Salmonellosis bees – methods of control
Salmonellosis bees: Symptoms and treatments.
Few people know, some people the disease characteristic of bees.
One example is salmonella.
perpetrators (bacteria) this infection attributed to the genus Salmonella:
- will. pullorum;
will. typhi mice; - will. dublin;
- will. cholere suis and some other bacteria.
To determine the typical accessories of microorganisms using specific serum ahhlyutynyuyuchi.
It should be noted, as a potential threat to beekeeping is located near Pig-breeding enterprises and organizations, engaged in cattle.
The point is, each of these organizations is the source of the pathogen, we considered pathology.
Therefore, the project will apiary superfluous analysis of wealth businesses, which are located around the site of translating ideas into practice within a radius 3-5 km.
The viability of the pathogen on the basis of its existence seats:
- Natural environment – close 75 days;
- Priming – 14 days. Salmanelli, triggers fever in mice, viable in the ground for 170 days;
- Dry feces – In average 3 years.
The spread of disease
DISEASES know firsthand beekeepers most countries with developed beekeeping.
It promotes the spread of non-compliance with veterinary and sanitary measures, disregard rules, feeding, maintenance.
List sources of Salmonella, which are dangerous for apiaries, includes healthy (it is a batsylonosiyi), and sick animals, represented a major, small livestock, horses, sow, cats.
These sources can be safely attributed dogs, foxes, rodents, feathered, including wild.
There have been cases, when bees infected with salmonella drains, containing animal feces, people.
Unfortunately, this kind of problems remain to this day.
Each parking, grass – it is possible sources of pathogen.
Read: Senotainioz - a disease of bees, methods of control.
Start of illness comes at a time falling into the gastrointestinal tract of Salmonella, contained in the feed bees, water.
Initially the agent is in the hemolymph, then in the fat body, muscles.
Patients insects lose perytrofichnoyi membrane, because it is almost completely destroyed.
Salmonellosis begins to develop towards the end of hibernation.
Flash this insidious illness may fall and the first month of spring.
When the disease affects the insect digestive tract.
This is due to intense multiplication of Salmonella in the hemolymph.
Features feces of affected individuals in the spring overflight:
- highlights the fetid smell;
- sticky consistency;
- yellow-brown.
If you notice one of these signs, it's time to sound the alarm.
After the death of insects abdomen swell. For the diagnosis of epizootic necessary data.
In this case, the characteristic features help, you should know and distinguish the symptoms of other diseases.
Advice: If you are new, then do not take the time, money for laboratory analysis.
In the laboratory, investigating the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, fact check your bees infected with laboratory rodents.
Control Strategy
Fighting salmonella primarily be based on these preventive measures:
- Construction apiary at least 1000 m from the nearest livestock facility, pastures;
- granting access only to bees forage quality, fresh water. Experienced beekeepers are advised to add some salt water.
Treatment at this corresponds hafnioz. If the fact of the disease confirmed, then held events, related disinfection of hives, plug-in boards, Steliana, framework, previously cleared.
disinfection Method – irrigation. The consumption rate disinfectant – liter per square.
Applicable solutions:
- 3% hot sodium hydroxide;
- warm alkaline solution of formaldehyde (It consists of 3% formaldehyde + 3% hydroxide).
By flushing water disinfection should be, drying, we listed items.
With hundreds of troubled families get wax. Empty cells safe from bee colonies are treated by spraying death. solution, until they are filled all cells on both sides.
For this purpose you can use 1% odnohlorystoho iodine solution.
The exhibition is three o'clock.
Alternative – 2% formaldehyde.
Exposition – four o'clock.
Any of these disinfecting solutions removed by shaking frame.
As in previous cases,, followed by washing and drying.
Disinfection clothing, towels, facial mesh by using a 10-minute boiling.
Wax from troubled families apply only for technical purposes.
Suppose disinfection autoclaving (temperature – 127 C, disinfection time – 120 minutes).
honey, which brought patients bdzholosim'yi, can be used for food purposes.
However, it should not be used as feed for bees.
Read: American foulbrood in bees: treatment.
In practice, tested and proven therapeutic efficacy syrup, containing chloramphenicol, neomycin.
He fed three times every three days. The strategy is quite simple cooking preparation: fresh rash (1000 ml, sugar / water – 50/50%) + neomycin (200000 ME) + chloramphenicol (0,2 g).
To accelerate the process of preparation Antibiotics previously dissolved in water.
It should be noted, nuances that treatment, Disinfection same as in hafnyozi.