sunflower honey plant

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Соняшник як медонос: нектаропродуктивність

Sunflower honey plant

Sunflower as honey plant: when in bloom, productivity.

Sunflower – the most important annual oil and honey plant family skladnotsvitovyh, height to 2-3 m.

Sunflower, apparently, one of the most famous and beloved, processed mainly for oilseeds.

Can also be used as a fodder crop for silage preparation. In the gardens are grown sunflowers for seeds tasty and useful.

Sunflower – kulytura generous: except for oil seeds and feed for livestock, it is a good honey plant, What is essential for medosbora. This means, This culture profitable.

  1. sunflower cultivation
  2. Seeding of sunflower
  3. flowering time
  4. Nektaroproduktyvnist
  5. Honey sunflower

sunflower cultivation

Sunflower demanding to heat, different drought, but very sensitive to soil moistening.Соняшник обробіток

Good growth in suhlyntsyu and loamy black soil. The so-called “greasy soil”.

Too rich in humus and nitrogen compounds, stems grow strong, and reduced yields.

With an excess of nitrogen in the soil of flower nectar sunflower worse vidilyayut.

Preferred are precursors to sunflower crops. Medium term seed sunflower: in one to two weeks after sowing of early spring crops.

Seeding of sunflower

Seeding of sunflower seeds depends on the size and density of the proposed plant and is standing 6-10 kg / it.

It is, What's on 1 ha sunflower field is vysivatysya 70-75 th. PC. seed. This will provide the density 55-60 th. plants in 1 it.

Seeding depth: 5-8 cm. It is important to observe the uniformity of seeding at the same depth, This is an opportunity to get friendly, stair.

flowering time

First sunflower bloom at the end of the first month of summer and bloom about a month. Each flower blooms for two days, but if pollination has not occurred, then the bloom lasts 10-15 days.

Коли цвіте соняшникFrom sowing to flowering takes place 60-80 days.

With good attendance bees flowering baskets reduced flowering sunflower, which contributes to an earlier maturation and friendly its seeds, prevents pustozernystosti.

It follows, sunflower pollination that bees increases not only the number, but the quality of the crop.

Thanks to pollination by bees, sunflower yield increases 1,5-2 fold.

It is also important, what, in addition to higher yields, timely pollination allows harvesting at an earlier date.

And that, in turn, creates conditions for earlier treatment fields for future crops. The gain in time can be up to 2 weeks.


Medoproduktivnost average – 50 kg / it. The rate for pollination – 0,5 -1 bdzholosim'ya ha.

High saturation of sown areas greatly reduces the bees collecting honey per bee family.

The day bee family can prepare to 4 kg of honey (the average offered 2,5- 3 kg), and for all flowering sunflower – to 30 kg (half the can), Some families bring 40 kg.

Sunflower recommended Ukrainian steppe species of bees, which prystosovanna to hot conditions.

Depending on weather conditions and crop farming – medonosnist ranges from 25 to 100 kg / it.

Honey sunflower

honey, harvested from the plant, has a nice, thin, but weak aroma.

Sunflower honey gold, amber light, sometimes with a greenish tinge. In many sunflower honey from pollen, so many vitamins. Соняшник як медонос

Pure, ie without honey impurities other plants, sunflower honey not suitable for wintering bees, as quickly crystallized into coarse mass.

Honey bees collect from flowers Helianthus annuus nectar and pollen.

In southern Ukraine, North Caucasus, in some regions Black Earth zone, Siberia and Kazakhstan sunflower honey is the most important crop, providing the main medosbor, and replenishment of pollen in the nests of bees.

But !!! At a sunflower “major settling” (reduced) colonies and beekeepers because some do not want to go at it, the less Last sunflower honey plant and one of the main.

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