The system "Nikot"
The system "Nikot" (Nicot) to remove a uterus: video.
The system "Nikot" – This improved version breeding females honeycombs Dzhentera.
The classic method involves transferring larvae spatula and instilling it in wax bowl by hand, When an insect injury can not settle down in the new environment.
This is a very complex way, which requires a lot of experience, accuracy and excellent vision.
"Nikot" also allows you to bring bdzholomatok much easier through the use of artificial honeycombs.
The system does not cause any difficulties, and today there are many beekeepers, who use it and share videos and printed materials, how best to grow this way young families.
Standard system "Nikot", you buy off the shelf at many stores can bee, includes the following:
- cassette or hundreds, which will be deposited larvae
- bowls or so-called artificial cells – 100 items;
- Holders of mature larvae mysochok – 30 items;
- cells ready for sows – 30 items;
- mounting frame for vaccination – 30 items;
- instruction.
Also: read: Beekeeping method for Bucket.
That standard cells "Nikot" designed to create 30 queens, That's more than enough.
Benefits "Nikot"
Output uterus using a cell "Nikot" has some serious advantages, namely:
- using most young larvae;
- contactless mode output females;
- one in all age larvae, in accordance, uterus out at one time;
- the ability to use the WTO for replanting of new cancer in the family of bees;
- high performance system.
Working with "Nikot"
Getting Started with equipment – This collection cell (you need to perfectly clean bowls and put them inside) and its installation in a nest of bees.
To do this, use vaccination frame, which is prepared with normal or acquired separately.
Making yourself frame, should nail strips so, matochniki to then located in the center slot, where they will be better and more comfortable.
The cassette placed on the frame perfectly clean.
After all, if it is the remnants of the previous output, the bees can not take it easy.
Clear a system, abundant enough to lubricate it with honey or syrup and given a maternal family.
Read: Replanting females in colonies: how.
It will be perfectly clean, polished, also acquire the right scent.
The cassette placed on the frame perfectly clean.
The next stage is the most complex – output females. For this work caught the uterus and close it in the cassette.
This is done must be carefully, to prevent injury to insects. Closing Mother bees, cassette set in a frame inside the hive.
It is very important to ensure short distance, that bees could penetrate separate grating "Nikot", contact uterus, it pidkormlyuyuchy, support, and that it could lay eggs in artificial bowls.
Cancer in hundredths "Nikot 'leaving the morning, then released.
Installation grafting beyond the family
The next step (properly, The biggest advantage of this system "Nikot"), When the larvae do not get daily allowance of mysochok, and with them carry on vaccination frame for further maturation, providing high survival rate.
Transfer mysochok conducted in a separate room warm and humid, as required instruction.
This is an opportunity to choose the best larvae (30 with 100).
But you can not procrastinate, because young individuals can die or wither.
Once the frame is packed with artificial bowl, it put a host family and create conditions for proper care – put feeder with syrup.
Control and selection of queen
During maturation watching the queen, proper care of them, or they ripen properly.
Just before breeding sows culled from hundreds of the most unfortunate position – small and uneven.
When it comes time to departure, queen cells to divide cells and used in subsequent targets for the development of new families or consolidation layers.
Reviews of experienced beekeepers show, that the best shatter family-teacher on cuttings and give them matochniki.
Read: How to make yourself bdzholovydalyach: drawing.
Once the cancer will come, they can already dispose of. This conclusion does not end.
It should follow, a young family takes uterus, and watch the egg.
Use the system "Nikot" quite simply, also available To Video (a lot of different video), how to remove uterus so.