
What Wax, wax foundation, how to save, a photo.
Wax – it leaves with beeswax with prodavlenymy hexagons to quickly rebuild hundred.
This letter is attached to the frame, which is inserted into the hive.
These devices allow the download of bees swarming and warn.
Therefore beekeeping Wax – This is not only a great harvest of honey, but also the health of bee colonies.
From this depends Beekeeper income. It should be noted, the wax can be harvested at any time of the year, many stores to change his cake mix – sheets of cells.
Wax: what it is?
Wax Bee held in factories for the processing of raw wax. The mass is melted and fed into the drum, rotating.
Then a thin sheet is passed through rollers coated honeycomb pattern.
Few beekeepers can boast, Wax that make their own. Some plants use elektrosposib printing.
Then roll cut into pieces of a certain size.
Question, Wax that is not there beekeepers, as many of these letters made their own hands.
Sometimes like product produced by punching.
It resembles a huge Waffle Irons adjustment pattern in the shape of hexagons.
On one plate filled wax, and the second prydavlyuyetsya.
This press metal parts are cooled by water. So, stamped sheets do not stick to the form.
Sheets of wax relief hexagon used not only newcomers, have no land.
Experienced beekeepers often use such tricks to prevent swarming and increase gross amount of wax. This is a great way to save later.
The hands Wax can be produced by two methods:
- rollers;
- press.
Homemade rolls for wax are the two drum coated honeycomb pattern.
Through such a device transmitted a letter, and it squeezed bottoms.
Some rolls are made with their own hands to wax, but at home better use press.
Sometimes beekeepers use plastic Wax. This plastic sheet with extruded grooves, bottoms that resemble honeycombs.
It is often used, To implement expansion slot Wax. With, making Wax, few know.
Plastic comb beekeepers buy with caution. They believe, that a product is dangerous and can spoil honey. Actually it is not so.
What do Wax?
Raw – plain melted beeswax. Before using these sheets covered with a thin layer of melted wax.
On a sheet of wax stamped hexagon, Dentsu is the future of the WTO, in which insects will lay eggs and collect honey.
Advantages wax foundation:
- does not break;
- is about 10 years;
- on it do not start microorganisms;
- no need to carry out the process navaschivaniya;
- deformed.
Unfortunately, in our country is still rarely used wax foundation made of plastic.
Similar products are successfully used in America, even some domestic beekeepers plastic products bought abroad, because here it is not easy to find.
Plastic Wax, comments which still can be found, rare in retail stores.
Wax scope of waste can be collected by treating them with hot water. With plastic products do not need navaschuvaty beyond Wax.
Silk sheets of trays used prodavlenymy, applying expansion bee nests in the spring Wax Kashkovskomu.
Before use Plastic Wax "Dadan" covered with wax. Using applying hot wax on wax plastic, which is carried out by hand.
You can see photos of wax, to learn, how it looks. It reminds translucent thin film, which begins to sag when heated. This is normal, it should be.
As at home make Wax
There are many options for making this material. One of the easiest – make it "Waffle Irons".
For this letter acquired factory, preferably made of plastic. Next epoxy resin is melted and poured into the factory corrugated sheet.

Wax at home
Similarly, on the other hand do. To not poured resin, stick to the edge of the sheet of plastic bumpers.
Developing an integrated hard letter, therefore produce half, which then stick together.
Often used for making silicone rollers, sold in DIY stores.
For the manufacture of molds it is applied in factory hundred letter to rebuild and allow to dry.
That leaves behind the easy form, it does not need to be lubricated. Enough to bring cold water to form.
Usually drill holes in the rollers for water supply and drainage pipes for hot fluids.
In industrial devices do not always provide cooling, so many beekeepers finalizes acquisition.
To adjust the thickness of the sheet should dip it into the melted wax, and then in cold water.
Then repeat the procedure until, until you get the desired thickness canvas.
Then scroll through lists rollers, giving them relief. To letters do not stick to the rolls, production should lower the temperature.
Reduce heat wax can, so you need to chill rollers. This is done by feeding cold artesian water rollers.
How to wax your own hands?
When the resin cools down, it is removed from the sheet. You may need a machine for wax.
If the forms were particles of wax, it is removed by immersing in hot water.
Now you need to make a thin sheet of wax. For this level the board dipped into melted raw edge and wait, When the mass hardens.
Make your own hands can wax every experienced beekeeper
How to establish the Wax on the frame?
By immersion in warm water sheet off and placed in the grooves epoxy blanks. Then her grip.
Krepjat such letters to the frame by heating or soldering. As the wax mount to the frame?
Video shows all the details of the process. Setting wax in the hive (video useful) does not take much time and effort.
Usually made wax setting spring, When insects are only prepared to spring medosbora.
