Rosehip medicinal properties: tea recipes, broth.
Since ancient times known, what rose hips have medicinal properties and a source of useful components, which is used as in folk, and in the official medicine in the treatment of many diseases.
Brew and drink rose hips in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect must, including some features, otherwise the expected benefits will not bring broth.
- Composition and benefits
- Methods brewing hips
- The broth of dried rose hips
- Rosehip in a thermos
- The fruits are dried without thermos
- Fresh rose hips
- Rosa in multyvartsi
- root hips
- The petals of rose hips
- Tea with rosehip
- Compote
- Weight loss and rose
- Oats with rosehip
- The classic recipe
- The application features
- Rosehip children
- Rosehip in pregnancy
- Contraindication
Calories in 100 gram pulp product is 109 kcal.
Given this list of nutrients, and their benefits together, decoction with hips provides the following effect:
Tincture of petals is used as the fixing of the drug, to rinse the mouth and with dermatological problems.
A decoction of the leaves of this plant also contains large amounts of vitamin C, because it is often used for colds.
The people infusion of roots and fruits most popular liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the urogenital system, especially if you have kidney stones.
The main raw material for making medicinal drinks are considered hips, also for therapeutic purposes apply roots, petals and leaves of this plant.
Though less, than fruits, but these parts are a lot of useful features.
Making preparations on the basis of a composite is different.
So, to correctly answer questions, how rosehips brew and drink, need to know, what kind of will be used.
In order to keep the product more useful components boil Rosehip not recommended.
Even if, prepared broth, mloyat raw water bath.
For this purpose about 30 grams of crushed dry fruits, add to them 400 ml of boiling water, tire cover and a water bath for 15 minutes.
Drain hard part, and then boiled water to fill the lost fluid volume.
Accept broth hips by 1/2 cup 2 times a day 14 days with weakened immune systems.
You can find many recipes, claiming, that for decoction with hips take some time to boil over medium heat fruit.
Undoubtedly, This damage will not, but also benefit. Berries due to cooking only lose a significant number of medicinal properties.
Найбільш використовуваний рецепт – rosehip extract, is the easiest way to brew using thermo.
Приготування згідно з цим рецептом – тривалий, thereby fruits give the maximum number of components.
Preparation: first oshparyty thermos with boiling water, only then fill it in 4 st.l. whole fruits washed, pour boiling water and leave overnight zavaryuvatysya.
Allowed the reuse of raw materials, but not more than two times.
If you need to shorten the cooking time, You can chop the fruit.
Then it will be enough for two hours of infusion. But such a formula should carefully strain the infusion, to avoid getting lint, that irritate the mucous membranes.
Ready infusion useful to use lemon juice or honey. Take before meals for 200 ml per day, warm or cold as desired.
Отриманий напій – потужний вітамінний засіб з вираженою жовчогінною і діуретичною дією.
Useful for people with liver disease, kidney and gastrointestinal tract.
Importantly! Thermos recommended to use a glass flask. In contact with the metal, as a result of chemical reaction components useful lose some of their properties.
The drink is based on hips can be prepared without a thermos. However, the concentration of the infusion get weaker.
In this case, the need of non-metallic container, which should be placed 1 st.l. chopped raw 1 cup of boiling water.
A mixture of cover and insulate, leave to infuse 1 year. Then infusion of strain and drink carefully 200 ml per day, divided into 2 techniques.
Difficulty broth or cooking rosehip infusion of fresh fruits is, що часу для їх використання дуже мало – 2-3 weeks in September, when the berries reached full maturity.
With this method of preparation is obtained rich drink, vystoyavshymsya and slightly tart.
It is possible to use Multicookings any firm: Redmond, Polaris, etc., because pine extract will be automatically programmed mode "quenching".
Wash raw device placed in a bowl, lemon and add the necessary amount of water.
Set mode "quenching" for cooking 1 year. It is advisable to do at night, the morning to drink left to infuse in multyvartsi, so give up the fruits of utilities.
For the preparation of infusions used dry plant roots: 1 Article. l. crushed to powdered raw material needed to fill 250 ml of boiling water, warm blanket and insist 5 hours.
The resulting beverage filter. Take for 30 minutes before meals in equal portions during the day.
This infusion is indicated for inflammation of the bladder, gastrointestinal disorders, to improve bile, relieve pain and spasms.
To prepare the infusion, must fill 1 st.l. thoroughly crushed petals plant one cup boiling water. Leave the lid, and half an hour to filter.
Applications: as an analgesic and germicide in dermatology. Also effective in inflammatory diseases of the eye.
Tea with the addition of fruit made much easier, than cook broth hips.
In this case, the main brewing added some fruit plants.
If using fresh product, enough to stuff three per cup, dried in need 2 times more.
