Symptoms of allergies to honey

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Симптоми алергії на мед, причини та лікування, тестSymptoms of allergies to honey, Causes and Treatment, test for allergic reatsiyu.

Honey is used in the treatment of rhinitis. To do this, it is diluted with boiled water in equal proportions and bury this solution nose.

Topical honey is used as a part rubbing and compresses. It would, on all sides by very positive and valuable food product, But this rosy picture spoils the only “but”.

Unfortunately, some people honey allergy.

Allergy to honey occurs only in a small number of people. Mainly, allergic reaction is not the honey, but some of its components. Very strong allergen is pollen flowering plants, of which Bees collect nectar.

A person may be a negative reaction to one or more species of flowering plants, and the presence in the honey pollen of plants and can cause an allergic reaction.

Another cause allergies to honey may be medications (including antibiotics), evidence that beekeepers treated for the prevention of disease of bees.

If a person has a predisposition to allergies to antibiotics, copper, where they are, is bound to cause a backlash.

Also, allergic reactions can cause sugar, syrup is dishonest manufacturers add in honey.

Rather, even sugar itself, a carcinogen, which is formed by heating sugars. When heated honey packaging, to make it easier to fill bottles.

  1. Symptoms of allergies to honey
  2. Test for allergic reaction
  3. Causes allergic to honey
  4. Honey allergy treatment
  5. Ration

Symptoms of allergies to honey

Allergy to honey appears not so often, and its symptoms in different people may be quite different.

Mainly, all signs of an allergic reaction to honey similar to symptoms of other types of allergies.

It may be:

  • cough,
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and tongue,
  • a sharp rise in temperature,
  • skin rash,
  • swelling of the whole body or individual sections,
  • headaches,
  • vomit, diarrhea and many other features.

Test for allergic reaction

To find out exactly, whether you are allergic honey, You can spend a couple of simple tests. Take a drop of honey and mouth, not swallowing, hold it a few minutes in the language.

If the first test you did not encounter any unpleasant symptoms as sore throat, rhinitis or skin reactions, you can safely use it in food.тест на медову алергію

And if they are still having, popoloschit mouth immediately with plenty of clean water.

Test 2: Apply a drop of honey on the inner surface of elbow and wait 15-20 minutes.

If within this period of time to test skin area will be red, itching or blisters, quickly wash away the remnants of honey.

Remember, If you entered a positive reaction to at least one test, this means, honey and all products, containing it, as well as bee products, you strictly contraindicated.

Causes allergic to honey

Which can cause allergies to honey? The important factor here is the genetic predisposition to allergies is on the components of honey, to antibacterial and other drugs, flowering plants pollen and other allergens, are lots.

Most allergic reactions are caused by the bowel zashlakovannistyu. The human immune system is in the intestinal microflora, and when he scored slag, the…

In general, and such immunity. It also happens, that tests have shown a negative reaction, allergic reaction and then all still there.

Why? The thing dosage. Any product can be allergen, If you eat at one of its many.

Honey allergy treatment

Treatment allergies to honey should take place in conjunction with diet, aimed at cleansing the body from unnecessary ballast in the form of slag.

Compulsory should be removed from your life all bee products. It is necessary to clarify, on what plants your body reacts allergic reaction.

Acceptance of a new generation of antihistamines remove the acute symptoms of an allergic reaction in minutes.

лікування алергії на мед

The action of these drugs distributed daily, allowing not to abuse medicines.

With recipes for traditional medicine decoction of herbs can be used, to help bring back to normal digestion.

Allergy, as such, not subjected to treatment. You can only drown in flash using antihistamines in the genus Allegro, Dimedrolu, And similar Klarineksa.

External drugs is divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. Among the best known hormone hydrocortisone ointment, Flucinar, Elokim.

Among the most popular non-hormonal – Depantenol, Pantoderm, Fenystyl gel and other.

Speaking of ointment decongestants, then the best choice is a prescription Claritin-D, and of those, that on sale, Tsirtek-D or D-Neosinefrin.

Just be careful, these drugs raise blood pressure. In any case, before taking should always consult your doctor, because every drug has its side effects.

If you are allergic to honey, do not forget to avoid taking foods that contain honey, even in small quantities.

You should also forget about the masks and body cream, which is composed of honey.


As for the diet for allergies to honey, remember, it, mainly, caused by pollen plants, and will be properly excluded from the diet of their food allergenic foods origin.

  1. If there was an allergy to buckwheat honey, should abandon the use of buckwheat.
  2. If the "provocateur" were sunflower seeds, it should be replaced with olive oil, sunflower or corn, but the pastry, which use seeds, all you have to forget.

No need to think, that allergy to honey itself will be. It will not be!

Little of, it more than once reminds you of yourself, if you do not watch your diet and treatment.

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