So, all insects, including young, are busy working. They did not have time for swarming.
The dimensions vary wax, following, what you need.
How to make wax, its cost?
Many question, how much Wax. The price of this useful product is low and depends on, size hive and frameworks.
The dimensions are different wax, consider it, ordering it through Internet. The first time you do navoschuvannyam, you should watch the video, navoschuyut as wax to the frame.
You can use footage, to help a novice in a difficult labor. On the topic, a wax pull on the frame, there are many videos.
Often used homemade device for fixing wax WITHIN. This template, beaten with boards, allowing smooth letter post between the wire.
Device for casting wax
Rollers – This drum with beads glued to form honeycombs. Clicking on the letter is characteristic imprint.
This unit can be manual or mechanized, that is working on engine. Often used for Waffle Irons wax.
This handheld unit for roughening wax consists of two plates with a characteristic pattern.
Letter fit between the plates and contracts. Now you know, How to make wax.
This form of wax to not allow it to do production for sale. Rollers will quickly provide a roll of wax cloth typical relief.
Some master machine for manufacturing wax.
How many 1 kg wax sheets?
On the Dadant frame in 1 kg contained wax 13-15 sheet. If the frame width 230 mm, the 19-21 letter.
in addition, may vary and sheet thickness depending on the type of frames and hives. The plants are technological instruction, describing the quality of the product and its main characteristics.
Weight letters wax depends on the size and scope of hives used.
Some beekeepers believe, that produce similar items impractical and costly.
Therefore easier to buy Wax, produced at the plant.
At the same time the production has its own laboratory for quality control, to minimize getting marriage.
Besides the usual standard made Trutnev Wax, characterized fortified walls and a large mesh size.
It is used for combat the varroa mite, and to collect honey and regulate the number of drones in the family.
If you are a starting beekeeping, the, it is best to be exchanged wax on wax.
Candles own hands
Very nice looking candles with letters. Many factories claim: "We make a good quality wax". She boldly take candles.
For their production is taken and melted beeswax in a water bath. Next, you need to prepare and shape the wick for candles.
For melting wax Take only enamel pot, so raw acquires gray color and not burnt. pay attention, the wax is melted at a temperature 180 WITH.
After receiving liquid mass pour it into shape. Do not forget to insert the wick, made from cotton yarn.
Now put the letter on the table near the plate and wrap them received a candle. This letter cleave, and the product acquires a characteristic honeycomb relief.
What wick suitable for candles with wax their own hands?
Commonly used rope or cotton thread, which are woven into a tight cord.
Do not use nylon thread. You can not use the wax for candle production, rather use the letter.
From the materials you will need:
- oppression;
- scissors;
- candle or lighter;
- silicone mat.
Now you need a little warm waxy leaf edge with reflections hundred. In this groove insert wick.
Hold a candle near. So, wax will slowly melt, and you will gradually twist canvas. Take your time, otherwise you can break or tear sheet.
The thickness and length of the candle wax dependent, Sheet dimensions must be considered.
If you are using a standard Wax, it is designed to hive dadan, in accordance, Candle get high with a large diameter.
Why bees wax bite?
This is because, that the wire is covered with oil or other fat. Insects obhryzayut just this fat with strings.
Sometimes an insect bite reinforcing layer. This is, if applicable reinforced Wax.
Usually during its production into a thin wire is laid.
To toiler ceased to gnaw wires, degrease it with alcohol or ordinary brew
It is advisable to use such devices, If distillation is carried out in nectar honey at high speeds.
This not break the cells. Wax at home reinforcing goes too high quality and a little different from factory.
in addition, homemade Wax much cheaper factory. But the necessary experience, to produce high-quality sheets.
To save Wax?
You have to dry room. It is advisable to avoid overheating Products, as wax melts, and letters deformed even with a slight heating.
It should be noted, that savings need to collect every gram wax and hand over to the shops or to change the already finished Wax.
The advantage of store in wax, that the plant all the raw material undergoes disinfection.
Therefore, in these paintings no microbial spores and mites. If you can not without problems navoschyty frame and the remaining pieces of cloth, do not worry, glue them melted wax.
Bee happy to rebuild this mosaic.
Why not sow uterus in artificial honeycombs with letters?
Sometimes bdjolomatka stubbornly wants to lay eggs in the purchase of fabric mesh for the reconstruction of hundreds.
Ask the manufacturer, he adds in paraffin wax at peretoplyuvanni. Some species of bees experience, which not only used beeswax, but artificial material.
So, many entrepreneurs trying to save, insects but not up to snuff. These cells usually filled with honey, Queen eggs but they did not lay.
If you purchased a similar product in stores, take it back. Probably, take it back.
Have a lot of henigkoeke. how do I melt them to bottle or make cubes for uses.
On a stove, in oven, what is the best
To melt this.