipro) production of the company K2 in the ration of domestic livestock allows to reduce the cost of its fattening.
The innovative product has already attracted the interest of large well-known global manufacturers of compound feed. This means, that our new product has great prospects for implementation not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond it. The use of useful and safe concentrates in the diet of poultry and livestock will improve the quality of products of the meat and dairy industry and contribute to the spread of healthy eating traditions.