Infuse enough to 10 minutes. You can try different variations, to pick up a suitable drink, example: a brew fruit plants without tea leaves.
Here, saturation taste a cup of boiling water is required 1 ch.l. dried minced raw.
Час заварювання – до 10 minutes; Tea can be combined with different berries, whichever, the effect required.
Colds or cranberry viburnum in tandem with the anti hips will have a strong effect.
drink warm, reduce fever and headache. Drink it recommended warm at night; insomnia or nervous stress tea with rose hips on hawthorn give a sedative effect.
A teaspoon of chopped mixture in the same amount of fruit, pour a glass of boiling water and leave the lid on 10 minutes, drain. Drink in one go.
These treats will please both adults, and children. Fresh drink relieves fatigue, stimulates brain performance, improves the quality of the blood and has anti-inflammatory effect.
Method of cooking: To cook useful compote, you must first lightly mash the fruit.
Then pour into a pan of water needed, bring it to a boil. Only after boiling add Rosehip, cook about 5-10 minutes.
After that capacity remove from heat and leave to infuse. Drain hard part, sweeten to taste.
For this drink can be used not only dried, but also fresh fruit. Also rose as well with Stewed fruit: apples, pears, a slice of lemon or orange.
Coping with excess weight alone can not afford dog rose. Whatever beneficial properties not owned plant, but the "burn" body fat, taking only drinks based on plants, без додаткової дієти і занять спортом – це нереально.
But during weight loss drink broth hips very helpful, as it will improve the stomach, toxins, slags, heavy metals, who detrimental effect on the body.
As a result of several extra kilos will still lose.
How to prepare and adopt broth hips slimming?
For this purpose, it is desirable to use the infusion, which will retain most of the useful components.
Preparation: 3 st.l. whole berries to fill 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight (preferably in a thermos).
The morning will only strain of firm. Drink drink for best effect should small portions, але часто – 5 times a day 1/2 cups before meals.
Such combination products, at first sight, may seem strange, but it can clean up and improve the performance of a number of, а в першу чергу – печінки.
Among the folk remedies of liver cleansing broth oats is one of the leading places on efficiency.
In combination with rosehip added beneficial effects on the pancreas and spleen, and restorative effect by vitamin composition berries.
Ingredients grind in a blender or coffee grinder until powdered. The resulting powder fill a glass thermos and fill with boiling water.
Infuse for 12 hours. As a result, get swollen mass of oats and rosehip, which must drain and squeeze hard part.
Take on an empty stomach or after 2 hours after eating 1 glass of warm infusion for ten days.
Next is a two-week break. Three such courses enough for routine cleaning of the liver.
How to drink beverages on the basis of the plant? If the application is meant compote or tea, ie low concentration of product, any strict no restrictions.
Allowed daily intake as hot tea or, vice versa, cooling drink.
In the treatment course is a concentrated drink 10-14 days with a mandatory week break, to avoid heavy load on the liver.
In this case rosehip drink instead of tea every day are not recommended, and the therapy alone courses.
In the presence of gallstones treatment based broth plants can trigger a blockage of the bile ducts.
Before starting therapy, need to determine, whether stones, and their size.
Що зробити – відвар, infusion, tincture from hips, and how, depends on the indication for use.
Example, to strengthen immunity and colds should drink broth, cooked in a steam bath.
In this case, the right to take a daily dose of broth hips at night (a few hours after eating).
When berries brewed a thermos extracted maximum benefit. Such an infusion improves gallbladder motility, quality bile, gastrointestinal tract.
Bile effects manifest drink in warm, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
Improper use products based on wild rose root can trigger constipation, it is recommended to drink concoctions of herbs along, hindering increased gas production (fennel, dill).
Enter in the diet of a child berries permitted until six months. З цією метою підійде менш концентровані напої – компоти або чаї, in pure form or in combination with other fruits.
Most drugs used in pediatrics for the treatment of non hips, as well as an additional source of vitamins.
But if there is need for such treatment facilities, then only after consulting a pediatrician, because there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
It is not recommended to drink any of the drinks to children at bedtime after a strong diuretic.
The broth hips during pregnancy help to strengthen the body and fight viruses.
Diuretic effect broth prevent swelling legs, especially in hot weather.
In the absence of specific contraindications quite expectant mothers are allowed to add to your diet cup curative drink fruit Herbal.
How long in this case can be drunk rosehip? Enough 1-2 cup of tea or compote day.
A concentrated beverage (infusion, broth) take ten courses followed by a break.
All is well, but as, and rose is no exception.
With all the benefits of vitamin plants contraindication to its use is still there:
In the presence of chronic diseases a doctor says, and how much to drink based drinks hips.
In this case, you should not engage in self and take too many medical infusions.
But occasionally a cup of tea with a few fruit plants nobody hurt.
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